The React + GraphQL 2020 Crash Course: Build a Complete App in an Afternoon

React and GraphQL are two of the hottest technologies in web development today. React is a powerful JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces, while GraphQL is a query language that gives frontend developers a more efficient and flexible way to fetch data from APIs.

When you combine the component-based architecture of React with the declarative data fetching of GraphQL, you get a robust and scalable approach for building modern web applications. In this crash course, you‘ll learn how to use React and GraphQL together by building a complete social blogging app from start to finish.

Why Use React with GraphQL?

So what makes React and GraphQL such a great fit? Let‘s look at some of the key benefits:

Declarative data fetching: With GraphQL, you define the shape of the data you need right in your React component. No need to manually construct HTTP requests or parse responses. Just describe your data requirements and let GraphQL handle the details.

Efficient network requests: GraphQL allows you to batch multiple queries into a single request. Instead of making separate API calls for each piece of data, you can retrieve everything in one trip to the server. This minimizes network overhead and improves performance.

No over/under-fetching: With REST APIs, it‘s common to fetch more data than you actually need (over-fetching) or make multiple requests to get all the necessary data (under-fetching). GraphQL eliminates this by allowing you to request exactly what you need, no more and no less.

Strong typing: GraphQL APIs are strongly typed, which means you get validation and auto-completion out of the box. This catches bugs early and makes it easier to explore and understand the API surface.

Rapid development: By leveraging GraphQL tooling and libraries like Apollo Client, you can quickly prototype and build React apps without getting bogged down in the details of data fetching. This lets you focus on crafting the perfect user experience.

Key Concepts and Tools

Before we dive into building our app, let‘s take a quick look at some of the key concepts and tools we‘ll be using:

React Hooks: React Hooks are functions that let you "hook into" React state and lifecycle features from functional components. We‘ll be using the useState and useEffect hooks to manage local component state and side effects.

Apollo Client: Apollo Client is a popular GraphQL client that integrates seamlessly with React. It handles state management, caching, and other complex concerns, allowing you to focus on the core logic of your components.

Hasura: Hasura is a service that instantly gives you a production-ready GraphQL API. We‘ll use it to generate a GraphQL API and hook it up to a Postgres database without writing any backend code.

CodeSandbox: CodeSandbox is an online code editor that makes it easy to prototype and share web apps. We‘ll be using it throughout the course so you can code along without worrying about local setup.

Now that we have a foundation, let‘s walk through the steps of the crash course and see how these pieces fit together.

Step 1: Create a GraphQL API

The first step is to create our GraphQL API using Hasura. After signing up for a free account, you can create a new Hasura project with just a few clicks. This will provision a Postgres database and generate a GraphQL API that maps to your database schema.

One of the coolest features of Hasura is that it automatically generates GraphQL mutations for creating, updating, and deleting records in your database. As soon as we define our data model, we have a complete CRUD API without writing any resolvers!

Step 2: Learn GraphQL Queries and Mutations

With our API in place, it‘s time to start exploring GraphQL. Hasura provides a built-in tool called GraphiQL, which is an interactive playground for running queries and mutations against your API.

We‘ll start by defining a simple data model for our blog posts. Each post will have an id, title, body, and createdAt timestamp. Then we can use GraphiQL to execute queries that fetch posts from the database.

Here‘s an example query that retrieves a list of all posts:

query {
posts {

GraphiQL also lets us test out mutations for creating, updating, and deleting posts. Here‘s a mutation that creates a new post:

mutation {
insert_posts_one(object: {
title: "My First Post",
body: "Hello world!"
}) {

By the end of this step, you‘ll be proficient in the GraphQL query language and ready to integrate it into a React app.

Step 3: Connect React with Apollo Client

Now that our API is set up, let‘s connect it to a React frontend using Apollo Client. The first step is to install the apollo-boost and @apollo/react-hooks packages.

Next, we create a new ApolloClient instance and specify the URL of our GraphQL API:

import ApolloClient from ‘apollo-boost‘;

const client = new ApolloClient({
uri: ‘‘,

Finally, we wrap our React app in an ApolloProvider component and pass in the client. This makes the GraphQL API available to all of our components.

import { ApolloProvider } from ‘@apollo/react-hooks‘;



With that, our React app is fully powered by GraphQL and ready to fetch some data!

Step 4: Fetch Data with useQuery

One of the best parts about using Apollo with React is the useQuery hook. This lets you execute GraphQL queries and render the results in your component with minimal boilerplate.

First we define our GraphQL query using the gql template literal:

import { gql } from ‘apollo-boost‘;

const GET_POSTS = gql query { posts { id title body createdAt } } ;

Then we pass our query to the useQuery hook:

import { useQuery } from ‘@apollo/react-hooks‘;

function PostList() {
const { data, loading, error } = useQuery(GET_POSTS);

if (loading) return


if (error) return

Error 🙁


return (

    { => (

  • {post.title}


  • ))}


That‘s it! The useQuery hook handles executing our query and tracking the loading and error states. We can focus on rendering the fetched data in our component.

Step 5: Create and Edit Data with useMutation

In addition to fetching data, our app needs to be able to create and edit blog posts. Apollo makes this easy with the useMutation hook.

To create a post, we define a GraphQL mutation:

const CREATE_POST = gql mutation CreatePost($title: String!, $body: String!) { insert_posts_one(object: {title: $title, body: $body}) { id title body createdAt } } ;

Then we execute it with useMutation:

function CreatePost() {
const [createPost, { loading }] = useMutation(CREATE_POST);

function handleSubmit(event) {
variables: {

return (