What‘s So Great About Redux? A Deep Dive for JavaScript Developers

If you‘ve been in the JavaScript ecosystem for a while, you‘ve certainly heard about Redux. It‘s one of the most popular and influential libraries for managing application state. But what makes Redux so compelling, and why does it continue to be a dominant force in front-end development?

In this deep dive, we‘ll explore what Redux is, how it works under the hood, and what benefits it provides to you as a developer. We‘ll look at real-world usage data, compare Redux to other state management options, and ponder its future in an ever-evolving front-end landscape. Put on your diving gear and get ready to explore the depths of Redux!

Understanding Redux: Actions, Reducers, and the Store

At its core, Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It helps you manage and centralize application state using three key concepts:

  1. Actions: Objects that represent an intention to change state. They are the only way to get data into the store.
  2. Reducers: Pure functions that specify how the state changes in response to actions. They take the current state and an action, and return the next state.
  3. Store: The object that holds the application state, allows access to state via getState(), dispatches actions via dispatch(), and registers listeners via subscribe().

Here‘s a simple example of defining a reducer:

function counterReducer(state = 0, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case ‘INCREMENT‘:
      return state + 1;
    case ‘DECREMENT‘:
      return state - 1;
      return state;

And here‘s how you create a store with that reducer:

import { createStore } from ‘redux‘;

const store = createStore(counterReducer);

You can then dispatch actions to modify the state:

store.dispatch({ type: ‘INCREMENT‘ });
console.log(store.getState()); // 1

One of the key ideas of Redux is that neither the actions nor the reducers specify how the state is used, displayed, or transformed. That‘s the job of the "view layer," such as React components. This separation of concerns enables powerful features like recording and replaying user actions, or even "rewinding" the state to a previous point in time.

The Redux Ecosystem: Middleware, Tooling, and More

While the core of Redux is quite small, there‘s a rich ecosystem of addons and tools around it. Let‘s look at a few key players:

Redux Middleware

Redux middleware provides a third-party extension point between dispatching an action and the moment it reaches the reducer. Middleware can modify actions, delay them, ignore them, or even dispatch new ones. Some popular middleware libraries include:

  • Redux Thunk: Allows you to write action creators that return functions instead of objects, enabling asynchronous logic and side effects.
  • Redux Saga: Provides a way to manage side effects (like data fetching) using ES6 generators, making asynchronous flows easy to write and test.
  • Redux Observable: Handles asynchronous actions as streams using RxJS observables.

Here‘s an example of using Redux Thunk to fetch data asynchronously:

function fetchPosts() {
  return async (dispatch) => {
    dispatch({ type: ‘FETCH_POSTS_REQUEST‘ });

    try {
      const response = await fetch(‘https://api.example.com/posts‘);
      const posts = await response.json();
      dispatch({ type: ‘FETCH_POSTS_SUCCESS‘, payload: posts });
    } catch (error) {
      dispatch({ type: ‘FETCH_POSTS_FAILURE‘, error });

Redux Toolkit

While Redux itself is unopinionated, Redux Toolkit is an opinionated toolset for efficient Redux development. It includes utilities to simplify common Redux use cases like store setup, defining reducers, immutable update logic, and more. It‘s now the recommended way to write Redux logic.


If you‘re using Redux with React, you‘ll likely use React-Redux. It‘s the official binding layer between Redux and React components, providing hooks like useSelector and useDispatch for reading state and dispatching actions.

Redux in the Wild: Usage, Satisfaction, and Alternatives

So how many developers are actually using Redux? Let‘s look at some data:

  • Redux has over 5.1 million weekly downloads on npm as of May 2023.
  • It has over 59,000 stars on GitHub, making it one of the most starred JS libraries.
  • In the 2022 State of JS survey, Redux had a 48% usage rate among respondents, with a 70% satisfaction score.

While these numbers are impressive, it‘s worth noting that Redux isn‘t the only game in town. Other state management solutions have gained popularity in recent years:

  • MobX: Provides a more mutable, OOP-style approach to state management. It has lower boilerplate than Redux but a steeper learning curve.
  • Recoil: A newer library developed by Facebook that uses atoms and selectors to manage granular pieces of state.
  • XState: A library for managing complex state with finite state machines and statecharts.

There‘s also been a trend towards using specialized data fetching libraries like React Query, SWR, and Apollo Client in place of Redux for remote data management. These libraries often lead to less code and fewer concepts than Redux + middleware for data fetching.

Ultimately, the choice of state management solution depends on the needs and constraints of your particular application. Redux excels at complex, global state with frequent updates, while other solutions may be better fits for simpler or more local state.

The Future of Redux: Modernization and Simplification

Despite the rise of alternatives, Redux shows no signs of slowing down. Its core ideas around predictable state management and unidirectional data flow have proven resilient over the years. However, the Redux community has been working to address common criticisms and pain points.

The biggest shift has been the introduction of Redux Toolkit and the concept of "modern Redux." Redux Toolkit aims to be the standard way to write Redux logic, abstracting over common Redux tasks and enforcing best practices like immutability.

There‘s also been discussion around potential future changes to Redux to further simplify it and reduce boilerplate. Some ideas include first-class Typescript support, built-in async actions, and a more hook-based API.

As the front-end ecosystem evolves, Redux will need to evolve with it. But its core principles of predictability, centralized state, and unidirectional flow are as relevant as ever in a world of ever-more complex JavaScript applications.


We‘ve covered a lot of ground in this deep dive into Redux. We‘ve seen how its core concepts of actions, reducers, and a centralized store enable predictable state management in JavaScript apps. We‘ve explored its rich ecosystem of middleware, tooling, and bindings for popular libraries like React. We‘ve looked at real-world Redux usage data and compared it to alternative state management solutions.

Through all of this, a few key themes emerge. Redux provides a powerful, predictable, and extensible model for managing complex application state. It has a large and active ecosystem, and continues to be one of the most widely used libraries in front-end development. While it has its tradeoffs and alternatives, its core ideas have stood the test of time.

As a JavaScript developer, understanding Redux – both its core concepts and its practical application – is a valuable skill. Even if you don‘t use Redux day-to-day, the patterns and principles it embodies will make you a better developer.

So dive into Redux, explore its ecosystem, and see how it can level up your state management game. Happy coding!

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