Machine Learning as a Service with TensorFlow

Machine learning (ML) has emerged as one of the most disruptive technologies of the past decade. From voice assistants to autonomous vehicles to personalized medicine, ML is powering intelligent applications across virtually every industry. According to a recent report by Grand View Research, the global market for AI and ML is expected to reach $733.7…

How to Leverage Docker Multi-Stage Builds to Optimize Your Dockerfiles and Images

Docker has become the de facto standard for containerization, with adoption growing rapidly across industries. According to a survey by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), Docker usage in production has increased from 23% in 2016 to 83% in 2020 [^1]. As more organizations embrace Docker, optimizing Dockerfiles and image sizes has become crucial for…

Learn How to Deploy 12 Apps to AWS, Azure, & Google Cloud

The cloud has revolutionized how we build and deploy applications. Long gone are the days of provisioning physical servers, worrying about hardware failures, and manually scaling to handle traffic spikes. Today, every major cloud provider offers a rich set of services to run your applications with high availability, limitless scalability, and minimal operational overhead. At…

Learn Docker and Kubernetes with This Free 6-Hour Hands-On Course

If you‘re an application developer or aspiring DevOps engineer in 2023, there are two critical technologies you need to know: Docker and Kubernetes. These powerful tools make it possible to package, deploy, and scale applications to meet the needs of millions of users. But getting started with containers and container orchestration can be daunting, especially…

Kubernetes VS Docker: What‘s the Difference? Explained With Examples

If you‘re a developer or work in the software industry today, there‘s a very good chance you‘ve heard of Docker and Kubernetes. These two technologies have revolutionized the way we build, package, deploy, and operate applications in the era of cloud computing and microservices. But what exactly are Docker and Kubernetes, and how do they…

How you can master continuous delivery with Vue, Docker, and Azure

As a full-stack developer, I know how critical it is to get new features and fixes out to users quickly and reliably. In today‘s fast-paced software world, long release cycles and manual deployments just don‘t cut it anymore. That‘s why practicing continuous delivery is so important for keeping a competitive edge. In this in-depth guide,…

How to SSH into a Docker Container – Secure Shell vs Docker Attach

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, I spend a significant portion of my time working with Docker containers. Containers have become the de facto standard for packaging and deploying applications, thanks to their predictability, isolation, and resource efficiency. Docker, in particular, has seen explosive growth, with adoption increasing by 50% year-over-year according to the…

Containerizing Legacy Apps with Docker: Why and How

Containerization has become a cornerstone of modern software development, and for good reason. By packaging an application along with its dependencies into a standardized, portable unit, containers offer a host of benefits around consistency, scalability, and agility. In this in-depth guide, we‘ll not only walk through the process of "Dockerizing" an existing Java Spring Boot…

Mastering Docker Container Log Rotation: Insights from a Full-Stack Developer

As a full-stack developer and experienced user of Docker, I‘ve seen firsthand the challenges that come with managing container logs at scale. Without proper log rotation, your disk space can quickly become consumed by ever-growing log files, leading to a host of issues. In this in-depth article, we‘ll explore the intricacies of setting up efficient…

How to Set Up Docker and Windows Subsystem for Linux: A Love Story

As a seasoned developer who‘s spent countless hours in Linux terminals, I‘ll admit I was once skeptical of Microsoft‘s efforts to bring Linux tooling to Windows. But just as the old adage says, "don‘t knock it ‘til you‘ve tried it" – and try it I have. After spending quite some time with Windows Subsystem for…

How to set up continuous deployment in your home project the easy way

Continuous deployment (CD) is a powerful technique that automatically deploys code changes to production as soon as they are ready. CD enables faster development cycles, lower risk releases, and frees developers from manual deployment work. While CD is frequently used by software companies and large open-source projects, it can be just as useful for individual…