How to Build Debuggable Styled Components: An Expert Guide

Styled-components is a popular CSS-in-JS library that has taken the React world by storm. According to the State of CSS 2020 survey, it is the most widely used CSS-in-JS library, with 39% of respondents using it.

Adoption of CSS-in-JS libraries

It‘s not hard to see why. Styled-components provides an elegant, component-friendly syntax for styling your application. It automatically scopes your styles to avoid naming conflicts. It removes unused styles when a component is no longer used. It makes dynamic styling based on props or global theme a breeze. What‘s not to love?

Well, as it turns out, debugging styled components can be a bit of a pain. I‘ve lost count of how many times I‘ve opened up the browser dev tools, only to be confronted with class names like sc-bdVaJa and sc-bwzfXH. It‘s like trying to decipher hieroglyphics!

As a full-stack developer who loves using styled-components but also values my sanity when debugging, I‘ve developed a technique that provides the best of both worlds. By combining semantic class names with styled-components, you can create debuggable components that are still a joy to style.

In this guide, I‘ll walk you through the challenges of debugging styled-components, the benefits of using semantic class names, and how to combine the two approaches for maximum maintainability. I‘ll also share some expert tips and best practices I‘ve learned from using styled-components in large-scale applications.

The Debugging Dilemma

On the surface, styled-components seem like a dream come true. No more worrying about name collisions. No more scrolling through a massive stylesheet to find the one style you need to edit. The styles for a component are neatly encapsulated with the component itself.

However, this utopian vision quickly fades the first time you crack open the dev tools to debug a styling issue. Instead of the nice, semantic class names you‘re used to seeing, you‘re confronted with auto-generated gibberish like sc-bdVaJa and sc-bwzfXH.

Obfuscated class names in dev tools

These class names are an implementation detail of how styled-components provides style scoping. It combines a short prefix (sc by default) with a unique hash. While this is great for preventing naming conflicts between components, it makes it nearly impossible to tell which component a particular DOM element belongs to.

But the pain doesn‘t stop there. Styled-components abstracts away the underlying DOM elements your styles are applied to. Inside your component, you just see the styled component being rendered:

function Card({ title, children }) {
  return (

But in the DOM, those styled components resolve to regular HTML elements like divs and h2s. Without looking at where the styled components are defined, you can‘t easily tell what the DOM structure will be.

const CardWrapper = styled.div`...`;

const Title = styled.h2`...`;

const Content = styled.div`...`;  

This can make it tricky to apply styles to child elements. With plain CSS, you could easily target a descendant element using a selector:

.card__title {
  font-size: 24px;  

.card__content {
  font-size: 16px;  

But with styled-components, you can only target the styled component itself, not its children. The common workaround is to create a separate styled component for each child element:

const Title = styled.h2`
  font-size: 24px;

const Content = styled.div`  
  font-size: 16px;

This works, but it can lead to an explosion of single-use styled components, making your component file noisy and harder to read.

I remember a project where nearly every element had its own styled component. The component file was over 200 lines long, with dozens of 1-2 line styled components. It was a nightmare to navigate and make changes.

The Power of Semantic Class Names

So what‘s the alternative? One approach is to return to the tried-and-true method of applying semantic class names to your elements and defining the styles in a separate stylesheet.

// Card.js
import ‘./Card.css‘;

function Card({ title, children }) {
  return (
    <div className="card">
      <h2 className="card__title">{title}</h2>
      <div className="card__content">{children}</div>
/* Card.css */
.card { ... }
.card__title { ... }  
.card__content { ... }

The benefits of this approach are:

  1. Your class names actually mean something! It‘s easy to tell what component an element belongs to and what its purpose is.

  2. Your DOM structure is clear and predictable. No more guessing what elements are being rendered.

  3. You can use descendant selectors to target child elements without creating extra components.

  4. It‘s easy to define common styles shared by multiple components.

However, there are some downsides to this approach too:

  • You lose out on the automatic scoping and dead code elimination of CSS-in-JS.
  • Dynamic styles based on props are more cumbersome to apply. You‘d need to manually join class names or use inline styles.
  • You have to make sure your class names are unique across the whole application.
  • The styles are separated from the components, which can make it harder to tell what styles are being applied where.

The Best of Both Worlds

Fortunately, we can have our cake and eat it too by combining semantic class names with styled-components! The key is to apply a sensible class name to the outermost DOM element generated by a styled component. That way, you can target child elements using descendant selectors while still leveraging the power of CSS-in-JS.

Here‘s what it looks like in practice:

const CardWrapper = styled.div.attrs({  
  className: ‘card‘
  border: 1px solid black;
  padding: 16px;

  .card__title {
    font-size: 24px;
    color: ${props => props.titleColor};  

  .card__content {
    font-size: 16px;  

function Card({ title, titleColor, children }) {
  return (
    <CardWrapper titleColor={titleColor}>
      <h2 className="card__title">{title}</h2>  
      <div className="card__content">{children}</div>

Let‘s break this down:

  1. We define a styled component called CardWrapper that renders a div element.

  2. We use the attrs method to apply a className prop of "card" to the div. This sets a semantic, meaningful class name for the component.

  3. Inside the CSS for CardWrapper, we can target the child elements using descendant selectors, just like with plain CSS.

  4. If we want to apply dynamic styles based on props, we can interpolate a function that takes props as an argument, just like we normally would with styled-components.

  5. In the component, we pass the classNames down to the child elements. This makes the DOM structure clear and allows the styles to take effect.

When inspecting the component in the dev tools, we now see:

<div class="card sc-bdVaJa">
  <h2 class="card__title">Card Title</h2>
  <div class="card__content">Card content...</div>  

Much better! We can tell at a glance what component this is and what the child elements are for. The generated class name from styled-components is still there for scoping purposes, but it doesn‘t get in the way of understanding the DOM.

Expert Tips and Best Practices

Here are some additional tips I‘ve learned from using this technique in real-world applications:

  1. Use a consistent naming convention for your styled components. I like to use the suffix -Wrapper for the outermost component, and the original element name for child components. For example: CardWrapper, CardTitle, CardContent.

  2. Be thoughtful about which props you expose for dynamic styling. Too many props can make your component harder to use and reason about. I try to limit it to 2-3 props that are truly necessary for reusability.

  3. Don‘t be afraid to split up large components into smaller, more focused ones. If your styled component is getting too big or has too many unrelated styles, it‘s probably a sign that it should be split up.

  4. Document your styled components! It‘s easy to forget what props are available or what the expected DOM structure is. Adding comments or even prop types can go a long way in making your components more maintainable.

  5. Consider using a tool like stylelint to enforce consistent formatting and catch common errors in your CSS.


If you want to learn more about styled-components and how to use them effectively, check out these resources:

I hope this guide has given you a better understanding of how to build styled components that are both easy to style and easy to debug. By combining the power of CSS-in-JS with the clarity of semantic class names, you can create components that are a joy to work with. Happy styling!

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