How to Visualize Random Distribution Algorithms in Swift and ARKit

Random distribution is a fundamental concept in computer graphics and an essential tool for creating realistic visual effects. Whether you‘re procedurally generating terrain, scattering objects in a scene, or applying textures, the quality of the randomness can make or break the illusion. In this post, we‘ll explore several common random distribution algorithms and how to…

The story of one mother & two sons: value type vs reference type in Swift

Swift, the powerful and versatile programming language pioneered by Apple, can be thought of as a mother who has two very different sons: value types and reference types. While they are both Swift‘s children and share some traits, their unique characteristics and how they handle life‘s challenges set them apart. Let‘s dive into the tale…

How (and why) to use the Cake Pattern with Swinject

Introduction As a full-stack Swift developer, you‘ve likely encountered the pain of tightly-coupled, hard-to-test code. When classes are directly responsible for creating their own dependencies, it leads to code that is brittle, difficult to maintain, and resistant to change. This is where Dependency Injection (DI) comes in. DI is a design pattern that aims to…

Phone Number Authentication with Reactive Programming: A Full-Stack Developer‘s Perspective

Phone number authentication has become a ubiquitous way for mobile apps to verify user identity and prevent fraud. It‘s used by many of the world‘s most popular apps, including WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat and more. In a 2018 survey, 52% of consumers said they trust phone number verification for online accounts, second only to email verification…

Optional Types in Swift – A Comprehensive Guide to Using and Unwrapping Optionals

If you‘re diving into Swift programming, understanding optional types is crucial for writing safe and effective code. Optionals are a powerful feature in Swift that allow you to express the absence of a value explicitly. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore optionals in depth, covering their usage, unwrapping techniques, best practices, and real-world applications. Whether…

Let‘s Dissect the Differences Between Generics and the Any Type in Swift

As an iOS developer, you‘ve likely heard that Swift is a type-safe language. But what exactly does "type-safe" mean? In short, a type-safe language ensures that variables are used in a way that is consistent with their declared data types. For example, if you declare a variable as an Int, the compiler will throw an…

Learn Swift Programming: The Ultimate Guide for Developers

Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS and beyond. It‘s fast, safe, expressive, and packed with modern features. But is it right for you? In this in-depth guide, we‘ll explore what makes Swift special and why it‘s become one of the fastest growing and most loved languages. We‘ll walk…

Learn iOS Development by Building a Netflix Clone: A Comprehensive Guide

iOS development has become one of the most sought-after skills in the tech industry, with the App Store generating over $64 billion in revenue in 2020 alone. As an aspiring iOS developer, building real-world projects is crucial to mastering the intricacies of Swift, UIKit, and the iOS ecosystem. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll walk you…

Swift vs. Objective-C: The Trending Up-and-Comer vs. the Dinosaur

If you‘re an aspiring or current iOS developer, you‘ve probably asked yourself: should I learn and use Swift or Objective-C for building apps? It‘s a critical decision that every iOS developer must make. On one side, we have Swift—the shiny new language introduced by Apple at WWDC in 2014. It‘s safe, modern, and Apple is…