How to use Apollo‘s brand new Query components to manage local state

One of the biggest challenges in frontend web development is managing application state in a clean, predictable way. As apps grow in size and complexity, figuring out where to store data, how to update it, and how to efficiently retrieve it across many components becomes difficult. While libraries like Redux and MobX have emerged as…

Check out these beginner-friendly unit testing patterns for React

Unit testing is an essential skill for any React developer who wants to create high-quality, maintainable applications. Research shows that 75% of organizations using React also adopt unit testing to catch regressions and ship with confidence. As a full-stack developer who has worked on large React codebases, I‘ve found that mastering a core set of…

Mastering Image Paths in React: A Comprehensive Guide

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, I‘ve encountered the "Unable to Find Images Based on URL" error in React projects more times than I can count. It‘s a common stumbling block for developers, especially those new to React, but with the right knowledge and techniques, it can be easily overcome. In this comprehensive guide,…

Building Full Stack Apps Fast with AWS Amplify and React

Building modern applications requires both frontend and backend development skills. But what if you could build full stack apps quickly without being an expert in both domains? Enter AWS Amplify – a set of tools and services that enable developers to quickly build full stack applications on AWS. Amplify provides an easy-to-use interface to configure…

Supercharging Your Redux App with GraphQL

If you‘ve worked on a large Redux application, you‘re probably familiar with some of the pain points – lots of boilerplate for defining actions and reducers, manually normalizing server responses, and overfetching data from REST APIs. GraphQL offers a compelling alternative that can simplify data fetching in your Redux app. In this post, we‘ll explore…

Mastering Element Toggling in React with Hooks: A Comprehensive Guide

Toggling the visibility and state of elements is a crucial aspect of building interactive and dynamic user interfaces. In the world of React development, hooks have revolutionized the way we handle state and side effects, making it easier than ever to implement toggling functionality. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into the art of…

The React Roadmap: 10 Steps to Become a React Developer in 2021

React has become one of the most popular and in-demand front-end libraries in recent years. Its component-based architecture, declarative syntax, and rich ecosystem have made it a favorite among developers and businesses alike. If you‘re aspiring to become a React developer in 2021, you‘re on the right track. However, the journey to mastering React can…

The React + GraphQL 2020 Crash Course: Build a Complete App in an Afternoon

React and GraphQL are two of the hottest technologies in web development today. React is a powerful JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces, while GraphQL is a query language that gives frontend developers a more efficient and flexible way to fetch data from APIs. When you combine the component-based architecture of React with the…

Learn the Basics of Destructuring Props in React

As a full-stack developer, one of the most important skills to master in React is effectively handling component props. Destructuring props is a technique that can greatly improve the readability, maintainability, and overall quality of your React code. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into the basics of destructuring props, explore advanced techniques, and…

How to Test React and Redux with Redux-Saga and ReactDnD

Modern front-end applications built with React and Redux can become quite sophisticated, especially when throwing asynchronous flows with Redux-saga and drag-and-drop functionality with ReactDnD into the mix. To maintain a fast development velocity and make refactoring safe, having a solid test suite is essential. In this post, we‘ll take an in-depth look at strategies and…