How State Works in React – Explained with Code Examples

React has become one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. A core concept in React is state – an object that represents the parts of the app that can change over time. Properly understanding and leveraging state is key to building dynamic, interactive React apps. In this article, we‘ll take an…

Redux Middleware – What it is and How to Build it from Scratch

As a full-stack developer, you‘ve likely encountered Redux as a powerful state management solution for JavaScript applications. One of the key concepts that makes Redux so flexible and extensible is middleware. In this expert-level guide, we‘ll dive deep into the world of Redux middleware, exploring its role in the Redux ecosystem, how to build custom…

Vue vs React: How to Transition Between Two Popular Frameworks

Vue and React are two of the most popular and widely used JavaScript frameworks for building modern web applications. While they share many similarities in terms of component-based architecture, virtual DOM rendering, and reactive state management, they each have their own unique approaches, conventions and tooling. As a full-stack developer who has worked extensively with…

Testing a React-Driven Website‘s SEO Using "Fetch as Google"

As a full-stack developer, I know firsthand the power and popularity of using React to build modern, dynamic web applications. React‘s component-based architecture and declarative approach make it incredibly efficient to create complex user interfaces. However, one common concern with React and other JavaScript-heavy frameworks is SEO – will Google and other search engines be…

How to Use TypeScript with React: The Ultimate Guide

React is one of the most popular front-end JavaScript libraries for building interactive user interfaces. According to the State of JS 2020 survey, React is used by 80% of respondents, far ahead of other frameworks. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. It offers optional static typing, classes, and interfaces…

How to Manage State in Your Applications: A Comprehensive Guide to useState and Redux

As a full-stack developer, one of the most critical aspects of building robust and maintainable applications is effective state management. Whether you‘re working on a small, single-page app or a large-scale enterprise system, how you structure and manage your application‘s state can make a significant difference in its performance, scalability, and developer experience. In the…

Mastering State Management in React Apps with Redux Toolkit: An Expert‘s Guide

As a full-stack developer, I‘ve witnessed firsthand how state management can quickly become a nightmare in complex React applications. With components requiring access to shared state across different parts of the UI tree, things can get messy fast. Fortunately, Redux has emerged as a popular solution for predictable state management, and Redux Toolkit takes it…

React Hooks Tutorial – How to Use the useReducer Hook

by James Thompson, Full-Stack Developer As your React application grows in size and complexity, how you manage state becomes increasingly important. While the useState hook works great for simple state, it can quickly lead to hard-to-manage and bug-prone code for more complex state updates. That‘s where the useReducer hook comes in. In this in-depth tutorial,…