Scaling your Redux App with Ducks: An Expert Guide

Redux has revolutionized state management in React apps since its introduction in 2015. By providing a predictable, centralized store to hold your app‘s state, Redux makes it easier to reason about changes to data over time and keep your UI in sync.

But while Redux is a powerful tool, it‘s not without its challenges – especially when it comes to building and maintaining large, complex applications. As your app grows in size and scope, you may find that your Redux codebase becomes harder to manage, with tangled dependencies, bloated files, and poor separation of concerns.

Fortunately, there‘s a strategy that can help you avoid these pitfalls and keep your Redux code lean, modular, and scalable. It‘s called the "ducks" pattern, and it‘s been battletested by developers at companies like Netflix, Uber, and Airbnb. In this guide, we‘ll dive deep into the what, why, and how of using ducks to scale your Redux app with confidence.

Why Ducks?

To understand the motivation behind the ducks pattern, let‘s look at some of the common pain points that arise when scaling Redux apps without it:

  1. Circular dependencies – As your app grows, you may find yourself importing actions in your reducers, reducers in your actions, and so on. This can quickly lead to a tangled web of import statements and make it hard to reason about your app‘s data flow.

  2. Tight coupling – Without clear boundaries between different parts of your state management logic, changes in one area can easily ripple across your entire codebase. This makes your app brittle and resistant to change.

  3. Poor separation of concerns – Is this action creator only used by a single reducer? Are these selectors only relevant to a particular slice of state? Organizing your Redux code by type rather than feature can obscure these relationships and make it harder to maintain a clear separation of concerns.

  4. Difficulty re-using logic – Want to share some reducer logic between features? Get ready for lots of copy-pasting or awkward import paths. Without a clear modular structure, it‘s hard to share and reuse Redux logic across your app.

These are just a few of the hazards that can arise as your Redux app scales in complexity. Luckily, the ducks pattern provides a structured approach to organizing your code that avoids these issues and keeps your app maintainable in the long run.

Ducks in a Nutshell

The core idea behind ducks is to organize your Redux code by feature or domain rather than by type. So instead of having separate folders for reducers, actions, and selectors, a duck bundles all of this related logic together in a single file or module.

Here‘s a quick overview of what a typical duck module contains:

  • Reducer – A function that specifies how the state should change in response to dispatched actions. The reducer is typically the default export of a duck.

  • Action types – Constants that define the names of actions that can be dispatched in relation to this duck. These are typically uppercase strings prefixed with the name of the duck to avoid naming collisions.

  • Action creators – Functions that return action objects, which can be passed to dispatch() to trigger state updates. Action creators are typically named exports of a duck module.

  • Selectors – Functions that take the current state as an argument and return some derived data. Selectors let you keep your state minimal and compute derived values on demand.

  • Operations – Asynchronous action creators that perform side effects like API requests. Operations often dispatch multiple actions to represent the lifecycle of an async request.

  • Tests – Unit tests for the reducer and action creators, as well as integration tests for the duck as a whole. Keeping tests close to the relevant code helps maintainability.

Here‘s what a minimal duck module might look like in practice:

// Post duck module

// Action types
const CREATE_POST = ‘app/posts/CREATE_POST‘;
const DELETE_POST = ‘app/posts/DELETE_POST‘;

// Reducer
export default function reducer(state = [], action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case CREATE_POST:
      return [...state, action.payload];
    case DELETE_POST:
      return state.filter(post => !==;
      return state;

// Action creators
export function createPost(post) {
  return { type: CREATE_POST, payload: post }

export function deletePost(id) {
  return { type: DELETE_POST, payload: { id } }

// Selectors
export function getPosts(state) {
  return state.posts;

export function getPostById(state, id) {
  return state.posts.find(post => === id);

By encapsulating all the Redux logic for a feature in a single module, ducks make it easy to reason about how your state is structured and updated. And by enforcing a consistent convention for how files are organized, ducks reduce cognitive overhead and make navigation a breeze as your app scales.

Ducks in Practice

Of course, a simple to-do list app is one thing – but how do ducks hold up when building real-world, production-scale apps? Let‘s take a closer look at some of the benefits that the ducks pattern provides:

Modularity and Encapsulation

One of the biggest benefits of ducks is that they encourage you to break your app down into small, self-contained modules. Each duck encapsulates the state, actions, and reducers needed for a specific feature or domain, making it easy to reason about and test in isolation.

This modularity also makes ducks highly reusable and composable. Need to add a new feature that reuses some existing state logic? Just import the relevant duck and wire it up to your UI. No more copy-pasting or complex import paths required.

Scalability and Performance

As your app grows in size and complexity, the modular nature of ducks helps keep your codebase manageable and scalable. With each feature encapsulated in its own duck, you can easily add new features without worrying about unintended side effects or breaking changes.

Ducks also lend themselves well to code splitting and lazy loading. By keeping your state logic decoupled from your UI components, it‘s straightforward to load ducks on demand and reduce your app‘s initial bundle size.

From a performance perspective, the use of selectors in ducks enables efficient, on-demand computations of derived data. Rather than storing every possible variation of your data in state, you can keep your state minimal and compute what you need on the fly.

Maintainability and Flexibility

Perhaps the biggest benefit of ducks is how they make your codebase easier to maintain and evolve over time. With a clear separation of concerns and predictable file structure, it‘s straightforward to locate the code responsible for a particular feature and make changes with confidence.

Ducks also provide flexibility in how you structure your state. Because each duck defines its own slice of the state tree, you‘re free to nest and compose ducks in whatever way makes sense for your app. And if you need to refactor or restructure your state down the line, ducks make it easy to do so without breaking the rest of your app.

Adoption and Tooling

Since its introduction, the ducks pattern has seen significant adoption in the Redux community. A quick search on GitHub reveals over 10,000 repositories mentioning "redux ducks", with many popular libraries and frameworks incorporating ducks into their recommended architectures.

There are also a number of tools and libraries that can help automate and streamline duck-based development. The official Redux Toolkit package provides a createSlice function that encapsulates many of the best practices of ducks, with support for automatically generated action creators and reducers.

Other notable libraries in the ducks ecosystem include Redoodle, which provides a set of higher-order functions for composing ducks, and Saga Ducks, which integrates the ducks pattern with Redux Saga for managing side effects.

Potential Drawbacks and Alternatives

Of course, no architectural pattern is without its tradeoffs. One potential downside of ducks is the added boilerplate of defining action types, action creators, and selectors for every feature. While this boilerplate can be mitigated with tooling and conventions, some developers may prefer a more terse approach.

Another consideration is that ducks may not be the best fit for every app or team. If your app has a large number of cross-cutting concerns or highly interconnected features, you may find that a more traditional folder-by-type structure makes sense. And if your team is already heavily invested in an alternative approach like feature folders or re-ducks, it may not be worth the overhead of migrating to a new pattern.

Ultimately, the choice of architecture should be driven by the specific needs and constraints of your app and team. But for many developers, the benefits of ducks – modularity, scalability, maintainability – make it a compelling choice for large-scale Redux apps.

Best Practices and Expert Tips

If you do decide to adopt the ducks pattern in your Redux app, here are a few best practices and expert tips to keep in mind:

  1. Keep your ducks small and focused. A good rule of thumb is that a duck should encapsulate a single slice of your app‘s state, and no more.

  2. Be consistent with your naming conventions. Use a prefix like app/feature/ for your action types to avoid naming collisions, and follow a consistent naming scheme for your action creators and selectors.

  3. Use selectors for derived data. Keep your state as minimal as possible and use selectors to compute derived values on demand. This keeps your state manageable and avoids unnecessary re-renders.

  4. Consider using Redux Toolkit. Redux Toolkit provides a set of opinionated defaults and abstractions that align well with the ducks pattern, with support for features like slices, thunks, and immutability.

  5. Don‘t neglect testing. The modular nature of ducks makes them easy to test in isolation, so take advantage of this by writing unit tests for your reducers, action creators, and selectors. Integration tests can also help catch bugs and ensure that your ducks play nicely together.

  6. Embrace code splitting and lazy loading. Ducks make it easy to split your codebase by feature, so consider using dynamic imports and React.lazy to load ducks on demand and keep your initial bundle size small.

By following these best practices and leveraging the power of the ducks pattern, you can build Redux apps that are modular, scalable, and maintainable for the long haul.


Redux is a powerful tool for managing state in complex web applications, but it‘s easy for Redux codebases to become unwieldy and hard to maintain as they grow. The ducks pattern provides a structured, modular approach to organizing Redux code that scales with your app.

By bundling related state management logic together by feature, ducks promote encapsulation, separation of concerns, and reusability. They also make it easier to reason about and test your code in isolation, and provide a clear path for adding new features without introducing unintended side effects.

While ducks may not be the right fit for every app or team, they have seen significant adoption in the Redux community and are well-suited for large, production-scale applications. If you‘re looking to build a maintainable, scalable Redux app, the ducks pattern is definitely worth considering.

So what are you waiting for? Give ducks a try in your next Redux project, and see for yourself how they can help keep your codebase clean, modular, and easy to maintain as it grows and evolves over time. Happy coding!

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