Styled Components: The Essential Guide for Modern Developers

As a full-stack developer, I‘m always on the lookout for tools and techniques that can help me build better, more maintainable applications. One area that‘s seen a lot of innovation in recent years is styling in JavaScript, also known as CSS-in-JS.

CSS-in-JS libraries aim to solve many of the challenges developers face with traditional CSS, such as scoping issues, specificity clashes, and lack of dynamic styling. By allowing you to write CSS directly in your components, CSS-in-JS makes it easy to keep your styles modular and tied to specific components.

One of the most popular CSS-in-JS libraries is Styled Components. Since its release in 2016, Styled Components has been adopted by many major companies, including BBC, Codecademy, and Patreon. According to the State of CSS 2020 survey, Styled Components is the most widely used CSS-in-JS library, with 50% of respondents saying they have used it.

So why is Styled Components so popular? In this guide, I‘ll share my perspective as a full-stack developer and walk you through the essential concepts you need to know to start using Styled Components effectively.

Setting Up Styled Components

Before we dive into the core concepts, let‘s make sure you have Styled Components set up correctly in your project.

To install Styled Components, you can use npm:

npm install styled-components

Or if you prefer yarn:

yarn add styled-components

It‘s also recommended to install the Babel plugin for Styled Components, which adds better debugging information and minifies your styles in production:

npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-styled-components

Then add the plugin to your .babelrc file:

  "plugins": ["babel-plugin-styled-components"]

With that, you‘re ready to start styling!

Step 1: Creating Your First Styled Components

The basic syntax for creating a styled component looks like this:

import styled from ‘styled-components‘;

const MyComponent = styled.elementName`
  // Your CSS styles here

Here‘s an example of styling a simple header:

const Header = styled.header`
  background-color: #333;
  color: white;
  padding: 16px;
  text-align: center;

You can then use the Header component like any other React component:

function HomePage() {
  return (
      <Header>Welcome to my site!</Header>
      {/* rest of the page content */}

Styled Components also supports nesting styles, similar to Sass:

const Card = styled.div`
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  border-radius: 4px;
  padding: 16px;

  h2 {
    font-size: 24px;
    margin-bottom: 8px;

  p {
    font-size: 16px;
    line-height: 1.5;  

One gotcha to be aware of with nesting is that it can lead to specificity issues if you‘re not careful. For example, consider this component:

const Post = styled.article`
  /* Post styles */

  p {
    /* Paragraph styles */

const Blockquote = styled.blockquote`
  /* Blockquote styles */

  p {
    /* Paragraph styles */  

If you use a Post component and a Blockquote component together, the paragraph styles from Blockquote will override the ones from Post due to higher specificity. To avoid this, you can use unique class names for each component:

const Post = styled.article.attrs({
  className: ‘post‘
  &.post p {
    /* Post paragraph styles */

Step 2: Adapting Styles with Props

One of the key advantages of Styled Components is the ability to adapt styles based on component props. This allows you to create flexible, reusable components.

For example, consider a Button component that needs to have different styles based on the type prop (primary, secondary, etc.):

const Button = styled.button`
  background-color: ${props => 
    props.type === ‘primary‘ ? ‘blue‘ : 
    props.type === ‘secondary‘ ? ‘gray‘ :
  color: ${props => 
    props.type === ‘primary‘ ? ‘white‘ :
  padding: 8px 16px;
  border: none;
  border-radius: 4px;
  font-size: 16px;
  cursor: pointer;

Now you can use the Button component with different types:

<Button type="primary">Submit</Button>
<Button type="secondary">Cancel</Button>

Another common use case for props is to adapt styles based on state, such as hover or focus states:

const Link = styled.a`
  color: blue;
  text-decoration: none;

  &:hover {
    text-decoration: underline;

  &:focus {
    outline: 2px solid blue;  

One potential pitfall with using props is that it can be tempting to overuse them and create too many variations of a component. This can make your code harder to maintain and reason about. As a general rule, try to keep the number of props passed to a styled component to a minimum, and only use them for truly dynamic styles.

Step 3: Defining Global Styles

While Styled Components excels at modular, component-specific styles, there are times when you need to define global styles that apply to your entire application. Common examples include CSS resets, font faces, and utility classes.

To create global styles with Styled Components, you can use the createGlobalStyle helper:

import { createGlobalStyle } from ‘styled-components‘;

const GlobalStyle = createGlobalStyle`
  body {
    font-family: ‘Helvetica Neue‘, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 16px;
    line-height: 1.5;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

  * {
    box-sizing: border-box;

  a {
    color: blue;
    text-decoration: none;

    &:hover {
      text-decoration: underline;

To apply these global styles, render the GlobalStyle component at the root of your application:

function App() {
  return (
      <GlobalStyle />
      {/* Your app components */}

It‘s important to note that global styles should be used sparingly, as they can make it harder to reason about where styles are coming from. Whenever possible, try to keep your styles modular and tied to specific components.

Organizing and Optimizing Styled Components

As your application grows, it‘s important to keep your styled components organized and optimized for performance. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Use a consistent naming convention for your styled components, such as PascalCase for components and camelCase for props.
  • Split your styled components into separate files, with one component per file. This makes it easier to find and update specific components.
  • Use descriptive names for your components, such as HeaderNav instead of Wrapper.
  • If you find yourself repeating the same styles across multiple components, consider creating a base component that other components can inherit from using the styled() constructor.
  • To optimize performance, make sure to use the Babel plugin for Styled Components, which will minify your styles in production. You can also consider using a tool like PurgeCSS to remove unused styles.

When it comes to testing your styled components, you can use tools like Jest and React Testing Library to ensure that your components are rendering correctly and responding to prop changes as expected.

import { render, screen } from ‘@testing-library/react‘;
import { Button } from ‘./Button‘;

test(‘renders primary button‘, () => {
  render(<Button type="primary">Click me</Button>);
  const button = screen.getByText(‘Click me‘);
    background-color: blue;
    color: white;

Comparing Styled Components to Other Libraries

Styled Components is just one of many CSS-in-JS libraries available. Other popular options include Emotion, JSS, and Aphrodite. So how does Styled Components compare?

One of the main advantages of Styled Components is its simplicity and ease of use. The syntax for creating styled components is intuitive and the library has a relatively small API surface. Styled Components also has excellent documentation and a large community, which can make it easier to find help and resources.

However, Styled Components is not without its drawbacks. One potential issue is performance, especially for larger applications. Because Styled Components generates unique class names for each component instance, it can lead to a large number of classes being generated. This can slow down rendering and increase the size of your CSS bundle.

Emotion and JSS both offer some potential performance advantages over Styled Components, such as the ability to extract static styles at build time. However, they also have a steeper learning curve and may require more setup and configuration.

Ultimately, the choice of which CSS-in-JS library to use depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you prioritize simplicity and ease of use, Styled Components is a great choice. If performance is a major concern, you may want to consider Emotion or JSS.

Expert Perspectives

Don‘t just take my word for it – many well-respected developers in the industry have embraced Styled Components and shared their experiences.

Max Stoiber, the creator of Styled Components, explained his motivation for creating the library in a 2017 interview:

"The basic idea of Styled Components is to enforce best practices by removing the mapping between styles and components. Instead of manually attaching classes to elements, each element automatically gets a unique class assigned to it by Styled Components. This way, developers are forced to only write styles that are tied to a specific component, which ensures they are modular and reusable."

And in a 2019 blog post, Stoiber shared his perspective on why the Styled Components API is so effective:

"Styled Components exposes a very small API surface area consisting of mostly a single export (styled) that enables users to do anything they need with it. Compare that to a CSS-in-JS library like JSS or Aphrodite that have ~10 different exports which require the user to understand the whole ecosystem to be comfortable with it."

Other prominent developers have also shared their positive experiences with Styled Components. In a 2018 tweet, Guillermo Rauch, the CEO of Vercel, said:

"Styled Components has become my go-to library for styling React apps. Its simplicity and performance are unmatched, and the maintainers are doing an amazing job."

And in a 2019 blog post, developer Josh Comeau shared his experience using Styled Components to build production applications:

"I‘ve been using Styled Components in production for over a year now, and I absolutely love it. It‘s made my CSS more maintainable, more modular, and more fun to write. If you‘re not using a CSS-in-JS library yet, I highly recommend giving Styled Components a try."

Many companies have also adopted Styled Components and shared their success stories. For example, BBC uses Styled Components to build their websites and web applications, citing benefits such as improved maintainability and easier collaboration between designers and developers.


In this guide, we‘ve covered the essential concepts you need to know to start using Styled Components effectively, including:

  • Setting up Styled Components in your project
  • Creating and nesting styled components
  • Adapting styles based on props
  • Defining global styles
  • Organizing and optimizing your styled components
  • Comparing Styled Components to other CSS-in-JS libraries

We‘ve also heard from industry experts and seen real-world examples of companies using Styled Components in production.

As a full-stack developer, I‘ve found Styled Components to be an incredibly powerful tool for styling my applications. It has allowed me to write more modular, maintainable CSS and has made it easier to collaborate with designers and other developers.

If you‘re new to Styled Components, I encourage you to give it a try in your next project. Start small by refactoring a few components and gradually work your way up to more complex use cases. And don‘t forget to take advantage of the excellent documentation and community resources available.

With Styled Components, you can write more efficient, maintainable CSS and take your web applications to the next level. Happy coding!

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