How I Beat Impostor Syndrome and Stopped Feeling Like a Fraud

Woman hiding behind plant with text: Exposing Impostor Syndrome

I have a confession to make: for most of my career as a software developer, I‘ve felt like a fraud. An impostor. Someone who lucked into their success and didn‘t really deserve it.

This is the essence of impostor syndrome – a psychological pattern where you doubt your skills and accomplishments, and fear being exposed as a "fraud", despite evidence to the contrary. It‘s surprisingly common, especially in high-achieving fields like tech, science, and academia.

Studies estimate that 58% to 70% of people in tech experience impostor syndrome at some point (Villwock et al., 2016; Kaplan, 2015). A 2018 survey by Blind found that 57% of tech workers from major companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon admitted to experiencing impostor syndrome currently (Blind, 2018).

So if you suffer from impostor syndrome as a developer, you‘re in good company. Even hugely successful programmers and tech leaders have admitted to feeling like frauds:

"I had impostor syndrome until the day I launched Stack Overflow… I‘m an idiot. All programmers are idiots. That‘s the single largest challenge in all of software development: recognizing your own stupidity." – Joel Spolsky, co-founder of Stack Overflow (Foster, 2009)

My impostor syndrome journey started where many developers‘ do – in computer science classes. I did well, but I constantly compared myself to classmates who seemed to effortlessly grasp complex topics that I struggled with. I thought I wasn‘t a "natural" and didn‘t belong.

This feeling followed me into my career. Every time I ran into a challenging bug, needed to look something up, or didn‘t immediately know a solution, the impostor thoughts kicked in: "I‘m not cut out for this. My co-workers are going to realize I‘m a phony."

Many developers fall into the impostor cycle – a self-fulfilling prophecy where fear of failure leads to over-preparation or procrastination, brief elation if you succeed, but then discounting your success and fearing exposure all over again (Clance & Imes, 1978).

The Impostor Cycle diagram

Over years of coping with impostor syndrome, I‘ve learned strategies that help me push back against fraud feelings and break out of the cycle. Here are the key things that helped me stop feeling like an impostor in software development:

1. Recognize and challenge distorted thoughts

Impostor syndrome thrives on cognitive distortions – irrational, exaggerated negative thought patterns. Some common ones that fuel impostor syndrome include (Salkulku & Alexander, 2011; Clance & O‘Toole, 1987):

  • All-or-nothing thinking: "If I don‘t know everything about this language/framework, I‘m a failure."
  • Focusing on failures: "I struggled with that bug, so I must be a bad programmer."
  • Discounting successes: "I only did well on that project because it was easy."
  • Mind-reading: "My coworkers must think I‘m incompetent."
  • Should statements: "I should already know this. I shouldn‘t need help."

Learning to recognize these thought distortions is the first step to overcoming them. When I noticed impostor thoughts arising, I would pause and examine them. Were they factual or exaggerated? Was I seeing things in extremes or making unfounded assumptions?

Simply bringing awareness to these mental traps made them lose a lot of steam. I learned to catch myself jumping to false conclusions like "I got stuck on that problem, so I‘m a failure" and reframe to something more realistic like "Getting stuck sometimes is normal. I‘ll keep working at it."

2. Focus on facts instead of feelings

Impostor syndrome is fueled by paying attention to self-doubt and insecurity while ignoring evidence of competence. I made an effort to consciously focus on facts over feelings to counter this mental habit.

One technique that helped was keeping an accomplishment log. I wrote down daily or weekly successes, skills learned, and positive feedback. Entries looked something like:

  • Debugged challenging issue in payment processing system
  • Implemented new search feature using ElasticSearch
  • Got praise from manager for leading lunch and learn session
  • Helped onboard and mentor new junior developer

Whenever impostor feelings crept in, I would review my log. Seeing concrete examples of my abilities and growth made it harder to believe I was a fraud. Over time, it helped me internalize that I‘m continuously getting better, even if I‘m not feeling 100% confident.

I also pushed myself to focus on facts in the moment. When I was struggling with a difficult task, instead of spiraling into "I‘m not good enough" thoughts, I would concentrate on problem-solving: "This is a tricky problem, but I‘ve solved hard problems before. What do I know, and what do I still need to learn?" Shifting attention from feeling inadequate to strategizing next steps made challenges feel much less threatening.

3. Accept that you can‘t know everything

Many developers with impostor syndrome are perfectionists who feel they need to have an encyclopedic knowledge of every language, framework, and development practice to be competent. In a field as vast as software development, that‘s simply impossible.

The Dunning-Kruger effect is the cognitive bias where people with low ability overestimate their skill while experts underestimate theirs (Dunning, 2011). The gap between a beginner‘s confidence and an expert‘s self-doubt occurs because experts have learned enough to know how much they don‘t know.

Dunning-Kruger effect graph

Coming to terms with the reality that I‘ll never know everything took off a lot of pressure. I reframed my self-talk from "I‘m an impostor because I don‘t know X" to "No one knows everything. I‘ll keep learning."

Instead of feeling shame over knowledge gaps, I leaned into curiosity. When I noticed holes in my understanding, I would make a learning plan, whether through hands-on practice projects, tutorials, or code reviews.

This shift from a fixed mindset of "I either know this or I‘m a failure" to a growth mindset of "I can learn anything with time and effort" was a game-changer. If I ran into something I didn‘t know, it wasn‘t a threat – it was an opportunity to grow.

4. See impostor syndrome as a normal part of the developer experience

When you‘re deep in impostor syndrome, it‘s easy to feel alone. Everyone else seems to breeze through the work while you wrestle with self-doubt. But that‘s not the reality.

I mentioned the high rates of impostor syndrome in tech earlier, but those are just numbers. What really normalized impostor syndrome for me was hearing successful programmers share their own struggles with feeling like frauds.

For example, in his book The Complete Software Developer‘s Career Guide, veteran developer John Sonmez reassures readers that:

"It is normal to feel like an impostor. As a software developer, it is almost a rite of passage. The field changes so fast, it is impossible to keep up…[but] as long as you are progressing and pushing yourself forward, you are going to be fine. Don‘t let impostor syndrome rob you of your confidence." (Sonmez, 2017)

Web developer and tech educator Kyle Simpson, author of the popular You Don‘t Know JS series, often discusses his own experiences with impostor syndrome:

"I constantly struggle with my own impostor syndrome…but I‘ve learned two things: 1) Almost everyone else feels it too. 2) The people who don‘t feel it are the ones you don‘t want to listen to or work with anyway." (Simpson, 2019)

Whenever I struggle with fraud feelings, I think back to quotes like these. If even developers I admire grapple with impostor syndrome sometimes, it must be a normal part of the growth process. That thought takes some of the sting out of it.

If you have supportive co-workers, mentors, or a therapist, opening up about impostor feelings can help a lot. Chances are they‘ve been there too and can offer empathy and encouragement. You don‘t have to suffer in silence.

5. Channel impostor syndrome into continuous growth

Impostor syndrome doesn‘t have to be solely negative. The desire to measure up and prove you belong can be a powerful motivator for expanding your skills, if channeled productively.

I‘ve learned to use impostor syndrome as a barometer. If I‘m coasting and feeling very comfortable, it probably means I‘m not challenging myself enough. Stretching out of my comfort zone and picking up new skills always triggers some fraud feelings, but I try to welcome them as a sign of growth.

One way I continually push myself is by setting specific learning goals. For example:

  • Complete a side project using a new-to-me technology or technique (e.g. machine learning, functional programming)
  • Contribute to an open source project
  • Write a series of technical blog posts to reinforce and share something I‘ve learned
  • Give a talk or workshop on a programming topic I want to understand better
  • Dive deep into a computer science fundamental through courses/books (e.g. algorithms, system design)

Having measurable goals and making steady progress toward them quiets the impostor thoughts of "I‘m not good enough." The more I learn and create, the more confident I feel.

The book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell popularized the idea that it takes roughly 10,000 hours of deliberate practice – focused, effortful skill development – to achieve mastery (Gladwell, 2008). That sounds intimidating, but another way to view it is: the path from novice to expert is just putting in the hours, bit by bit.

So when I‘m wrestling with a project outside my comfort zone and feeling like an impostor, I try to remember: this is what collecting my 10,000 hours looks like. It‘s not supposed to feel easy. I just need to keep showing up.

6. Practice self-compassion

Finally, an invaluable tool for coping with impostor syndrome has been self-compassion. Multiple studies have shown that self-compassion is linked to greater motivation, resilience, and psychological wellbeing (Neff & McGehee, 2010; Neff et al., 2005; Neff et al., 2007).

Self-compassion has three components (Neff, 2003):

  • Self-kindness: Being warm and supportive toward yourself when you struggle, fail, or feel inadequate, rather than harshly self-critical.
  • Common humanity: Recognizing that difficulties and imperfection are a normal part of the shared human experience, rather than something isolating.
  • Mindfulness: Observing thoughts and emotions as they are, neither exaggerating nor suppressing them.

In essence, self-compassion is treating yourself with the same kindness you‘d extend to a friend. It‘s accepting that you‘re doing your best, your best is good enough, and your best looks different from day to day.

When impostor thoughts like "I‘m so stupid for not knowing this" or "I‘m failing" crop up, I consciously reframe to something more compassionate:

  • "This is hard and I‘m feeling overwhelmed, which is normal. I‘ll tackle it bit by bit."
  • "Everyone struggles sometimes. I‘m doing my best and that‘s enough."
  • "I‘m having impostor thoughts right now. That‘s uncomfortable but okay. They‘ll pass."

Self-compassion allows me to acknowledge the difficult emotions of impostor syndrome without drowning in them. It‘s a way of reminding myself: this is part of being human and growing as a developer. It doesn‘t mean anything is wrong with me.


Impostor syndrome is a deeply human struggle, but it doesn‘t have to control your life. With self-awareness, support, and a commitment to growth, you can learn to thrive despite occasional fraud feelings.

Learning to manage impostor syndrome has been a gradual process for me. I still have plenty of impostor moments, but I‘m quicker to recognize them for what they are – a normal part of taking on challenges and expanding my skills. I‘m better able to refocus on problem-solving and remind myself that every developer has been here.

If you‘re battling impostor syndrome, know that you‘re far from alone and your feelings aren‘t facts. The development community is full of people who‘ve been in your shoes and are happy to support you. Keep learning, celebrating your wins, and being kind to yourself. With time and practice, the voice that says "I‘m a fraud" gets quieter, while the voice that says "I can do this" gets stronger.

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