How to Use TypeScript with React: The Ultimate Guide

React is one of the most popular front-end JavaScript libraries for building interactive user interfaces. According to the State of JS 2020 survey, React is used by 80% of respondents, far ahead of other frameworks. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. It offers optional static typing, classes, and interfaces to make JavaScript development more predictable and easier to maintain.

The combination of React and TypeScript has seen increasing adoption. The State of JS 2020 survey found that 58% of respondents use TypeScript, and it has the highest satisfaction rating among JavaScript flavors.

Using TypeScript with React provides powerful type-checking and enhanced tooling to catch errors early, improve code quality, and provide a better developer experience, especially in larger codebases. Let‘s dive into how to effectively use TypeScript in your React projects.

Benefits of TypeScript in React Projects

Here are some key benefits of using TypeScript in React applications:

  1. Catch Errors Early: TypeScript catches type-related errors at compile time rather than runtime. With TypeScript, you specify types for variables, function parameters, return values, state, props, etc. If you pass the wrong type somewhere, assign a value to the wrong type, or perform an operation on incompatible types, TypeScript will surface those errors at compile time. Catching bugs early in the development process saves significant time and effort compared to tracking down runtime errors later.

  2. Enhanced IDE Support: TypeScript provides richer IDE support compared to plain JavaScript. IDEs like VS Code can leverage type information to provide intelligent code completion, hover information, and code navigation. You get autocomplete suggestions for variables, functions, methods, etc. based on their declared types. Improved intellisense and code completion makes development faster and less error-prone.

  3. Self-Documenting Code: TypeScript makes your code more self-documenting and readable by explicitly defining types. By looking at the type declarations, you can quickly understand what kind of data is flowing through your React components. For example:

    interface User {
      id: number;
      name: string;
      email: string;
    interface Props {
      user: User;
    const UserProfile: React.FC<Props> = ({ user }) => {
      // Component implementation

    Here, it‘s clear that the UserProfile component expects a user prop that conforms to the User interface. We can see exactly what properties a user has along with their types.

  4. Refactoring with Confidence: TypeScript makes refactoring large codebases much easier and safer. If you make changes to your types – renaming props, updating state shapes, modifying function signatures, etc. – TypeScript will help find all the places in your codebase that need to be updated. This is especially useful in larger React projects with many components and shared types. You can refactor with confidence knowing that you won‘t accidentally miss an obscure reference to the old types somewhere.

  5. Encourages Best Practices: TypeScript encourages writing code in a more structured and maintainable way. It gently pushes you to break components into clearly-defined interfaces, organize shared types into separate files, and use consistent naming conventions. Over time, this leads to a more modular, reusable, and maintainable React codebase.

Industry experts have praised the benefits of using TypeScript with React. Dan Abramov, co-author of Redux and Create React App, tweeted:

TypeScript is great because it lets you fearlessly refactor and confidently write code that makes sense to your teammates. What I love about TS is how it guides me to write clearer code.

Setting Up a React + TypeScript Project

The easiest way to start a new React project with TypeScript is by using Create React App with the TypeScript template:

npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript

This sets up a new React project in the my-app directory with TypeScript configured out of the box. The generated tsconfig.json file contains sensible defaults for a React + TS project.

If you have an existing React project that you want to migrate to TypeScript, you can run:

npm install --save-dev typescript @types/react @types/react-dom @types/node

Then rename your .js/.jsx files to .ts/.tsx, and gradually add type annotations and fix type errors.

For more advanced setups, you can integrate TypeScript into your favorite build tool:

  • Webpack: Use ts-loader or babel-loader with @babel/preset-typescript
  • Rollup: Use @rollup/plugin-typescript
  • Parcel: Supports TypeScript out of the box
  • Next.js: Provides built-in TypeScript support
  • Gatsby: Use the gatsby-plugin-typescript plugin

Basic React Types

Let‘s look at how to use TypeScript in the most common parts of a React application: components, props, state, and event handlers.

Functional Components

To type a functional component, use the React.FC (or the shorthand FC) type:

interface Props {
  message: string;

const Greeting: React.FC<Props> = ({ message }) => {
  return <div>{message}</div>;

React.FC is a generic type that takes the props type as a parameter. It provides typechecking for children and defines common component properties like propTypes and defaultProps.

Class Components

Class components can be typed by specifying the types for props and state:

interface Props {
  initialCount: number;

interface State {
  count: number;

class Counter extends React.Component<Props, State> {
  state: State = {
    count: this.props.initialCount,

  increment = () => {
    this.setState((prevState) => ({
      count: prevState.count + 1,

  render() {
    return (
        <p>Count: {this.state.count}</p>
        <button onClick={this.increment}>Increment</button>

Here, Props defines the type for the component‘s props and State defines the type for its state.

Typing Props

To type a component‘s props, define an interface with the prop names and their types:

interface Props {
  title: string;
  isActive?: boolean;
  onClick: () => void;

const Button: FC<Props> = ({ title, isActive = false, onClick }) => {
  return (
    <button onClick={onClick} disabled={!isActive}>


  • title is a required string prop
  • isActive is an optional boolean prop with a default value of false
  • onClick is a required function prop

Typing State

For typing state in a functional component, specify the type parameter in the useState hook:

const [user, setUser] = useState<User | null>(null);

const [filters, setFilters] = useState<string[]>([]);

In a class component, specify the state shape in the State interface:

interface State {
  isLoading: boolean;
  data: User[];
  error: Error | null;  

class UserDashboard extends React.Component<{}, State> {
  state: State = {
    isLoading: true,
    data: [],
    error: null,

  // Component implementation

Event Handlers

When typing event handler props, use the specific event type:

const handleClick = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {

const handleChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {

const handleSubmit = (event: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {
  // Handle form submission

Advanced Types and Patterns

Let‘s explore some more advanced TypeScript techniques used in real-world React projects.

Generic Components

You can make your components more reusable by using generics. Generics allow you to parameterize types in a component. A common use case is a generic list component:

interface Props<T> {
  items: T[];
  renderItem: (item: T) => React.ReactNode;

function List<T>(props: Props<T>) {
  return (
      {, index) => (
        <li key={index}>{props.renderItem(item)}</li>

Here, T is a generic type parameter that represents the type of the list items. It allows the List component to work with arrays of any type while still providing type safety.

Typing Higher-Order Components

Higher-order components (HOCs) are functions that take a component and return a new component with some additional props or behavior. Here‘s how you can type an HOC:

interface WithThemeProps {
  theme: Theme;

function withTheme<P extends object>(
  Component: React.ComponentType<P>
): React.FC<P & WithThemeProps> {
  const ThemedComponent: React.FC<P & WithThemeProps> = (props) => {
    const theme = useContext(ThemeContext); 
    return <Component {...props} theme={theme} />;

  return ThemedComponent;

In this example, withTheme is an HOC that provides a theme prop to the wrapped component. It uses generics to preserve the original props type of the wrapped component.

Typing Hooks

You can define the types for custom hooks just like you would for regular functions:

interface User {
  id: number;
  name: string;

function useUser(userId: number): User | null {
  const [user, setUser] = useState<User | null>(null);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [userId]);

  return user;

Here, useUser is a custom hook that takes a userId parameter and returns the corresponding User object or null. The return type is specified explicitly.

Testing React + TypeScript

Testing is an essential part of any robust React application. TypeScript can help make your tests more maintainable and catch type-related issues.

For unit testing React components with TypeScript, you can use tools like Jest and React Testing Library. Here‘s an example of a component test:

import { render, screen } from ‘@testing-library/react‘;
import userEvent from ‘@testing-library/user-event‘;
import Button from ‘./Button‘;

test(‘calls onClick when clicked‘, () => {
  const handleClick = jest.fn();
  render(<Button onClick={handleClick}>Click me</Button>);‘Click me‘));

For type-safe mocking, you can use TypeScript‘s typeof operator:

jest.mock(‘./api‘, () => ({
  fetchUsers: jest.fn<typeof import(‘./api‘).fetchUsers>(),

This ensures that the mock has the same type signature as the original function.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Adopting TypeScript in a React codebase is not without challenges. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

  1. Gradually Adopting TypeScript: It‘s not always feasible to convert an entire JavaScript codebase to TypeScript at once. You can gradually adopt TypeScript by using the allowJs compiler option and renaming files to .ts/.tsx incrementally. Start with the most critical or error-prone parts of your application.

  2. Third-Party Libraries: Not all third-party libraries have TypeScript declarations. For untyped libraries, you can create an index.d.ts file in your project to provide type definitions. Alternatively, you can use the @ts-ignore comment to suppress TypeScript errors as a temporary workaround.

  3. Complex Types: As your application grows, you may encounter complex type scenarios that are difficult to express in TypeScript. In such cases, you can use advanced type features like conditional types, mapped types, and type guards. The TypeScript handbook is a great resource for learning advanced types.

  4. Performance: TypeScript compilation can slow down build times, especially in larger projects. To mitigate this, you can use incremental compilation, parallel type-checking, and faster transpilers like Babel or SWC.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is TypeScript required for React development?
    No, TypeScript is optional for React development. However, it provides significant benefits in terms of type safety, tooling, and maintainability, especially in larger projects.

  2. Can I use TypeScript with other React frameworks like Next.js or Gatsby?
    Yes, TypeScript is supported by most popular React frameworks and libraries. Next.js has built-in TypeScript support, while Gatsby provides a plugin for using TypeScript.

  3. How do I migrate an existing React project to TypeScript?
    To migrate an existing project to TypeScript, install the necessary dependencies (typescript, @types/react, etc.), rename .js/.jsx files to .ts/.tsx, and gradually add type annotations and fix type errors. You can use the allowJs compiler option to incrementally migrate files.

  4. What are the best practices for organizing types in a React project?
    It‘s recommended to:

    • Keep types close to the components or modules where they are used
    • Use separate .types.ts files for shared or complex types
    • Prefer interfaces over type aliases for better extensibility
    • Use descriptive and consistent naming conventions for types
  5. How do I handle dynamic or unknown types in TypeScript?
    For dynamic or unknown types, you can use the any type as a last resort. However, it‘s better to use more specific types like unknown or Record<string, unknown> to maintain some level of type safety. You can also use type assertions or type guards to narrow down the type in specific cases.


TypeScript brings significant benefits to React development by providing static typing, enhanced tooling, and improved maintainability. It helps catch errors early, makes refactoring safer, and encourages best practices.

To make the most of TypeScript in your React projects:

  1. Use interfaces to define the types for component props and state
  2. Leverage TypeScript‘s advanced type system for more robust and reusable code
  3. Integrate TypeScript into your testing setup for type-safe and maintainable tests
  4. Follow best practices for organizing and naming your types
  5. Gradually adopt TypeScript in existing projects and leverage the community ecosystem

While TypeScript has a learning curve and introduces some additional complexity, the long-term benefits are well worth it for most projects. Give it a try in your next React application and experience the power of type-safe development!

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