Sentiment Analysis Using Laravel and the Google Natural Language API

Sentiment analysis has become an invaluable tool for businesses and organizations looking to gain insights from large volumes of text data. By automatically determining the emotional tone and opinion expressed in text, sentiment analysis enables us to quickly process user feedback, social media posts, product reviews, and more.

One of the most powerful sentiment analysis offerings available today is the Google Natural Language API. With just a few lines of code, the Natural Language API can analyze text and generate sentiment scores and magnitudes, giving you an instant read on the positivity, negativity, or neutrality of the content.

In this article, we‘ll walk through a step-by-step guide on integrating the Google Natural Language API into a Laravel application to perform sentiment analysis. Whether you‘re looking to gauge public opinion on your brand, monitor reactions to a new product launch, or automatically moderate user comments, these techniques will give you a solid foundation for building sentiment analysis into your Laravel projects.

Why Sentiment Analysis Matters

Before we dive into the technical details, let‘s take a moment to consider some of the key benefits and use cases for sentiment analysis:

  1. Brand monitoring – Track public sentiment toward your brand, products, or services to identify potential issues and opportunities. Analyze social media mentions, news articles, and other online content.

  2. Customer feedback analysis – Gain insights from customer reviews, surveys, support tickets, and more. Automatically categorize feedback by sentiment to surface common issues and trends. Identify your most satisfied and dissatisfied customers.

  3. Market research – Study consumer sentiment in your industry and gauge reactions to new product or feature ideas. Analyze sentiment in competitor reviews and social media posts.

  4. Content moderation – Automatically flag toxic, offensive, or inappropriate user-generated content such as comments or forum posts based on negative sentiment scores. Streamline content moderation efforts.

  5. Personalized user experiences – Tailor content, offers, and interactions based on user sentiment. Provide different experiences for happy vs. unhappy customers. Recommend products or content based on sentiment.

According to a recent survey by MarketsandMarkets, the global sentiment analysis market size is expected to grow from USD 3.2 billion in 2020 to USD 6.2 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 14.1% during the forecast period. This rapid growth points to the increasing adoption of sentiment analysis across industries and the value it provides to businesses.

Leading companies like Microsoft, IBM, Google, and Amazon are heavily investing in sentiment analysis technology as part of their broader natural language processing and AI offerings. Other companies successfully leveraging sentiment analysis include:

  • Uber – analyzes rider and driver feedback to improve experiences and resolve issues
  • – identifies positive and negative themes in hotel reviews to help travelers make informed decisions
  • Unilever – tracks social media sentiment to measure the impact of ad campaigns and brand health
  • Walmart – studies sentiment in customer feedback from multiple channels to enhance product offerings and experiences

Getting Started with the Google Natural Language API

Now that we have a sense of the importance and potential applications of sentiment analysis, let‘s get started with using the Google Natural Language API in a Laravel project.

The first step is to create a new Google Cloud project and enable the Natural Language API. Go to the Google Cloud Console ( and create a new project. Once your project is set up, navigate to the APIs & Services dashboard and search for the "Cloud Natural Language API." Click "Enable" to activate the API for your project.

Next, you‘ll need to create a service account and download the JSON credentials file. Go to the "Credentials" page, click "Create credentials," and select "Service account." Enter a name for the service account and click "Create." On the next screen, select the "Project" > "Owner" role and click "Continue." Skip the next step and click "Done."

Finally, click on the newly created service account, go to the "Keys" tab, and click "Add Key" > "Create new key." Choose the JSON key type and click "Create." The JSON credentials file will be downloaded to your computer. Keep this file secure and do not commit it to version control.

Setting Up a Laravel Project

With our Google Cloud setup complete, we can now create a new Laravel project. If you already have a Laravel project you want to use, you can skip to the next section.

To create a new Laravel project, make sure you have Composer installed, then run the following command in your terminal:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel sentiment-analyzer

This will create a new Laravel project in a directory called sentiment-analyzer. Change into the project directory:

cd sentiment-analyzer

Next, rename the .env.example file to .env and run the following command to generate an application key:

php artisan key:generate

Your Laravel project is now set up and ready for the next steps.

Integrating the Google Natural Language API

To use the Google Natural Language API in our Laravel project, we‘ll install the official Google Cloud PHP SDK using Composer:

composer require google/cloud

Once the package is installed, place the JSON credentials file you downloaded earlier in the root directory of your Laravel project. Make sure not to commit this file to version control, as it contains sensitive information. You can add the file to your .gitignore file to prevent accidentally committing it.

Next, we‘ll create a new controller to handle our sentiment analysis requests. Run the following Artisan command to generate a controller:

php artisan make:controller SentimentController

Open the newly created SentimentController.php file in the app/Http/Controllers directory and add the following code:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Google\Cloud\Core\ServiceBuilder;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class SentimentController extends Controller
    public function analyze(Request $request)
        $text = $request->input(‘text‘);

        $cloud = new ServiceBuilder([
            ‘keyFilePath‘ => base_path(‘path/to/credentials.json‘),
            ‘projectId‘ => ‘your-project-id‘

        $language = $cloud->language();

        $annotation = $language->analyzeSentiment($text);
        $sentiment = $annotation->sentiment();

        return response()->json([
            ‘score‘ => $sentiment[‘score‘], 
            ‘magnitude‘ => $sentiment[‘magnitude‘]

Be sure to replace ‘path/to/credentials.json‘ with the actual path to your JSON credentials file, and ‘your-project-id‘ with your Google Cloud project ID.

This controller defines an analyze method that accepts a Request instance. It retrieves the text parameter from the request, initializes the Google Cloud ServiceBuilder with our credentials and project ID, and then uses the LanguageClient to analyze the sentiment of the text.

The analyzeSentiment method returns an Annotation instance containing the sentiment analysis results. We extract the score and magnitude values from the sentiment property and return them as a JSON response.

Finally, let‘s define a route for our sentiment analysis endpoint. Open the routes/web.php file and add the following route:

Route::post(‘/analyze-sentiment‘, [SentimentController::class, ‘analyze‘]);

This route maps a POST request to the /analyze-sentiment URL to the analyze method in our SentimentController.

Understanding Sentiment Scores and Magnitudes

The Google Natural Language API returns two key values for sentiment analysis: score and magnitude.

The sentiment score is a value between -1.0 and 1.0, where -1.0 represents the most negative sentiment, 1.0 represents the most positive sentiment, and 0.0 represents a neutral sentiment. The score indicates the overall emotional tone of the text.

The sentiment magnitude is a non-negative value that represents the strength or intensity of the sentiment, regardless of whether it‘s positive or negative. The magnitude is useful for determining how strong or weak the overall sentiment is. A higher magnitude indicates a stronger sentiment, while a lower magnitude indicates a more neutral or subdued sentiment.

It‘s important to consider both the score and magnitude when interpreting sentiment analysis results. For example, a text with a score of 0.8 and a magnitude of 2.0 expresses a more intense positive sentiment than a text with the same score but a magnitude of 0.5.

As a simple rule of thumb, you can bucket sentiment based on the score as follows:

  • Clearly positive: score ≥ 0.25
  • Neutral: -0.25 < score < 0.25
  • Clearly negative: score ≤ -0.25

However, the exact score thresholds for interpreting sentiment may vary depending on your specific use case and the nature of your text data. It‘s a good idea to analyze a representative sample of your data to determine appropriate thresholds for your application.

Trying It Out

Let‘s test our sentiment analysis endpoint using cURL. Run the following command in your terminal, replacing with the actual URL of your Laravel application:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ‘{"text":"I absolutely love this product! It has exceeded my expectations in every way."}‘

You should receive a JSON response containing the sentiment score and magnitude:

  "score": 0.9,
  "magnitude": 0.9

This indicates a strongly positive sentiment (score of 0.9) with a relatively high intensity (magnitude of 0.9).

Try analyzing a few more examples with varying sentiment to get a feel for the scores and magnitudes returned by the API.

Taking It Further

Congratulations on setting up a basic sentiment analysis endpoint in Laravel using the Google Natural Language API! This is just the beginning of what you can do with sentiment analysis and natural language processing.

Here are a few ideas for extending and enhancing your sentiment analysis functionality:

  1. Batch analysis – Modify the /analyze-sentiment endpoint to accept an array of text inputs and return sentiment scores and magnitudes for each one. This is useful for analyzing large volumes of text data in a single request.

  2. Sentiment dashboard – Build a dashboard in your Laravel application that displays sentiment trends and insights over time. Visualize sentiment scores and magnitudes using charts and graphs, and allow filtering and segmentation by various dimensions (e.g., date range, product category, user demographics).

  3. Real-time sentiment analysis – Integrate sentiment analysis into a real-time data pipeline using tools like Apache Kafka or AWS Kinesis. Analyze incoming text data on the fly and trigger actions or notifications based on sentiment scores (e.g., alerting customer support when negative sentiment exceeds a certain threshold).

  4. Multi-language support – The Google Natural Language API supports sentiment analysis in multiple languages. Extend your Laravel application to handle text in different languages and analyze sentiment accordingly.

  5. Entity and syntax analysis – In addition to sentiment analysis, the Natural Language API offers entity analysis (extracting named entities like people, places, and organizations from text) and syntax analysis (parsing the grammatical structure of text). Integrate these features into your Laravel application to gain even richer insights from your text data.

  6. Custom sentiment models – While the pre-trained sentiment analysis models provided by the Natural Language API are powerful, you may find that they don‘t always perform well on specialized or domain-specific text data. Consider training a custom sentiment model using your own labeled data to improve accuracy and relevance for your specific use case.

As you continue to explore sentiment analysis and natural language processing, keep in mind the potential limitations and challenges. Automated sentiment analysis is not perfect and can sometimes struggle with sarcasm, idioms, and context-dependent expressions. It‘s important to use sentiment analysis as a tool to augment and inform human judgment, rather than relying on it as the sole source of truth.


In this article, we‘ve seen how to harness the power of the Google Natural Language API to perform sentiment analysis in a Laravel application. By following the step-by-step instructions, you should now have a working sentiment analysis endpoint that can analyze text and return sentiment scores and magnitudes.

We‘ve also explored some of the key benefits and use cases for sentiment analysis, as well as ideas for extending and enhancing your sentiment analysis functionality. Whether you‘re looking to monitor brand sentiment, analyze customer feedback, or moderate user-generated content, sentiment analysis can be a valuable addition to your Laravel application.

As with any machine learning or AI technology, it‘s important to approach sentiment analysis with a critical eye and to use it as a complement to human analysis and decision-making. By combining the scale and efficiency of automated sentiment analysis with the nuance and context provided by human judgment, you can gain powerful insights and make data-driven decisions.

So go forth and start analyzing sentiment in your Laravel applications! With the Google Natural Language API and the techniques covered in this article, you have everything you need to begin extracting valuable insights from text data. Happy analyzing!

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