What I Learned When I Took an Entrepreneurship Class at Age 14

When I was 14 years old, I faced a choice that would change my life: enroll in French, classic culture, or a new class called "Entrepreneurship." I didn‘t fully understand what entrepreneurship entailed, but something about it intrigued me. Little did I know, it would become one of the most pivotal decisions and influential experiences…

Start-up Burnout: A Developer‘s Perspective

As a full-stack developer and veteran of several high-growth start-ups, I‘ve seen firsthand how the intense pressure and always-on culture of the tech world can lead to debilitating burnout. It‘s an all-too-common story: a passionate team pushes themselves to the brink to ship new features and meet aggressive deadlines, only to find their creativity, productivity…

Lessons from History‘s Great Innovators That You Should Never Forget

Innovation is the engine that propels humanity forward. From the invention of the printing press to the development of the smartphone, innovative ideas and technologies have transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. While every innovator‘s journey is unique, there are certain timeless lessons we can learn from studying…

It is Never Too Late to Be Who You Might Have Been – Becoming a Developer at Age 36

I did it. At age 36, after over a decade working as a lab technician, I made a monumental career change and became a full-stack JavaScript developer. I now work for an innovative tech company in sunny Portugal, collaborating with brilliant colleagues in an environment that embraces challenges and nurtures growth. Everyday, I get to…

I spent an entire summer designing a website that never saw the light of day

Lessons learned from a failed web design project The world of web design and development is a thrilling yet turbulent one. As a full-stack developer with over a decade of experience in the industry, I‘ve had my fair share of triumphs and tribulations. But there‘s one project in particular that stands out as a turning…

I camped out with a tech billionaire. The advice he gave me was priceless.

It was a crisp, clear night in the California wilderness. The stars twinkled overhead as my friends and I sat around a crackling campfire, enjoying each other‘s company and the tranquility of nature. Little did I know that this evening would change my perspective on life and business forever. As we chatted, I found myself…

How I Went from Not Knowing How to Code to Shipping 9 Projects in 9 Months – All Before My 15th Birthday

Growing up in the digital age, I‘ve always been fascinated by technology. But I never imagined I would learn to code and build my own apps before even starting high school. This is the story of how I caught the programming bug at age 13 and went on to complete a challenge of shipping 9…

How I Built a $200K Business Programming Runescape Bots as a Teenager

As a 16-year-old high school student, I never imagined my after-school hobby would turn into a six-figure business. But that‘s exactly what happened when I combined my passion for video games with a burgeoning interest in computer science. In this post, I‘ll share the story of how I taught myself to code by creating bots…

How I Accidentally Built an API Business

What do Stripe, Twilio, Algolia and Currencycloud have in common? They‘re all API-first businesses that make it easy for developers to integrate complex functionality into any application with a few lines of code. By productizing a service into a well-designed API, you can build a highly scalable and profitable software business without the overhead of…

Blockchain: The Revolution We‘re Not Ready For

The world is on the cusp of a technological revolution, and it‘s not the one you might think. While artificial intelligence, robotics, and virtual reality tend to dominate the headlines, another technology is quietly gaining momentum in the background – blockchain. Although it‘s often associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, blockchain‘s potential extends far beyond digital…

The Unlikely Founder: How Chris Coyier Went From Ceramics to CodePen

You may know Chris Coyier as the affable co-host of ShopTalk Show, the curator of the popular CSS-Tricks blog, or the co-founder of CodePen, an online code editor used by over 2.5 million developers. But did you know he originally studied art and worked in the printing industry before becoming a professional web designer? Growing…