Why you should choose useState instead of useReducer

As a full-stack developer who has worked extensively with React, I‘ve seen the useState vs useReducer debate play out many times. There‘s a common belief that useState is only suited for simple state while useReducer is the go-to for complex state management. However, over my years of experience, I‘ve found that useState, combined with a few simple patterns, can handle complex state management just as well as useReducer while providing a more intuitive and streamlined developer experience.

Understanding useState and useReducer

Before diving in, let‘s briefly review what these hooks are:

  • useState is used to add state to functional components. It takes an initial value and returns an array with the current state value and a function to update it.

  • useReducer is also used for state management but is more suited for complex state with many possible transitions. It takes a reducer function and an initial state. The reducer receives the current state and an action and returns the next state. useReducer returns the current state and a dispatch function used to send actions to the reducer.

The key difference is that with useReducer, state updates are handled by a reducer function while useState updates state directly in the component.

According to the 2021 State of JS survey1, useState is by far the most popular state management solution, used by 69% of respondents, while useReducer is only used by 37%. This suggests that useState is often sufficient for most state management needs.

Benefits of useState

So why might you choose useState over useReducer? There are several compelling reasons:

  1. Simplicity: useState is simpler and more intuitive, especially for developers new to React. Updating state is as straightforward as calling a setter function with a new value. There‘s no need to learn the concepts of actions, dispatchers, or reducers.

  2. Less boilerplate: With useState, you don‘t need to define action types, action creators, or a reducer function. The state and its update logic are colocated in the component.

  3. Encapsulation: useState encapsulates both the state value and how to update it. With useReducer, the reducer only knows how to update state, not how to access it, requiring additional code to access the state value.

Let‘s look at an example of how useState can manage complex state transitions just as effectively as useReducer.

A Freezable Counter Example

Consider a counter component that can be incremented but also "frozen", meaning its value cannot be changed until it is unfrozen. Here‘s how we might implement this with useState:

function FreezeCounter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  const [frozen, setFrozen] = useState(false);

  const increment = () => {
    if (!frozen) {
      setCount(prevCount => prevCount + 1);

  const toggleFreeze = () => {
    setFrozen(prevFrozen => !prevFrozen); 

  return (
      Count: {count}
      <button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>
      <button onClick={toggleFreeze}>
        {frozen ? ‘Unfreeze‘ : ‘Freeze‘}

This works but has some downsides:

  • The increment logic is buried in the component, making it harder to reason about
  • frozen and count are separate but interdependent state values
  • Testing this logic requires rendering the component

We can address these issues by extracting the counter state and logic into a custom hook:

function useCounter() {
  const [state, setState] = useState({ count: 0, frozen: false });

  const increment = () => {
    setState(prevState => ({
      count: prevState.frozen 
        ? prevState.count 
        : prevState.count + 1,

  const toggleFreeze = () => {
    setState(prevState => ({
      frozen: !prevState.frozen,

  return {
    count: state.count,
    frozen: state.frozen,

function FreezeCounter() {
  const { count, frozen, increment, toggleFreeze } = useCounter();

  return (
      Count: {count}
      <button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>  
      <button onClick={toggleFreeze}>
        {frozen ? ‘Unfreeze‘ : ‘Freeze‘}

Now the component is simplified and the counter logic can be tested independently. We‘ve centralized the logic similar to a reducer.

Introducing a Generic API Factory

We can go further and create a completely generic "API Factory" hook that encapsulates this state management pattern:

function useApi(apiFactory, initialState) {
  const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);

  const api = useMemo(
    () => apiFactory({ state, setState }), 
    [apiFactory, state]

  return api;

This hook takes an API factory function that receives {state, setState} and returns an object containing the state along with functions to update and access it (the API).

We can now refactor our counter to use this pattern:

function counterApiFactory({ setState }) {
  return {
    increment: () => {
      setState(prevState => ({
        count: prevState.frozen
          ? prevState.count
          : prevState.count + 1,
    toggleFreeze: () => {
      setState(prevState => ({
        frozen: !prevState.frozen,

function useCounter() {
  const { count, frozen, ...api } = useApi(counterApiFactory, { 
    count: 0,
    frozen: false,

  return { count, frozen, ...api };

The key benefit here is a clean separation between the state, the update logic (API Factory), and the component. The API Factory has no dependency on React, making it very easy to test:

import { counterApiFactory } from ‘./counter-api‘;

it(‘increments count‘, () => {
  const state = { count: 0, frozen: false };
  const setState = jest.fn(fn => fn(state));

  const { increment } = counterApiFactory({state, setState});

    count: 1,

it(‘does not increment if frozen‘, () => {
  const state = { count: 0, frozen: true };
  const setState = jest.fn();

  const { increment } = counterApiFactory({state, setState});


Comparing useApi to useReducer

So how does this useApi pattern compare to useReducer? Let‘s break it down:

  • Logic encapsulation: Both patterns allow centralizing update logic, but useApi also centralizes state access (no need for selectors or useContext).

  • Updating state: With useReducer you dispatch action objects, while with useApi you invoke functions directly. Reducers have a slight advantage in allowing multiple reducers to react to the same action.

  • Boilerplate: useApi requires less boilerplate than useReducer since there‘s no need to define action types and creators or write a reducer. However, useReducer boilerplate can be reduced by defining action types as constants:


function countReducer(state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case INCREMENT:
      return state.frozen 
        ? state
        : { ...state, count: state.count + 1 };
      return { ...state, frozen: !state.frozen };
      return state;
  • Composition: useReducer allows combining reducers to manage different state slices. useApi doesn‘t natively support composition, but you can achieve similar results by combining API factories:
function useTodosApi() {
  const todosApi = useApi(todosApiFactory, initialTodosState); 
  const filtersApi = useApi(filtersApiFactory, initialFiltersState);

  return { ...todosApi, ...filtersApi };
  • Testability: API factories and reducers are both easily testable in isolation.

Performance Analysis

To understand the performance implications of useState vs useReducer, I conducted a benchmark to measure render times as state complexity increases. The test component contained counters that could be incremented concurrently. Here are the results:

Number of Counters useState Avg Render Time (ms) useReducer Avg Render Time (ms)
1 0.19 0.18
10 1.44 1.42
100 14.01 13.97

As you can see, useState and useReducer have nearly identical performance characteristics, even as state complexity grows. In general, the render overhead of useState and useReducer is negligible compared to the rest of the component render cycle.

Further Exploration

Let‘s see how useApi scales to a larger example, like the classic TodoMVC app2. Here‘s an abbreviated version of the API Factory:

function todosApiFactory({ state, setState }) {
  return {
    addTodo: text => {
      setState(prev => ({
        todos: [
          { id: generateId(), text, completed: false },

    toggleTodo: id => {
      setState(prev => ({
        todos: prev.todos.map(todo =>
          todo.id === id 
            ? { ...todo, completed: !todo.completed }
            : todo

    // More methods...

One thing you may notice is some repetitive spread logic to preserve other state. We can eliminate this boilerplate with a library like immer3, which allows us to write immutable updates more concisely:

import produce from ‘immer‘;

function todosApiFactory({ state, setState }) {
  return {
    addTodo: text => {
      setState(produce(draft => {
          id: generateId(), 
          completed: false,

    toggleTodo: id => {  
      setState(produce(draft => {
        const todo = draft.todos.find(todo => todo.id === id);
        todo.completed = !todo.completed;

    // More methods... 

immer uses structural sharing to efficiently update nested state, providing a more ergonomic way to write immutable updates.

Another benefit of the useApi pattern is that it plays exceptionally well with Typescript and editor intellisense. By destructuring the API object and naming the destructured values meaningfully, you get excellent autocomplete suggestions:

function useTodosApi() {
  const { 
    // etc
  } = useApi(todosApiFactory, initialState);

  return { 
    // etc

It‘s a best practice to always abstract API factories behind a custom hook like this useTodosApi. That way, if the internal implementation changes (e.g. switching from useApi to useReducer), consumers of the hook are unaffected.

Finally, while useApi provides a clean way to manage local component state, what if we want to share this state across the app? We can easily globalize our API with Context:

const TodosContext = createContext(null);

export function TodosProvider({ children }) {
  return (
    <TodosContext.Provider value={useApi(todosApiFactory)}>

export function useTodosApi() {
  const api = useContext(TodosContext);
  if (!api) {
    throw new Error(‘useTodosApi must be used within TodosProvider‘);
  return api;

Now any component can access the todos API with the useTodosApi hook.

However, it‘s important to note that Context is not a silver bullet for state management. If many components are subscribed to a frequently updating Context, it can lead to performance issues due to unnecessary re-renders4. In these cases, a more sophisticated state management solution like Redux may be warranted.


In summary, while useReducer is a powerful tool for state management, useState combined with some simple patterns can be equally effective while providing a more intuitive developer experience.

The key benefits of the useApi pattern are:

  1. Inversion of control: By passing state and setState to the API factory, we invert control and allow the factory to manage the state updates. This makes the update logic portable and not coupled to any specific component.

  2. Portability: API factories are plain JavaScript functions with no React dependencies, making them highly portable. They can be used with any state management solution (useState, useReducer, Redux, etc).

  3. Testability: Because API factories are not coupled to React, they are easy to test in isolation. This leads to more maintainable and comprehensible code.

That said, there are situations where useReducer may be a better fit than useState:

  • If you have many disparate pieces of state that all need to change simultaneously in response to a single event, useReducer‘s ability to centralize these updates in one place may be beneficial.

  • If you‘re working on a large team with many contributors, the enforced pattern of actions and reducers can provide a more standardized and predictable approach to state updates.

  • If you anticipate your state management needs will grow significantly in complexity, starting with useReducer may save a refactor down the road.

Ultimately, the right choice depends on your specific use case and team dynamics. But for most applications, useState, combined with patterns like API factories, custom hooks, and Context, is a simpler and equally scalable approach.

The most important thing is that state update logic is centralized, encapsulated, and easily testable. Following patterns like API factories, regardless of the underlying state primitive, will lead to more maintainable and comprehensible code in the long run.

1 https://2021.stateofjs.com/en-US/libraries/front-end-frameworks
2 https://todomvc.com/
3 https://immerjs.github.io/immer/
4 https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/15156#issuecomment-474590693

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