Mastering Zustand: A Simple and Efficient State Management Library for React

As a React developer, you know that managing state is a crucial aspect of building robust and scalable applications. While there are several popular state management libraries like Redux and MobX, they often come with a steep learning curve and can add unnecessary complexity to your codebase. Enter Zustand, a lightweight and flexible state management…

Yet Another Post About React Props: A Deep Dive

Introduction React, the popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, has revolutionized the way we develop web applications. One of the key concepts in React is props, short for properties. Props allow you to pass data from a parent component to a child component, enabling reusability, modularity, and separation of concerns. In this comprehensive guide,…

Yes, React is Taking Over Front-End Development. Here‘s Why.

In the rapidly evolving world of front-end development, one library has emerged as a true game-changer: React. Developed by Facebook, React has taken the web development community by storm, becoming the go-to choice for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. Its popularity has soared in recent years, and for good reason. In this comprehensive article,…

React Testing Library Tutorial: Mastering Unit Tests for React Apps

As a full-stack developer, I know firsthand the importance of shipping high-quality, well-tested code. In the fast-paced world of React development, it‘s all too easy to overlook testing in the rush to deliver new features. However, neglecting tests is a recipe for disaster. Buggy, unreliable code can frustrate users, erode trust, and ultimately cost your…

Why you should choose useState instead of useReducer

As a full-stack developer who has worked extensively with React, I‘ve seen the useState vs useReducer debate play out many times. There‘s a common belief that useState is only suited for simple state while useReducer is the go-to for complex state management. However, over my years of experience, I‘ve found that useState, combined with a…

Why React 16 is a Blessing for React Developers

React, the popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, keeps getting better with every release. React 16 introduced several new features and improvements that simplify development and optimize performance. As an experienced React developer, I‘m excited to share my thoughts on why React 16 is such a blessing for the React community. In this article,…

Why I Built the Simplest Async Universal React Redux Boilerplate I Could

As a full-stack developer, I‘ve worked with numerous React Redux boilerplates over the years. While these boilerplates can be incredibly useful for jumpstarting projects, I often found myself overwhelmed by their complexity and the sheer number of dependencies they included. It felt like I was spending more time trying to understand the boilerplate than actually…

Where to Hold React Component Data: state, store, static, and this

One of the most important concepts to master when building applications with React is how to effectively manage component data. Choosing the right place to store information can make your components more reusable, maintainable, and performant. React offers several options for holding component data, each designed for specific use cases. These include local component state,…

What‘s So Great About Redux? A Deep Dive for JavaScript Developers

If you‘ve been in the JavaScript ecosystem for a while, you‘ve certainly heard about Redux. It‘s one of the most popular and influential libraries for managing application state. But what makes Redux so compelling, and why does it continue to be a dominant force in front-end development? In this deep dive, we‘ll explore what Redux…

What‘s New in React 18 Alpha? Concurrency, Batching, the Transition API and More

React is by far the most popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, powering hundreds of thousands of websites and applications. According to recent surveys, over 70% of front-end developers use React regularly, and its adoption continues to grow year over year. A big part of React‘s success has been its commitment to delivering a…

What I Learned at React Europe 2017: A Full-Stack Developer‘s Perspective

React Europe, the premiere European conference dedicated to the React ecosystem, took place in Paris a few weeks ago. As a full-stack developer specializing in React, I eagerly anticipated the chance to learn from and connect with some of the brightest minds in the community. Here are my top takeaways and reflections from the conference….