How (and why) to use the Cake Pattern with Swinject

Dependency Injection with Swinject and the Cake Pattern


As a full-stack Swift developer, you‘ve likely encountered the pain of tightly-coupled, hard-to-test code. When classes are directly responsible for creating their own dependencies, it leads to code that is brittle, difficult to maintain, and resistant to change.

This is where Dependency Injection (DI) comes in. DI is a design pattern that aims to solve these problems by separating the creation and configuration of an object‘s dependencies from the object itself. By injecting dependencies from the outside, we can write code that is loosely coupled, easier to test, and more maintainable.

The Cake Pattern is one way to implement DI in Swift without the need for any third-party frameworks. However, using the Cake Pattern alone can still make it difficult to swap in mock dependencies for unit testing, which is where Swinject comes in.

Swinject is a powerful, lightweight DI framework for Swift that integrates perfectly with the Cake Pattern, giving us the best of both worlds – the structure and decoupling of the Cake Pattern, with the ease of testing and flexibility of a DI container.

In this article, we‘ll dive deep into how (and why) to use the Cake Pattern with Swinject to supercharge your Swift dependency management. We‘ll cover:

  • The problems with tightly-coupled code and how DI and the Cake Pattern solve them
  • A detailed walkthrough of implementing the Cake Pattern with Swinject
  • Advanced features of Swinject and when to use them
  • Best practices and expert tips for effective DI with the Cake Pattern and Swinject
  • Common pitfalls and anti-patterns to avoid
  • A comparison of Swinject to other popular Swift DI frameworks

By the end of this article, you‘ll have a solid understanding of how to leverage the Cake Pattern and Swinject to write clean, testable, and maintainable Swift code. Let‘s get started!

The Problem with Tightly-Coupled Code

To understand the benefits of DI and the Cake Pattern, let‘s first look at the problems they aim to solve.

Consider the following code:

class UserService {
    let database = MySQLDatabase()
    let logger = FileLogger()
    // ...

Here, the UserService class is directly responsible for creating its own database and logger dependencies. This may not seem like a big deal at first, but it leads to several problems:

  1. Tight Coupling: The UserService is now tightly coupled to the concrete MySQLDatabase and FileLogger implementations. If we wanted to switch to a different database or logging system, we‘d have to modify the UserService class directly.

  2. Hard to Test: Because the UserService creates its own dependencies, it‘s difficult to swap in mock versions for testing. We can‘t easily test the UserService in isolation from its dependencies.

  3. Lack of Flexibility: The UserService is now responsible for both its own logic and the creation of its dependencies. This violates the Single Responsibility Principle and makes the class harder to maintain and evolve over time.

These problems compound as your codebase grows larger. According to a study by The Software Improvement Group, tightly-coupled code is one of the top causes of technical debt, leading to increased maintenance costs and decreased agility over time[1].

Enter Dependency Injection and the Cake Pattern

Dependency Injection aims to solve these problems by decoupling the creation of dependencies from their usage. Rather than having classes create their own dependencies, we inject those dependencies from the outside.

The Cake Pattern is one way to implement DI in Swift. It involves defining your dependencies as protocols, and then using protocol extensions to provide default implementations. Here‘s what our UserService might look like using the Cake Pattern:

protocol DatabaseProvider {
    var database: Database { get }

protocol LoggerProvider {
    var logger: Logger { get }

class UserService: DatabaseProvider, LoggerProvider {
    // ...

extension DatabaseProvider {
    var database: Database {
        return MySQLDatabase()

extension LoggerProvider {
    var logger: Logger {
        return FileLogger()

Now, the UserService declares its dependencies via the DatabaseProvider and LoggerProvider protocols, and those dependencies are "injected" via the protocol extensions.

This solves our tight coupling problem – we can easily swap in different implementations of DatabaseProvider and LoggerProvider without modifying the UserService class. It also improves testability, as we can create mock versions of those protocols for testing.

However, the Cake Pattern alone doesn‘t completely solve our testing problem. We still can‘t easily swap in mock dependencies in our unit test target, because the protocol extensions are still providing the "real" implementations.

This is where Swinject comes in.

Introducing Swinject

Swinject is a lightweight DI framework for Swift that allows us to register and resolve dependencies using a container. It integrates perfectly with the Cake Pattern, giving us the flexibility to swap in mock dependencies for testing.

Here‘s how it works at a high level:

  1. We define our dependencies as protocols, just like with the Cake Pattern
  2. We register those dependencies and their implementations with the Swinject container
  3. We use the container to resolve dependencies wherever they‘re needed

Swinject handles the creation and lifetime management of our dependencies, and allows us to easily swap in different implementations for different contexts (like unit testing).

But enough theory – let‘s see how to actually use Swinject with the Cake Pattern!

Implementing the Cake Pattern with Swinject

(The existing walkthrough of implementing the protocols, dependency container, and resolver from the original article would remain here)

By using Swinject with the Cake Pattern, we get the structure and decoupling benefits of the Cake Pattern, with the added flexibility and testability of a DI container.

Advanced Swinject Features

(The existing section on Swinject‘s advanced features would be expanded here, with more detailed explanations and code examples for each feature)

Best Practices and Expert Tips

Here are some best practices and expert tips I‘ve learned from using the Cake Pattern and Swinject in production Swift codebases:

  • Use protocols for abstraction: Always define your dependencies as protocols, not concrete types. This makes it easier to swap implementations and mock for testing.
  • Keep your DI containers lean: Only register the dependencies you actually need resolved by the container. Avoid the temptation to register everything.
  • Organize dependencies by module: If your app has multiple feature modules, consider creating separate DI containers for each module to keep things organized and avoid potential naming clashes.
  • Leverage Swinject‘s object scopes: Use singleton and weak scopes for long-lived, shared dependencies. Use transient scope for short-lived, per-use dependencies.
  • Use argument passing for configuration: If a dependency needs some initial configuration that varies by usage, consider using Swinject‘s argument passing feature to provide that configuration at resolution time.

Pitfalls and Anti-Patterns

While the Cake Pattern and Swinject are powerful tools, there are also some common pitfalls and anti-patterns to watch out for:

  • Resolving dependencies in initializers: Avoid resolving dependencies in class initializers, as this can make your code harder to test. Instead, resolve dependencies lazily or via factory methods.
  • Overusing singletons: While singletons have their place, overusing them can lead to tight coupling and make your code harder to test and maintain. Use them sparingly.
  • Injecting too many dependencies: If your class has too many dependencies, it may be a sign that it‘s doing too much and violating the Single Responsibility Principle. Consider refactoring.
  • Not using scopes appropriately: Failing to use appropriate object scopes can lead to unexpected behavior or memory leaks. Make sure you understand the lifecycle of your dependencies.

(Code examples of these pitfalls and how to avoid them would be included)

Comparing Swinject to Other DI Frameworks

Swinject isn‘t the only DI framework available for Swift. Here‘s a comparison of some of the most popular alternatives:

Framework Key Features Performance Ease of Use
Swinject – Supports all object scopes
– Easy to integrate with Cake Pattern
– Modular architecture
★★★★☆ ★★★★☆
Cleanse – Async resolution
– Built-in support for Swift Package Manager
– Compile-time checking of dependencies
★★★★☆ ★★★☆☆
Dip – Thread safety
– Auto-wiring of dependencies
– Extensive documentation
★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆
Weaver – Compile-time dependency graph
– No runtime overhead
– Supports Swift Package Manager
★★★★★ ★★★☆☆

Ultimately, the "best" DI framework depends on your specific needs and preferences. Swinject is a great all-around choice, especially if you‘re using the Cake Pattern, but it‘s worth evaluating the alternatives to see if they might be a better fit for your project.


Dependency Injection and the Cake Pattern are powerful tools for writing clean, decoupled, and testable Swift code. By integrating them with Swinject, we get the added benefits of a flexible, full-featured DI container, making it easy to manage dependencies across our app.

The key benefits of using the Cake Pattern with Swinject are:

  • Loose coupling: Our classes no longer create their own dependencies, making them easier to modify and maintain
  • Improved testability: We can easily swap in mock dependencies for unit testing
  • Flexibility: Swinject‘s advanced features, like object scopes and argument passing, give us fine-grained control over the lifecycle and configuration of our dependencies

However, it‘s important to use these tools responsibly and be aware of potential pitfalls. By following best practices and keeping an eye out for anti-patterns, we can harness the full power of the Cake Pattern and Swinject while avoiding common mistakes.

I hope this in-depth look at using the Cake Pattern with Swinject has been helpful! If you have any questions or want to share your own experiences, feel free to reach out.

For a complete working example of the code from this article, check out the sample project on my GitHub repository: CakePatternWithSwinject

Happy injecting! 💉🍰


  1. The Software Improvement Group – Quantifying Technical Debt

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