8 React.js Project Ideas to Help You Start Learning by Doing

React.js has exploded in popularity in recent years, and for good reason. As a flexible, component-based JavaScript library for building user interfaces, React allows developers to create complex, interactive web applications efficiently and scalably.

Learning React is an exciting journey, but mastering the library requires more than just reading tutorials and documentation. The key to truly understanding React is to apply your knowledge through hands-on practice and project-based learning.

According to the 2020 StackOverflow Developer Survey, React is the 2nd most loved web framework by developers, trailing only ASP.NET Core. The same survey also found that React is the most wanted web framework, with 30.2% of developers expressing interest in continuing to develop with it.

Building real-world projects not only solidifies your understanding of React‘s core concepts, but also teaches you the ins-and-outs of architecting complete applications. You‘ll learn how to:

  • Break down a complex application into a component hierarchy
  • Manage state and data flow between components
  • Integrate with third-party APIs and libraries
  • Debug issues and profile performance
  • Follow React best practices and design patterns

Perhaps most importantly, building projects gives you a portfolio of work to showcase to potential employers or clients. A strong portfolio demonstrating your ability to build real applications with React is far more compelling than a resume simply stating you know the library.

In this guide, we‘ll explore 8 project ideas that will help you grow your React skills through practical experience. These projects cover a range of applications, from e-commerce sites to productivity tools to data visualization dashboards. Each project includes a brief overview, a breakdown of features by complexity level, and a list of resources and inspiration to help you get started.

Let‘s jump in and start learning React by doing!

1. E-Commerce Store

Category: Business & Real-World


Building an e-commerce store is a great way to understand how to architect a full-stack React app. You‘ll learn how to create product listings, build a shopping cart, integrate payments, and manage global state. E-commerce is a ubiquitous use case for web development, and experience building an online store will serve you well in your career as a React developer.

Key Concepts & Skills

  • Component design and organization
  • Managing global state with Redux or Context API
  • Integrating third-party payment processing
  • Handling user authentication and authorization
  • Optimizing performance and load times

Level 1

Create a simple store with static product data. Display the products in a grid and allow users to click on a product to view more details.

Level 2

Add shopping cart functionality. Allow users to add products to their cart, adjust quantities, and remove items. Keep the cart data in local storage.

Level 3

Integrate Stripe for payment processing. Add user authentication and allow users to view their past orders. Persist cart data on the server.

Pro Tip

For managing global state in a large application like an e-commerce store, consider using Redux Toolkit. Redux Toolkit is an opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development that simplifies many common Redux use cases.

import { createSlice, configureStore } from ‘@reduxjs/toolkit‘

const cartSlice = createSlice({
  name: ‘cart‘,
  initialState: [],
  reducers: {
    addItem: (state, action) => {
    removeItem: (state, action) => {
      return state.filter(item => item.id !== action.payload)

export const { addItem, removeItem } = cartSlice.actions

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
    cart: cartSlice.reducer


Functionality Options
Routing React Router, Reach Router
Global State Redux, Context API, MobX
Forms Formik, React Hook Form
Styling Styled Components, CSS Modules, Tailwind
Payments Stripe, PayPal, Square
Backend Node/Express, Firebase, Shopify API



2. Social Media Dashboard

Category: Personal & Portfolio


A social media dashboard is a useful tool for individuals or businesses who want to aggregate data from multiple social platforms into a single view. This project will give you experience working with social media APIs, data visualization libraries, and responsive design. Social media is a data-rich domain, and knowing how to fetch, aggregate, and visualize social data is a valuable skill.

Key Concepts & Skills

  • Authenticating and working with third-party APIs
  • Aggregating and transforming data from multiple sources
  • Data visualization with React libraries
  • Responsive and accessible design
  • Managing state of multiple API requests

Level 1

Integrate with the APIs of 2-3 social platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Fetch and display follower counts, likes, and interaction data.

Level 2

Visualize your social data using charts and graphs. Allow users to select custom date ranges and compare performance across platforms.

Level 3

Implement user authentication and allow users to connect their own social accounts. Generate PDF reports of the aggregated data.

Pro Tip

When working with multiple API requests, use React Query to simplify fetching, caching, synchronizing and updating server state. React Query abstracts away many of the details of working with asynchronous data in React, eliminating the need to manually manage loading and error states.

import { useQuery } from ‘react-query‘

function SocialData() {
  const { data: twitterData, status: twitterStatus } = useQuery(‘twitterData‘, fetchTwitterData)
  const { data: facebookData, status: facebookStatus } = useQuery(‘facebookData‘, fetchFacebookData)
  const { data: instagramData, status: instagramStatus } = useQuery(‘instagramData‘, fetchInstagramData)

  if (twitterStatus === ‘loading‘ || facebookStatus === ‘loading‘ || instagramStatus === ‘loading‘) {
    return <div>Loading...</div> 

  if (twitterStatus === ‘error‘ || facebookStatus === ‘error‘ || instagramStatus === ‘error‘) {
    return <div>Error!</div>

  // Render data...


Functionality Options
Data Fetching Axios, Superagent, Fetch API
Data Visualization Recharts, Victory, React-Vis
Styling Styled Components, CSS Modules, Tailwind
Authentication Firebase Auth, Auth0, Passport.js
Backend Node/Express, Firebase, Serverless



3. Productivity Tool: Task Manager

Category: Productivity


A task manager is a classic project that will test your ability to create CRUD interfaces, manipulate state, and persist data. You can take this project in many directions, from a simple to-do list to a full-fledged project management system. Every developer should have a task manager in their portfolio!

Key Concepts & Skills

  • CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
  • Managing and persisting state
  • Form handling and validation
  • Implementing search and filter functionality
  • Drag-and-drop interactions

Level 1

Create a basic task manager where users can add, edit, and delete tasks. Store the tasks in local storage.

Level 2

Organize tasks by project or category. Allow users to set due dates and get reminders. Sync tasks with a backend API.

Level 3

Implement user authentication and authorization. Allow users to collaborate on shared projects. Add calendar and Gantt chart views of tasks.

Pro Tip

For a smooth drag-and-drop experience, use the react-beautiful-dnd library. It provides a clean and accessible way to implement complex drag-and-drop interfaces while abstracting away the low-level details.

import { DragDropContext, Droppable, Draggable } from ‘react-beautiful-dnd‘;

<DragDropContext onDragEnd={onDragEnd}>
  <Droppable droppableId="list">
    {(provided) => (
      <ul className="list" {...provided.droppableProps} ref={provided.innerRef}>
        {tasks.map((task, index) => (
          <Draggable key={task.id} draggableId={task.id} index={index}>
            {(provided) => (
              <li ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.draggableProps} {...provided.dragHandleProps}>


Functionality Options
Drag and Drop react-beautiful-dnd, react-dnd
Forms Formik, React Hook Form
Dates Moment.js, date-fns
Backend Firebase, Node/Express, Serverless
State Management Redux, Context API, MobX



4. Data Visualization: Movie Database

Category: Fun & Interesting


Building a movie database will give you practice working with third-party APIs, creating search and filter interfaces, and displaying data in an engaging way. You‘ll learn how to fetch data from a movie API, design an intuitive search experience, and use data visualization to bring the data to life.

Key Concepts & Skills

  • Fetching data from third-party APIs
  • Implementing search and filter functionality
  • Creating data visualizations with libraries like D3 or Chart.js
  • Lazy loading and infinite scroll
  • Performance optimization techniques

Level 1

Fetch data from a movie API like The Movie Database (TMDB) and display a grid of movie posters. Allow users to click a movie to view more details like plot summary, cast, and trailer.

Level 2

Add a search bar to allow users to find movies by title. Implement client-side pagination or infinite scroll for the results.

Level 3

Create data visualizations of movie data, such as a bar chart of the highest rated movies or a scatter plot comparing budget vs. revenue. Implement advanced search filters like genre, release year, and rating.

Pro Tip

To create responsive and interactive data visualizations, consider using the recharts library. Recharts is a composable charting library built on React components, allowing you to create custom charts with a declarative API.

import { BarChart, Bar, XAxis, YAxis, CartesianGrid, Tooltip } from ‘recharts‘;

<BarChart width={500} height={300} data={movieData}>
  <CartesianGrid strokeDasharray="3 3" />
  <XAxis dataKey="title" />
  <YAxis />
  <Tooltip />
  <Bar dataKey="rating" fill="#8884d8" />


Functionality Options
API The Movie Database (TMDB), IMDb API
Data Visualization Recharts, Victory, React-Vis, D3
Search Algolia, Elasticsearch, Fuse.js
Infinite Scroll react-infinite-scroller, react-infinite
Image Loading react-progressive-image, react-lazyload



Frequently Asked Questions

What if I get stuck while building a project?

Getting stuck is a normal part of the learning process! When you encounter a roadblock, start by debugging: check for error messages, use console.log to inspect variables, and trace the flow of your code. If you‘re still stuck, try searching for your issue on StackOverflow or Google. Chances are someone has encountered a similar problem before. If you can‘t find a solution, consider asking for help on a coding forum or Discord server. The React community is very friendly and supportive!

How can I make my projects stand out to employers?

To make your projects stand out, focus on creating a polished user experience and writing clean, efficient code. Pay attention to details like error handling, loading states, and responsive design. Add personal touches and unique features to make your project memorable.

Most importantly, make your code accessible to others by including a detailed README file that explains the project‘s purpose, key features, and instructions for running the code locally. Deploy your project so that employers can easily view and interact with it.

How long should each project take?

The time required for each project will vary depending on the complexity level you choose and your familiarity with the tools involved. A Level 1 project may take a day or two, while a Level 3 project could take a week or more.

Remember, the goal is not to rush through the projects but to take your time and really understand the concepts. If a project is taking longer than expected, that‘s okay! It‘s better to spend an extra day solidifying your understanding than to race through and miss key learnings.


We‘ve covered 8 engaging React.js project ideas to help you grow your skills through practical application. From e-commerce stores to productivity tools to data visualization, these projects cover a wide range of real-world use cases and technical challenges.

Remember, the key to learning React is consistent practice. Aim to work on projects a little bit each day, even if it‘s just for 30 minutes. The more you code, the more comfortable and confident you‘ll become.

As you build these projects, don‘t forget to share your work! Deploy your projects to platforms like Heroku or Netlify, and share the links on your social media or portfolio site. Explaining your projects to others is a great way to solidify your understanding and showcase your growth as a developer.

If you‘re looking for even more project ideas, check out this repository with dozens of app ideas for every skill level.

Happy coding! Remember, every line of code you write is a step towards mastering React and becoming a full-stack developer. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and most importantly, enjoy the process. Building projects is the most rewarding way to learn React, and I can‘t wait to see what you create!

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