Why You Should Start Contributing to Open Source Software Right Now

As a full-stack developer with years of experience in the software industry, I‘ve witnessed firsthand the incredible growth and impact of open source software. From the operating systems powering our servers to the frameworks and libraries we use every day, open source is the backbone of modern software development. But open source isn‘t just about…

I Became a Ruby on Rails and React Contributor and You Can Too

Ruby on Rails and React are two of the most important open source projects in the world of web development today. Let‘s look at some statistics that demonstrate their popularity and impact: Ruby on Rails is used by over 1.2 million websites including Airbnb, Shopify, GitHub, and Hulu. (Source) React has over 8 million weekly…

Why open source projects (sadly) favor new users, and what you can do about it

If you‘ve been in software development for a while, you‘ve likely noticed a common trend – open source libraries and frameworks that generate a lot of excitement and rapid adoption when they launch, only to be abruptly abandoned by the community a year or two later as the next shiny new thing emerges. As developers,…

What is Open Source Software? OSS Explained in Plain English

As a developer, you‘ve likely come across the term "open source software" or OSS. But what exactly does open source mean? How does open source software differ from other kinds of software? And why has the open source movement grown to become such a powerful force shaping the modern software industry? In this in-depth guide,…

What is Open Source? How to Contribute to OSS Projects

Open source software (OSS) has become a cornerstone of modern software development, powering everything from server infrastructure to web and mobile applications to machine learning models. Over 90% of companies report using open source software in some way, and open source components comprise 60-80% of the codebase in typical modern applications according to the 2021…

The Pros and Cons of Open Source Software Development

Open source software has come a long way since its early roots in the 1970s and 1980s. What started as a niche philosophy for developing software has turned into a mainstream movement that has produced some of the world‘s most widely used applications. From operating systems like Linux to databases like MySQL to programming languages…

What I learned from an old GitHub project that won 3,000 Stars in a Week

As developers, many of us dream of launching an open source project that takes the world by storm – attracting contributors from all corners of the globe, racking up thousands of GitHub stars, and maybe even achieving the vaunted title of "GitHub Trending." But the sobering reality is that the vast majority of open source…

How to Be a Good Open Source Project Owner – The Ultimate Guide

So you‘ve started an open source project – congratulations! Sharing your code with the world is an exciting and rewarding experience. But if you want your project to grow and thrive, being a good open source project owner involves much more than just dumping your code on GitHub. As a project owner, you are now…

WeWork‘s Meetup Debacle: How a Community Built on Openness Became a Casualty of Corporate Greed

Meetup, the popular community event platform, is facing an existential crisis. On October 14, 2019, Meetup‘s parent company WeWork announced a new pricing scheme that will charge attendees $2 per RSVP, a move that has sparked outrage among the organizers of Meetup‘s 225,000 groups. For these organizers, many of whom run free events as a…

What I Experienced at Google Summer of Code: A Full-Stack Developer‘s Perspective

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a highly competitive and prestigious program that offers student developers the opportunity to contribute to real-world open source projects under the guidance of experienced mentors. As a full-stack developer who participated in GSoC in 2019, I can confidently say that it was a pivotal experience that accelerated my growth…

The Brave Browser: How much money can your website or YouTube channel make as a publisher?

As a professional web developer and content creator, I‘m always on the lookout for new ways to monetize my work online. One platform that‘s caught my attention lately is the Brave browser. Brave is an open-source, privacy-focused browser that blocks ads and trackers by default. But what sets it apart is its unique approach to…