How to Develop Your React Superpowers with the HOC Pattern

As a React developer, you‘re always looking for ways to write more reusable, composable code. Higher-order components (HOCs) are an advanced technique that allow you to abstract and share common logic across multiple components. When used judiciously, HOCs can be a powerful tool in your React toolbelt.

In this in-depth guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know to skillfully leverage HOCs in your apps. I‘ll explain what HOCs are, the different types and use cases, and provide plenty of real-world code examples. By the end, you‘ll have developed new React superpowers that you can use to build more robust, reusable component architectures.

What are Higher-Order Components?

A higher-order component is a function that takes a component and returns a new component. More concretely, a HOC looks like this:

const EnhancedComponent = higherOrderComponent(WrappedComponent);

HOCs are pure functions with zero side-effects. They don‘t modify the input component, but rather compose it by wrapping it in a container component. The wrapped component receives all the props of the container, along with any new props that the HOC wants to pass through.

You can think of HOCs as parameterized component definitions. They let you define a component‘s core logic and later wrap it with different props to specialize its behavior. This pattern promotes code reuse and lets you keep your components simple and focused.

Types of HOCs

There are two main types of HOCs: props proxy and inheritance inversion. Let‘s look at each in turn.

Props Proxy

With this type of HOC, the enhanced component simply proxies all props through to the wrapped component. It may also add some new props of its own or modify/remove existing props before passing them through.

Here‘s a basic example of a props proxy HOC that logs the wrapped component‘s props:

function logProps(WrappedComponent) {
  return class extends React.Component {
    componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
      console.log(‘Previous props:‘, prevProps);
      console.log(‘Current props:‘, this.props);

    render() {
      // Pass through all props
      return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />;

This HOC doesn‘t do anything too fancy – it just logs the current and previous props whenever the component updates. But it demonstrates the basic idea of a props proxy. The HOC returns a new class component that renders the wrapped component and passes through all the props it receives.

Some other uses for props proxy HOCs include:

  • Adding new props based on existing props or state
  • Transforming prop values before passing them through
  • Abstracting away repetitive logic for fetching, caching, event handling, etc.
  • Conditionally rendering based on props/state

Inheritance Inversion

With an inheritance inversion HOC, the enhanced component extends the wrapped component as a subclass. This allows the HOC to have access to the wrapped component‘s props, state, and methods via this.

Here‘s an example II HOC that measures the wrapped component‘s render time:

function measureRenderTime(WrappedComponent) {
  return class extends WrappedComponent {
    constructor(props) {
      this.renderStartTime = 0;

    render() {
      const start =;
      const result = super.render();
      this.renderTime = - start;
      return result;

    componentDidUpdate() {
      console.log(`${} render time: ${this.renderTime}ms`);

In this case, the HOC extends the wrapped component and overrides its render method in order to measure how long it takes. It captures the start time, calls super.render(), and then computes the elapsed time. Finally, it logs the render time in componentDidUpdate.

The big advantage of inheritance inversion is that the HOC can access the wrapped component instance. This allows for more advanced techniques like:

  • Render highjacking – The HOC can override render to modify what gets rendered
  • State abstraction – The HOC can provide its own state that gets merged with the wrapped component‘s
  • Instance methods – The HOC can provide additional instance methods to the wrapped component

Composing HOCs

The real power of HOCs is realized when you start composing them together. Since HOCs are just functions, they can be composed like any other function to build up more complex behaviors.

For example, let‘s say we have two HOCs, withUser and withTheme, that respectively provide user data and theme data to a component. We can compose them together like this:

function withUser(WrappedComponent) {
  return class extends React.Component {
    // Load user data and pass it as prop

function withTheme(WrappedComponent) {  
  return class extends React.Component {
    // Load theme and pass it as prop

// Compose the HOCs
function enhance(WrappedComponent) {
  return withTheme(withUser(WrappedComponent));

// Create enhanced component
const MyEnhancedComponent = enhance(MyComponent);

Now the MyEnhancedComponent will receive both the user and theme data as props, without either HOC needing to know about the other. Composition lets us decouple concerns and reuse HOCs in flexible ways.

Some libraries like Recompose provide utilities to make HOC composition more readable, like a compose function:

const enhance = compose(

This declarative approach makes it clear what props will be injected and in what order.

HOC Caveats and Best Practices

While HOCs are very powerful, there are some caveats and best practices to keep in mind:

  • Avoid mutating the wrapped component. HOCs should be pure functions with no side effects. Mutating the wrapped component can cause issues with refs and state.

  • Pass through unrelated props. HOCs should pass through props that are not specifically used by the HOC. This avoids unnecessary re-renders when unrelated props change.

  • Maximize composability. HOCs work best when focused on a single concern. Avoid overloading a single HOC with too many behaviors. Prefer composition of focused HOCs.

  • Wrap display name for easier debugging. Use the wrapped component‘s display name, e.g. withTheme(MyComponent) should have a display name like WithTheme(MyComponent). Many HOC libraries handle this for you.

  • Don‘t use HOCs in render. Applying an HOC dynamically in a component‘s render method can cause subtle bugs and performance issues. Always apply HOCs outside the component definition.

By following these guidelines, you can avoid common pitfalls and get the most out of the HOC pattern.

Alternatives to HOCs

HOCs were very popular in the early days of React, but over time alternative patterns have emerged that solve similar problems. Two notable ones are render props and hooks.

Render props involve passing a function prop that returns React elements. The component calls this function to dynamically render whatever the prop returns. This allows for code reuse without the nested, "wrapped component" structure of HOCs.

Hooks, introduced in React 16.8, allow you to abstract stateful logic in a more direct, composable way using special functions. Hooks like useState, useEffect, useContext, and useMemo cover many of the same use cases as HOCs with less nesting and indirection.

Both render props and hooks are worth considering as alternatives, especially for new code. However, HOCs remain a good solution for certain problems and are still widely used in the React ecosystem.


Higher-order components are a powerful tool for abstracting and reusing component logic in React. By wrapping components in a function that returns an enhanced component, we can add new behaviors, modify props, and abstract away repetitive code. Props proxy and inheritance inversion are two common implementation approaches, each with their own strengths.

Composing HOCs together allows for even greater flexibility and decoupling. However, it‘s important to be mindful of common pitfalls and best practices to avoid subtle bugs.

While newer patterns like render props and hooks provide alternative approaches, HOCs remain a solid tool in a React developer‘s toolkit. By understanding how HOCs work and when to use them, you can level up your skills and write more robust, reusable React code. Now go forth and compose new React superpowers!

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