How to Run an Ethereum Node with GETH in a Docker Container

For Ethereum developers, running a local node is essential for testing, debugging, and deploying smart contracts. While there are several Ethereum node implementations, Go Ethereum (GETH) remains the most popular choice. And with Docker, spinning up a GETH node is easier than ever. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into running GETH with Docker….

The Complete Guide to Running Docker on Windows 10 Home

Docker has rapidly become the go-to platform for packaging, deploying and running applications in lightweight, portable containers. However, many developers using Windows 10 Home have been frustrated to discover that Docker Desktop for Windows requires Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise or Education. Fortunately, with a little setup, it is possible to use Docker on Windows Home…

How to Easily Run Any Linux Tool on Any Machine with Docker

As developers and IT professionals, we‘ve all been there before. You‘re happily coding away on your preferred operating system, when suddenly you realize you need a specific Linux tool to get the job done. Maybe it‘s a newer version of PHP than what‘s installed on your Linux workstation. Or perhaps you‘re on a MacBook and…

How to Effectively Remove Docker Images and Containers

Docker has revolutionized how we build, package, and deploy applications by providing a lightweight and portable container runtime. Throughout the development process, you‘ll likely end up with a large number of Docker images and containers on your system. These can quickly consume significant disk space and resources, so it‘s important to clean them up periodically….

Scaling Container Deployments with Docker Swarm: An In-Depth Guide

Containers have taken the software world by storm in recent years. The 2020 Cloud Native Computing Foundation survey found that 92% of organizations are using containers in production, up from 84% the previous year. And as containerized deployments grow in size and complexity, the need for container orchestration becomes critical. While there are several popular…

How to Install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04 [Guide for both CE and EE]

Docker has revolutionized the way we develop, package and deploy applications. It allows you to bundle your app along with all its dependencies into a standardized unit called a container. Containers are lightweight, portable, and self-sufficient, making it easier to build, ship and run your applications across different environments. As a full-stack developer, you may…

How to Supercharge Your Node.js Development with Docker

Docker has revolutionized the way developers build, package, and deploy applications, and its popularity in the Node.js ecosystem continues to soar. As a full-stack developer and professional coder, I‘ve witnessed firsthand the power of Docker in streamlining development workflows, ensuring consistency across environments, and simplifying deployment processes. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into…

How to Get A Docker Container IP Address – Explained with Examples

As a full-stack developer, working with Docker has become an essential part of my toolkit for building and deploying modern applications. One of the key aspects of working with Docker is understanding how to manage and communicate with containers, which often involves obtaining their IP addresses. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore the various methods…

How to Find and Fix Docker Container Vulnerabilities in 2020

Containers have become the de facto standard for packaging and deploying applications in the cloud-native era. Technologies like Docker and Kubernetes enable organizations to release software faster, more consistently, and at greater scale than ever before. However, this agility comes at a price. The 2020 Cloud Native Security Report found that 91% of organizations had…

Mastering Docker-based Development: Enabling Live Reload for Lightning-Fast Iterations

As a seasoned full-stack developer, I‘ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of Docker in modern software development. By containerizing applications, we can ensure consistent environments, streamline deployments, and simplify collaboration. However, one common challenge with Docker-based development is the slow feedback loop when code changes require a full image rebuild. In this in-depth guide, we‘ll…

Taming Flaky Tests: How to Dockerize E2E Testing for Reliability at Scale

End-to-end (E2E) acceptance testing is a critical part of the QA process, providing the closest simulation of real user behavior and uncovering bugs that slip past unit and integration tests. However, E2E tests are notoriously difficult to implement and maintain due to their complexity, slowness, and brittleness. A recent survey of QA professionals found that…