Supercharging React Performance with Lazy Loaded Images

As a full-stack developer specializing in React applications, I‘m always looking for ways to optimize performance and deliver a better user experience. One technique that I‘ve found consistently useful is lazy loading images.

Lazy loading is a design pattern that defers loading of non-critical resources until they are needed. For images, this typically means waiting to download them until just before they come into view as the user scrolls down the page. This can significantly improve initial load times, reduce data usage, and smooth out the user experience.

In this deep dive, we‘ll explore the benefits of lazy loading images in React applications, walk through some implementation code, and discuss best practices and advanced techniques. Whether you‘re a seasoned React pro or just starting out, this guide should give you a solid foundation for supercharging your app‘s performance with lazy loading.

The Performance Impact of Lazy Loading

To understand the potential performance gains of lazy loading, let‘s start with some real-world data.

The HTTP Archive‘s 2021 Web Almanac analyzed over 7.5 million web pages and found that images made up 50% of the total page weight on the median site. That‘s a huge portion of the data transferred for each page load!

Furthermore, a 2020 study by Catchpoint found that pages with the slowest 10% of load times had 25% more images than the fastest pages, and 77% of those images were below-the-fold (requiring scrolling to see). This suggests a strong correlation between image usage and poor performance, especially when those images are non-critical to the initial page load.

By lazy loading below-the-fold images, we can often cut down the initial page weight and load time significantly. In a 2019 case study, Dunelm found that lazy loading images improved their page load times by 40%, and Chrome‘s native lazy loading improved largest contentful paint (LCP) by 18% in another study.

These gains can have a real impact on the user experience and business metrics. BBC found that for every additional second of load time, they lost an average of 10% of users. Conversely, Pinterest increased search engine traffic and sign-ups by 15% when they reduced perceived wait times by 40%.

While the exact impact will depend on the number and size of your images, the overall page weight, and the devices and networks your users are on, there‘s no doubt that lazy loading can meaningfully improve performance for image-heavy sites and apps.

Implementing Lazy Loading in React

Now that we understand the why of lazy loading, let‘s get into the how by walking through some code. We‘ll be using the popular react-lazy-load-image-component library in this example.

First, install the library:

npm install --save react-lazy-load-image-component

Then import it into your component:

import { LazyLoadImage } from ‘react-lazy-load-image-component‘;
import ‘react-lazy-load-image-component/src/effects/blur.css‘;

Now you can use the LazyLoadImage component in place of a regular img tag:

  alt="Cat picture"

Let‘s break this down:

  • alt and src work just like they would on a normal img element. Be sure to include descriptive alt text for accessibility!
  • height and width set the dimensions of the rendered image. Specifying these upfront prevents layout shifts as the image loads in.
  • placeholderSrc is an optional low-res version of the image to display while the full-size one is loading. This creates a nicer transition than an empty space.
  • effect="blur" will apply a blur effect to the placeholder and smoothly transition to the full image on load. This is a nice aesthetic touch, but it does require importing the extra CSS file.

Under the hood, LazyLoadImage uses the IntersectionObserver API to detect when the image comes into the viewport and swaps out the placeholder src for the full-size one at that point. This allows the component to work efficiently even if the user scrolls quickly or erratically.

By default, LazyLoadImage pre-loads images that are within 100px of the viewport in any direction. You can tweak this threshold, or change the behavior to only load images once they are fully visible, using the threshold and visibleByDefault props.


Here, we‘ve increased the preload threshold to 300px and disabled the default behavior of loading images above the fold on page load. The image will only start downloading once it comes within 300px of the viewport. Tune these values based on your layout and performance needs.

One final tip: if you‘re working with responsive images, you can pass an array of image objects to the srcSet and sizes props just like you would with a native img element. The component will lazy load the appropriate version based on the user‘s screen size and device pixel ratio.

const catImages = [
    src: ‘cat-sm.jpg‘,
    width: 400,
    src: ‘cat-md.jpg‘,
    width: 700,
    src: ‘cat-lg.jpg‘,
    width: 1400,

  alt="Cat picture"
  sizes="(max-width: 480px) 400px,
         (max-width: 1200px) 700px,

With this configuration, users on small screens will get the 400px wide cat-sm.jpg image, while those on larger screens will get the 700px or 1400px version depending on their viewport size.

Performance Optimization Tips

While using LazyLoadImage is a great start, there are a few additional things you can do to ensure you‘re getting the best possible performance:

  1. Compress your images: Before uploading images to your site, run them through a compression tool like ImageOptim or Squoosh. This can often reduce the file size by 30-40% without noticeable quality loss.

  2. Use modern image formats: Newer formats like WebP and AVIF offer better compression than JPEG or PNG, resulting in smaller file sizes for equivalent quality. Serve these formats to supported browsers with a fallback for older ones.

  3. Resize images to match container size: Don‘t serve images larger than their display size. If an image will only ever be shown at 400px wide, resize it to that width before uploading. This saves unnecessary bytes.

  4. Use CSS to style images: Avoid using images for things that can be accomplished with CSS, like gradients, shadows, and simple shapes. CSS is much more lightweight and flexible.

  5. Preconnect to critical origins: If you‘re loading images from an external domain like a CDN, use the preconnect resource hint to establish an early connection and speed up the download.

<link rel="preconnect" href="">
  1. Lazy load other resources: In addition to images, consider lazy loading videos, iframes, and scripts that aren‘t critical for the initial page load. You can use a library like react-lazyload for this.

  2. Monitor performance: Use tools like Lighthouse and the React DevTools Profiler to regularly audit your app‘s performance and catch any image-related issues. Set performance budgets and alert on regressions.

By combining these optimizations with lazy loading, you can ensure that your React app is loading images as efficiently as possible.

Lazy Loading and the Future of the Web

While lazy loading is a powerful technique, it‘s not the only way to optimize image loading on the web. Some other approaches include:

  • Responsive images: Serving different image sizes and resolutions based on the user‘s device and screen size, using the srcset and sizes attributes or the element.

  • Progressive enhancement: Providing a baseline experience with plain tags and enhancing with lazy loading for supported browsers, using feature detection.

  • Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP): Rendering a very low-res version of the image on initial load, then replacing it with the full-res version once loaded. This can be done with inline SVGs or data URIs.

Looking ahead, there are some exciting developments on the horizon that could change how we approach image loading:

  • Native lazy loading: Many modern browsers now support the loading="lazy" attribute on elements, which provides a built-in way to defer image loading without JavaScript. As browser support improves, this may become the default way to lazy load.

  • AVIF format: The new AV1 Image File Format offers significantly better compression than JPEG or WebP, with support for HDR and wide color gamuts. As AVIF gains wider browser adoption, it could enable new possibilities for high-quality, low-bandwidth images.

  • Priority hints: The experimental fetchpriority attribute and Priority Hints API will allow developers to signal the relative importance of resources like images to the browser, influencing the order in which they are loaded.

  • HTTP/3: The next major version of the HTTP protocol, built on the QUIC transport layer, promises faster, more reliable connections and better prioritization of critical resources like images.

As a developer, it‘s important to stay up-to-date on these evolving standards and best practices. By adopting new techniques and APIs as they become available, we can continue to push the boundaries of performance and user experience.


Lazy loading images is a powerful technique for improving the performance of React applications, but it‘s just one tool in the performance optimization toolbox. For best results, combine it with other techniques like compression, modern formats, preconnect hints, and responsive design.

When evaluating any performance technique, it‘s important to consider the tradeoffs and test the impact in your specific application. Lazy loading adds some complexity and may not be necessary for every image or every app. Use profiling and monitoring tools to measure the actual performance impact and weigh it against the development cost.

That said, for most image-heavy applications, lazy loading is a clear win. By deferring the loading of off-screen images, we can speed up initial renders, reduce data usage, and provide a smoother experience to users, especially those on slower networks or devices.

So give lazy loading a try in your next React project, whether it‘s with a library like react-lazy-load-image-component or the native browser support. Your users (and your performance metrics) will thank you!


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