Release Management for Modern Software Development – How to Manage Dependencies, SemVer, and Build Systems for Beginners

As a full-stack developer, I know firsthand how daunting and complex releasing modern software can seem, especially for beginners. But with the right foundational knowledge of key concepts like dependency management, semantic versioning, and build systems, you‘ll be well-equipped to handle the process with confidence. In this expert-level guide, I‘ll expand on these core topics,…

Quality Assurance is Broken. Here‘s How to Make it Agile

The software industry has made huge strides in development processes in recent years by adopting agile methodologies. However, quality assurance (QA) practices have often lagged behind, still resembling the sluggish waterfall model of the past. This disconnect causes delays, quality issues, and frustration for many software teams. As a full-stack developer who has led QA…

The Qualities That Make a Great Software Engineer

The demand for software engineers has never been higher. In our increasingly digital world, software is at the heart of every industry from finance to healthcare, education to entertainment. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of software developers is projected to grow 22% from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average…

Proven Code Review Best Practices: An In-Depth Guide

As an experienced software engineer, I‘ve seen firsthand how effective code reviews can be at catching bugs, spreading knowledge, and keeping codebases clean and maintainable. I‘ve also felt the pain of reviews that drag on, turn into bikeshedding, or create interpersonal tension. After participating in hundreds of code reviews across multiple teams, I‘ve picked up…

Project-Based Teams vs Product-Based Teams: Which is Better for Building Software?

In the world of software development, the way teams are organized and work is executed can have a profound impact on the quality, speed, and overall success of the products being built. Traditionally, many organizations have relied on project-based teams to deliver software, but in recent years, there has been a growing shift towards product-based…

Optimizing Inefficiency: Human Folly and the Quest for the Worst Sorting Algorithm

Sorting algorithms are a fundamental concept in computer science, with efficient sorting being crucial for optimizing data processing and analysis. However, amid the pursuit of efficiency, there lies a fascinating subculture within the programming community – the quest for the worst sorting algorithm. This article explores the realm of "perversely awful" sorting algorithms, the motivations…

Mistakes I‘ve Made as a Junior Developer — And How You Can Avoid Them

When I landed my first job as a software developer, I was excited to finally be paid to do what I loved — write code and build things. I had spent countless hours honing my programming skills through school projects, hackathons, and online tutorials, and I felt confident in my ability to contribute to a…

7 Timeless Lessons Every Developer Should Learn from The Pragmatic Programmer and The Clean Coder

As a full-stack developer with over a decade of experience shipping production software, I‘m always on the lookout for ways to sharpen my skills and avoid stagnation. Two books I find myself revisiting every couple years are The Pragmatic Programmer by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas and The Clean Coder by Robert C. Martin (Uncle…

Learn the fundamentals of a good developer mindset in 15 minutes

Developing the right mindset is crucial to becoming a successful developer. Working hard to learn new programming languages and tools is important, but the way you approach problems and think about development is often even more critical. Having the right mental models can help you write better code, be more productive, and create more valuable…

How to Learn Something New Every Day as a Software Developer

As a software developer, one of the most important skills you can cultivate is the ability to learn quickly and continuously. In an industry where tools, frameworks, and best practices are always evolving, committing to lifelong learning is essential for long-term success and growth. Consider these statistics: The 2020 Stack Overflow Developer Survey found that…