The Complete Guide to Unit Testing in React

React has taken the web development world by storm in recent years. Its component-based architecture and declarative approach to building user interfaces make it an incredibly powerful tool. But like any complex application, React apps can be prone to bugs and regressions as projects grow in size and scope.

This is where unit testing comes in. Unit testing is a practice where individual units or components of an application are tested in isolation to validate that they function as expected. By writing thorough unit tests, you can catch bugs early, prevent regressions, and ensure maintainability as your React application evolves over time.

In this guide, we‘ll take a deep dive into unit testing in React. We‘ll cover the fundamentals of how to structure your tests, test common React patterns, and set up a productive testing environment. Whether you‘re new to React testing or looking to level up your skills, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to ship your applications with confidence.

How to Structure a React Unit Test

A typical React unit test consists of three main phases:

  1. Render the component under test
  2. Simulate user interactions and/or prop changes
  3. Make assertions about the resulting DOM state or function calls

Here‘s a simple example using the React Testing Library:

import { render, screen } from ‘@testing-library/react‘;
import userEvent from ‘@testing-library/user-event‘;
import Greeting from ‘./Greeting‘;

test(‘renders a greeting‘, () => {
  render(<Greeting />);
  expect(screen.getByText(‘Hello, World!‘)).toBeInTheDocument();

test(‘renders a greeting with a custom name‘, () => {
  render(<Greeting name="John" />);
  expect(screen.getByText(‘Hello, John!‘)).toBeInTheDocument();

test(‘updates the greeting when the button is clicked‘, async () => {
  render(<Greeting />);
  await‘Update Greeting‘));

Let‘s break this down step-by-step:

  1. First, we use the render function to render our <Greeting /> component. This creates a virtual DOM for us to interact with in our tests.

  2. Next, we use screen.getByText to find a DOM element that matches the given text content. This returns the element or throws an error if it can‘t be found. We then make an assertion using the expect function that the element is present in the document.

  3. For our second test, we render the <Greeting /> component again but this time we pass a name prop. We assert that the greeting text has updated accordingly.

  4. Finally, we test an interaction by simulating a click event on a button. We use to click the button with the text "Update Greeting". Since updating the DOM happens asynchronously in React, we need to await this and then assert that the greeting text has updated.

This is the basic pattern you‘ll use for most React unit tests – render, interact, assert. As your tests get more complex you might also need to mock out certain dependencies or wait for asynchronous operations to complete, but the core structure remains the same.

What to Test in React Components

So we know how to write a test, but what exactly should we be testing in our React components? While there‘s no hard and fast rule, here are some common scenarios that are usually worth covering:

  • Rendering: Does the component render without errors? Does it render the correct child components and DOM elements?
  • Props: Does the component render correctly with different prop values? Are default prop values used correctly? Are prop type definitions accurate?
  • State: Does the component update its state correctly in response to user interactions or lifecycle events? Does it re-render the appropriate child components?
  • Event handlers: Do click, submit, change, etc event handlers fire correctly? Do they update state or call prop functions as expected?
  • Conditional rendering: Does the component render the correct elements/components based on its current props or state? Are loading spinners or error messages shown when appropriate?
  • Edge cases: What happens if required data is missing or in an invalid format? Can the component handle large datasets or unusual user inputs?

It‘s generally a good idea to start with the "happy path" and then add tests for edge cases and error handling later on. Remember, the goal is not to test implementation details like what specific functions or variables are named – rather, you‘re testing the component‘s public interface and observable behavior.

Setting Up Your React Project for Testing

Before you can start writing unit tests, you‘ll need to make sure your React project is set up with the appropriate testing libraries and configuration.

If you used Create React App to bootstrap your project, the good news is that it comes with Jest and React Testing Library already installed and configured out of the box! You can simply create files with a .test.js suffix (or .spec.js if you prefer) next to your component files and run npm test or yarn test to run all the tests.

For example, if you have a Button.js component, you would create a Button.test.js file in the same folder with your test cases:

// Button.test.js
import { render, screen } from ‘@testing-library/react‘;
import userEvent from ‘@testing-library/user-event‘;
import Button from ‘./Button‘;

test(‘renders with default props‘, () => {
  render(<Button />);
  expect(screen.getByRole(‘button‘)).toHaveTextContent(‘Click me‘);

test(‘renders with custom props‘, () => {
  render(<Button text="Submit" />);

test(‘calls onClick prop when clicked‘, async () => {
  const handleClick = jest.fn();
  render(<Button onClick={handleClick} />);

If you‘re not using Create React App, you‘ll need to install and configure Jest and React Testing Library yourself. Here‘s a quick runthrough of the steps:

  1. Install the dependencies:
npm install --save-dev jest @testing-library/react @testing-library/jest-dom @testing-library/user-event
  1. Add a jest configuration section to your package.json:
"jest": {
  "testEnvironment": "jsdom",
  "setupFilesAfterEnv": [
  1. Create a src/setupTests.js file with the following contents:
// src/setupTests.js
import ‘@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect‘;

This imports a set of custom jest matchers from React Testing Library that you‘ll commonly use in your tests, such as .toBeInTheDocument().

  1. Add a test script to your package.json:
"scripts": {
  "test": "jest"

Now you‘re ready to start writing tests! Run npm test to run them in watch mode so they re-run automatically as you make changes.

Test Coverage Reports

One metric that‘s often used to gauge the health and completeness of a test suite is code coverage. Code coverage refers to the percentage of your codebase that is executed or "covered" when your test suite runs.

Jest has built-in functionality for collecting and reporting code coverage. To generate a coverage report, simply run:

npm test -- --coverage

(The extra -- is needed to pass the --coverage flag through to Jest)

This will output a table showing the coverage percentages for each file and a summary for the entire project. You can also find a more detailed HTML report in the coverage/ folder.

While it‘s tempting to aim for 100% code coverage, it‘s important to remember that this is not a silver bullet. It‘s possible to have high coverage but still miss important edge cases or have brittle, hard-to-maintain tests. Treat coverage as a helpful guide, not an absolute requirement.

Mocking and Asynchronous Testing

As your React components and tests get more complex, you‘ll likely run into situations where you need to mock out certain dependencies or wait for asynchronous operations to complete before making assertions.

One common example is mocking API requests. Let‘s say we have a UserProfile component that makes a fetch call to load user data when it mounts:

import { useState, useEffect } from ‘react‘;

function UserProfile({ userId }) {
  const [user, setUser] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => setUser(data));
  }, [userId]);

  if (!user) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;

  return (


To test this component, we don‘t actually want to make a real API request in our test environment. Instead, we can mock the fetch function to return some dummy data:

import { render, screen, waitFor } from ‘@testing-library/react‘;
import UserProfile from ‘./UserProfile‘;

test(‘renders user data‘, async () => {
  // Mock the fetch function
  jest.spyOn(window, ‘fetch‘).mockImplementationOnce(() =>
      json: () => Promise.resolve({ id: 1, name: ‘John Doe‘, email: ‘[email protected]‘ }),

  render(<UserProfile userId={1} />);

  // Wait for the loading indicator to disappear
  await waitFor(() => {

  // Assert that the user data is rendered
  expect(screen.getByText(‘John Doe‘)).toBeInTheDocument();
  expect(screen.getByText(‘[email protected]‘)).toBeInTheDocument();

Here we use jest.spyOn to replace the global fetch function with a mock implementation that returns a promise resolving to our dummy user data. We then use the waitFor function from React Testing Library to wait for the loading state to disappear before making our assertions.

This is just one example of how to handle asynchronous behavior in tests. You can also use Jest‘s built-in timer mocks to test code that uses setTimeout or setInterval, or the waitForElement function to wait for elements to appear in the DOM.

Advanced Testing Techniques

Beyond the basics of rendering and interacting with components, there are a few more advanced techniques that can be useful in certain situations:

  • Snapshot testing: Jest has built-in support for snapshot testing, which allows you to save a serialized "snapshot" of a component‘s output and compare it against future renders to detect unintended changes. This can be useful for detecting regressions in complex components, but should be used sparingly as it can lead to brittle tests.

  • Testing hooks: React hooks can be a bit tricky to test since they‘re not directly rendered like components. The @testing-library/react-hooks package provides utilities for testing hooks in isolation by rendering them inside a test component.

  • Visual regression testing: Tools like Jest Image Snapshot or Cypress‘s snapshot feature allow you to compare screenshots of your rendered components against previous versions to detect visual regressions. This can catch styling bugs that normal assertion-based tests might miss.

  • End-to-end testing: While not strictly a unit testing technique, end-to-end (E2E) tests that simulate real user flows through your app are an important part of a comprehensive testing strategy. Tools like Cypress or Puppeteer can be used to automate these tests in a real browser environment.

Continuous Integration

Unit tests are most valuable when they‘re run frequently and consistently. Ideally, you should run your entire test suite on every commit and pull request to catch bugs and regressions as soon as possible.

This is where continuous integration (CI) comes in. CI tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, or Travis CI can automatically run your tests (and other checks like linting and type checking) on every push to a remote repository and report the results back to your version control platform.

To set up CI for a React project, you‘ll need to add a configuration file for your chosen CI platform that specifies how to install dependencies, run the tests, and report the results. Here‘s a simple example using CircleCI:

# .circleci/config.yml
version: 2.1
      - image: circleci/node:14
      - checkout
      - run: npm ci
      - run: npm test
      - store_test_results:
          path: test-results

With this configuration, CircleCI will spin up a Docker container with Node.js installed, clone your repository, install the dependencies from the lockfile, and run the npm test script. The test results will then be stored and made available in the CircleCI dashboard.

There are many other CI platforms and configurations to choose from. The key is to automate your tests so they run consistently and catch problems early, without requiring manual intervention.


Unit testing is an essential skill for any React developer who wants to build robust, maintainable applications. By writing thorough tests for your components, you can catch bugs early, prevent regressions, and have confidence that your app is working as intended.

In this guide, we‘ve covered the key concepts and techniques you need to know to be productive with unit testing in React. We‘ve gone over the basic structure of a test, what scenarios to test for, how to set up a testing environment, and some advanced techniques like mocking, snapshot testing, and visual regression testing.

Remember, testing is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. Make it a habit to write tests alongside your components, run them frequently, and use tools like code coverage and continuous integration to maintain a high quality test suite over time.

There‘s no excuse not to start unit testing your React code today. Your future self (and your users) will thank you!

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