We Want Instant Gratification – How Do We Deliver It?

In today‘s fast-paced digital world, consumers increasingly expect to get what they want, the moment they want it. Instant gratification is no longer a "nice-to-have"—it‘s the baseline expectation. For businesses, the pressure is on to cater to these demands or risk losing customers to competitors that do. The desire for instant results is deeply rooted…

We made $1,052,000 in 2018 selling UI Tools. Here is what we learned.

Five years ago, my co-founders and I started Creative Tim, a business selling UI tools and templates for web developers. In 2018, we crossed $1 million in annual revenue for the first time. Getting to this point has been an incredible journey with many lessons learned along the way. In this post, I‘ll share an…

All You Need to Know About Pass By Reference vs Pass By Value

One of the most fundamental but often misunderstood concepts in programming is the difference between pass by reference and pass by value. Understanding how different languages handle passing variables to functions is critical to writing bug-free and efficient code. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explain everything you need to know about pass by reference, pass…

Token Network Effects: Unleashing the Power of Decentralized Cooperation

In the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, the concept of network effects has taken on a new and powerful form through the rise of token-based networks. Just as traditional network effects have driven the growth and dominance of platforms like Facebook, Google, and Amazon, token network effects are now fueling a new generation of decentralized…

How to Make Money as a Freelance Developer: Business Tips from an Expert

Are you a skilled web developer looking to break free from the 9-to-5 grind and become your own boss? Freelancing can be a lucrative and fulfilling career path, with the potential to earn a six-figure income while working on your own terms. As a full-stack developer with over a decade of experience both freelancing and…

The Unsplash Formula: How Crew Went From Almost Broke to 5 Million Visitors

In 2013, Mikael Cho and his startup Crew were on the ropes. Crew, an online marketplace connecting freelance designers and developers with clients, was running low on cash and struggling to get traction. But then an accidental side project changed everything. That side project was Unsplash, a website offering free high-resolution photos for anyone to…

"The most international micro-agency:" How two London bootcamp graduates built a remote agency with developers in Gaza

In May 2018, Joe Friel and Simon Dupree were recent graduates of the Founders and Coders web development bootcamp in London. Today, less than a year later, they are the founders of Yalla Cooperative, a digital agency that spans the UK, Germany, and Gaza. This is the story of how they got there, the technical…

The 12 Most Important Lessons I Learned Working at an Amazing Startup

I recently concluded an incredible two-year journey working as a full-stack developer at one of the most innovative and well-run startups in the e-commerce space. While there, I had the opportunity to be part of a high-performing engineering team that was empowered to solve challenging technical problems, always with the customer at the center of…

When is the best time to stream on Facebook Live? I analyzed 5,000 Facebook posts to find out.

By [Your Name], Full-Stack Developer and Data Analyst As video content continues to dominate social media, live streaming has emerged as a uniquely engaging format. 82% of people prefer live video from a brand over standard social posts, according to Livestream. Facebook Live, which launched in 2016, has quickly become one of the preeminent platforms…

The Benefits and Pitfalls of Pair Programming in the Workplace

Pair programming is a software development technique in which two programmers work together at a single workstation. One developer, known as the "driver", writes the code while the other, called the "navigator" or "observer", reviews each line as it is typed and provides real-time feedback. The two programmers switch roles frequently. Pair programming originated as…