How and Why I Designed a Color Variant and Accessibility Tool

As a full-stack developer, I know firsthand how important yet challenging it is to choose the right colors for web projects. Color plays a critical role in the aesthetics, usability, and accessibility of digital interfaces. However, the process of picking colors, testing variants, and ensuring compliance with accessibility guidelines like WCAG can be tedious and…

The Principles of UX Choreography: Applying Disney Magic to Digital Product Design

In the world of digital product design, we often focus on the static – the layout, visual style, and feature set. But an equally important consideration that can take a product from functional to magical is motion and the choreography of the user experience. UX choreography is the art of crafting intuitive, delightful digital interactions…

Finding Web Design Inspiration: A Developer‘s Guide to the Pick and Choose Approach

Good web design is essential for creating a positive user experience and driving conversions. Research has consistently shown the impact design has on how users perceive a brand. One study found that 94% of a user‘s first impressions of a website are design-related. Another showed that 75% of users judge a company‘s credibility based on…

The Meaning of "The Medium is the Message"

In 1964, media theorist Marshall McLuhan famously declared "the medium is the message." This cryptic phrase has been quoted endlessly ever since, often without a full understanding of its intended meaning. When most people think of a "medium," they think of a specific communication technology, like print, radio, television, or the internet. But McLuhan had…

The Design of Political Movements: Shaping Activism Through Visual Identity

In a world where attention is currency, the visual identity of a political movement can be just as powerful as its message. From the bold graphics of labor union strikes to the viral memes of online activism, design plays a crucial role in shaping public perception and mobilizing support. As designers, we have the opportunity…

I redesigned Tinder. Here‘s what I learned in the process.

Why redesign Tinder? As a full-stack developer and UX design enthusiast, I‘m always looking for opportunities to hone my skills by taking on interesting projects. Recently, I decided to challenge myself by redesigning a popular app that millions of people use every day: Tinder. Now, Tinder is already a well-designed and successful app. It pioneered…

The Anatomy of a Bootstrap Dashboard That Earns $1,000s Each Month

Admin dashboards are invaluable tools for businesses to monitor key metrics, manage data, and optimize their operations. A well-designed dashboard not only provides a centralized interface to access critical information, but can also be a major revenue generator for the developer who builds it. As a full-stack developer and founder of a premium Bootstrap themes…

Seoul Bike: Redesigning the Public Bicycle Experience

As an avid cyclist and software engineer, I have always been fascinated by the potential of bike sharing systems to transform urban mobility. Since moving to Seoul, I have become a daily user of the city‘s public bicycle rental program, Seoul Bike (따릉이). While I appreciate the convenience and affordability of the service, I couldn‘t…

500 Open Source Projects That Need Your Design Skills

Open source software powers much of the technology we use every day, from operating systems like Linux to web browsers like Firefox to programming languages like Python. Unlike commercial software developed by for-profit companies, open source projects are collaboratively created and maintained by communities of volunteer developers. One area where many open source projects struggle…

Noise is All Around Us: A Developer‘s Perspective

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, I know firsthand the impact that noise can have on productivity, code quality, and overall well-being. In today‘s fast-paced, always-connected world, noise is an inescapable fact of life – and it‘s not just the auditory kind. From the constant pings of Slack notifications to the visual clutter of…