Rails New vs Rails Generate: A Comprehensive Guide

If you‘re diving into Rails development, two commands you‘ll quickly become familiar with are rails new and rails generate. While they may seem similar at first glance, these commands serve distinct and important roles in the Rails ecosystem.

As a full-stack developer who has built numerous Rails applications, I can attest to the fact that understanding the difference between rails new and rails generate is crucial for productive Rails development. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into each command, looking at practical examples, best practices, and expert insights to help you master these essential tools.

The Importance of Rails New and Rails Generate

Before we get into the specifics of each command, let‘s take a step back and consider why rails new and rails generate are so important.

Rails is built on the principle of "convention over configuration", which means that by default, Rails makes assumptions about how you want to structure and build your application. This allows developers to write less code and focus on the unique parts of their app, rather than spending time on boilerplate setup.

The rails new and rails generate commands are key ways that Rails puts "convention over configuration" into practice. By providing standard application templates and component generators, these commands make it quick and easy to bootstrap a new Rails app and add new features, while maintaining a standardized structure.

Consider these statistics that highlight the popularity and importance of Rails:

  • Ruby on Rails is used by over 1.2 million websites, including giants like Shopify, Airbnb, and GitHub (BuiltWith)
  • Rails is the most popular web framework written in Ruby, with 60% market share (SimilarTech)
  • The Rails ecosystem includes over 180,000 open source gems providing pre-built functionality (RubyGems.org)

With such a large and active community, being proficient with standard Rails tools like rails new and rails generate is essential for any Rails developer.

The Rails New Command

What Does Rails New Do?

At its core, the rails new command creates a new Rails application from scratch. When you run rails new myapp, Rails will:

  1. Create a new directory called myapp to house your application code
  2. Set up the default Rails directory structure and files inside myapp
  3. Initialize a new Git repository within the project directory
  4. Create configuration files for things like the database, routing, and secret credentials
  5. Generate a Gemfile specifying the gem dependencies for a default Rails app
  6. Run bundle install to install the default gems

After running rails new, you‘ll have a fully functional, albeit basic, Rails application ready for development.

Options and Customization

While the default rails new setup works great for many applications, Rails also provides a number of options to customize your new app. Some frequently used options include:

  • --api: Generate an API-only application without view layer
  • --minimal: Generate a minimalistic Rails app without Action Cable, Action Mailer, Active Job, etc.
  • --skip-active-record: Use an ORM other than Active Record
  • --database=postgresql: Specify a database type other than the default SQLite

For example, to generate an API-only app with a PostgreSQL database, you would run:

rails new myapp --api --database=postgresql  

When to Use Rails New

You should use the rails new command when you‘re starting a brand new Rails project and need to generate the basic application structure and configuration files.

Typically, you‘ll only run rails new once at the very beginning of a project. After that, you‘ll switch to using rails generate to create new components within your app.

The Rails Generate Command

What Does Rails Generate Do?

While rails new is used to create a new Rails application, rails generate (aliased as rails g) is used to create new components within an existing Rails application.

Some of the most commonly generated components include:

  • Models: The M in MVC, used to define data objects and interact with the database
  • Controllers: Handle requests, retrieve models, and prepare responses
  • Migrations: Define changes to your database schema
  • Mailers: Used for sending emails from your application
  • Scaffolds: Quickly generate a full set of models, controllers, and views for a resource

Let‘s look at some concrete examples of using rails generate.

Generating Models

Generating a model will create a new model file in app/models, a new database migration in db/migrate, and a new test file in test/models (or spec/models if using RSpec).

For example, to generate a User model with a name and email field, you would run:

rails generate model User name:string email:string

This would generate the following files:


Generating Controllers

Generating a controller will create a new controller file in app/controllers, view templates in app/views, a new test file in test/controllers, and add new routes in config/routes.rb.

For example, to generate a PostsController with index, show, new, and create actions, you would run:

rails generate controller Posts index show new create

This would generate the following files:


And add the following routes:

# config/routes.rb
get ‘posts/index‘
get ‘posts/show‘
get ‘posts/new‘
post ‘posts/create‘  

Generating Migrations

You can generate standalone migrations to modify your database schema. For example, to add a published_at column to the posts table:

rails generate migration AddPublishedAtToPosts published_at:datetime

This would generate a migration file like:

# db/migrate/TIMESTAMP_add_published_at_to_posts.rb
class AddPublishedAtToPosts < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
  def change
    add_column :posts, :published_at, :datetime

Generating Mailers

You can generate mailers to send email from your application. For example, to create a UserMailer with a welcome_email action:

rails generate mailer UserMailer welcome_email

This would generate:


Generating Scaffolds

While scaffolds aren‘t used as frequently as models or controllers on their own, they can be a useful way to quickly generate a full set of CRUD functionality for a resource:

rails generate scaffold Post title:string body:text

This would generate:

  • A Post model and migration
  • A PostsController with full CRUD actions
  • View templates for each controller action
  • Resource routes in routes.rb
  • Controller and model tests

Best Practices and Tips

Here are some tips and best practices for using rails generate effectively:

  • Use the singular form for model names (User instead of Users). Rails will automatically pluralize names where needed.
  • For associations, use references instead of belongs_to. For example, rails g model Comment post:references.
  • Skip generating test files if you‘re using a third-party test framework like RSpec with the --no-test-framework option.
  • Customize your generators by modifying templates in lib/templates or creating your own generators.

The Rails Development Workflow

Understanding how rails new and rails generate fit into the typical Rails development workflow is key for productivity.

When starting a new Rails project, you‘ll always begin with rails new to bootstrap your application. Then, as you build out the functionality of your app, you‘ll use rails generate to add new models, controllers, migrations, etc. Typically, your workflow will look something like:

  1. rails new myapp to create a new Rails project
  2. rails generate model ... to create your application‘s models and database tables
  3. rails generate controller ... to create controllers and view templates for interacting with your models
  4. rails generate migration ... for any additional changes to your database schema
  5. Customize your models, views, controllers, and routes
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 to incrementally build out the features of your application

Extending the Default Generators

One powerful aspect of Rails generators is that they are fully customizable. Rails provides a number of hooks and templates you can use to modify the default generators, or even create entirely new ones.

For example, let‘s say you wanted to always use RSpec instead of Minitest as your testing framework. You could modify the default templates to use RSpec by adding the following to config/application.rb:

config.generators do |g|
  g.test_framework :rspec

Now, whenever you generate a new model or controller, it will automatically create RSpec spec files instead of Minitest test files.

You can also create entirely new generators. For example, maybe you frequently add a slug field to your models for pretty URLs. You could create a custom generator to automate this:

# lib/generators/slug_migration/slug_migration_generator.rb
class SlugMigrationGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
  source_root File.expand_path(‘templates‘, __dir__)

  def create_migration_file
    timestamp = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
    template "migration.rb", "db/migrate/#{timestamp}_add_slug_to_#{table_name}.rb"


  def table_name
    @table_name ||= ARGV[0].underscore.pluralize

You could then run rails generate slug_migration posts to quickly generate a migration to add a slug field to your posts table.


The rails new and rails generate commands are two of the most fundamental tools in the Rails developer‘s toolkit. By providing standard application templates and component generators, these commands make it incredibly easy to bootstrap a new Rails app and incrementally add features while adhering to Rails conventions.

In this guide, we‘ve taken an in-depth look at how to use rails new and rails generate, analyzed common use cases and best practices, and even explored how to customize and extend the default generators.

Regardless of whether you‘re a seasoned Rails developer or just getting started, mastering rails new and rails generate is essential for productive and idiomatic Rails development. By leveraging these powerful tools, you can rapidly build robust, scalable applications while minimizing boilerplate and adhering to best practices.

So next time you‘re ready to dive into a new Rails project, remember: start with rails new, and use rails generate early and often. Your future self will thank you!

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