Why We Desperately Need Women to Design AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformative and important technologies of our time. It has the potential to solve some of humanity‘s greatest challenges and unlock incredible opportunities across every industry. But there‘s a major problem that poses an existential threat to the future of AI—the severe lack of gender diversity among the…

What to Know About GPT-4 for Non-AI Developers

Introduction As a full-stack developer, it‘s impossible to ignore the buzz surrounding GPT-4, the latest breakthrough in natural language AI from OpenAI. This powerful language model has captured the attention of the tech world and beyond with its impressive performance on a wide range of tasks, from acing standardized tests to writing code and engaging…

Using Vector Embeddings to Build an AI Assistant

Vector embeddings have become an essential tool in modern artificial intelligence and machine learning. By encoding data into a high-dimensional vector space, embeddings allow us to mathematically capture the semantic meaning and relationships within that data. This powerful capability has led to breakthroughs in natural language processing, computer vision, speech recognition, and recommendation systems. And…

The Next Step Towards Artificial General Intelligence — StarCraft II

Introduction In the quest for artificial general intelligence (AGI), the gaming world has long served as a crucial proving ground. From Deep Blue‘s triumph over Garry Kasparov in chess to AlphaGo‘s mastery of the ancient game of Go, AI systems have demonstrated remarkable abilities to match and even surpass human strategic thinking. But these benchmarks,…

The History of Artificial Intelligence from the 1950s to Today

Artificial intelligence (AI) has captivated the human imagination for centuries, but it was only in the 1950s that the field really began to take shape as an academic discipline and area of technology research. In the seven decades since, AI has gone through multiple waves of optimism and disillusionment, but has steadily advanced to the…

The Ethics of AI and Machine Learning: A Developer‘s Perspective

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, I‘ve witnessed firsthand the breathtaking rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). With each passing year, these technologies grow more sophisticated and interwoven into the products we build and the fabric of society itself. AI now powers everything from our Netflix recommendations to cancer screening tools…

The Brain-Inspired Approach to AI – Explained for Developers

As a developer working on AI systems, it‘s natural to look to the ultimate intelligent machine for inspiration – the human brain. For decades, researchers have sought to understand the brain‘s biological mechanisms and computational principles in order to build AI that matches or exceeds human-level intelligence. While we‘re still far from that goal, the…

How to Make AI Art with Stable Diffusion: A Comprehensive Guide

In recent years, AI art has exploded in popularity thanks to powerful tools like Stable Diffusion that allow anyone to generate stunning images from simple text prompts. With just a gaming PC and some patience, you too can create beautiful, imaginative art using the power of artificial intelligence. In this in-depth guide, we‘ll walk through…

Neural Networks for Dummies: A Quick Intro to This Fascinating Field

Neural networks have taken the world by storm in recent years, powering breakthrough applications in fields ranging from computer vision and natural language processing to healthcare and finance. As a full-stack developer and professional coder, I‘ve been fascinated by the potential of neural networks to transform the way we build intelligent systems. In this post,…