Supercharging Your Terminal Workflow with tmux and iTerm2

As a full-stack developer, having an efficient and productive terminal setup is crucial. Two popular tools for enhancing the terminal are tmux, a terminal multiplexer, and iTerm2, a feature-rich terminal emulator for macOS. In this in-depth guide, we‘ll explore how to effectively use tmux and iTerm2 together to supercharge your command-line workflow.

What is tmux?

tmux is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to create and manage multiple terminal sessions within a single window. With tmux, you can easily switch between different projects, run long-running processes, and even share your terminal with others for pair programming. Some key features of tmux include:

  • Creating and managing terminal sessions
  • Splitting the terminal into multiple panes
  • Customizing the status bar with useful information
  • Detaching and reattaching to sessions
  • Scripting custom layouts

What is iTerm2?

iTerm2 is an alternative to the default Terminal app on macOS that provides a wide range of additional features and customization options. Some notable features of iTerm2 include:

  • Split panes
  • Hotkey window
  • Search
  • Autocomplete
  • Mouseless copy
  • Customizable profiles
  • Shell integration

While iTerm2 has native split pane support, tmux offers some unique advantages when working locally.

tmux vs iTerm2 for Local Development

When deciding between using tmux or sticking with iTerm2‘s built-in features, it‘s important to consider the benefits and drawbacks of each approach.

Benefits of using tmux locally:

  1. Persistent sessions: With tmux, you can easily detach from a session and come back to it later, even if you‘ve closed your terminal or logged out. This is useful for running long processes or preserving your workspace.

  2. Customizable status bar: tmux provides a highly customizable status bar where you can display relevant information such as the current session, window, pane, hostname, time, and even system stats.

  3. Consistent experience: If you frequently work on remote servers, using tmux locally allows you to have a consistent experience and muscle memory across different environments.

  4. Scriptable layouts: tmux allows you to script your window and pane layouts, making it easy to set up your development environment exactly how you want it with a single command.

Drawbacks of using tmux locally:

  1. Steeper learning curve: tmux has its own commands and keybindings that can take some time to learn and get comfortable with.

  2. Doesn‘t integrate with OS clipboard: tmux has its own copy mode and buffer, which can make copying and pasting a bit more cumbersome than iTerm2‘s native behavior.

  3. Limited mouse support: While tmux does have some mouse support, it‘s not as full-featured or intuitive as iTerm2‘s mouse capabilities.

Overall, using tmux locally comes down to personal preference and how much you value the unique features it offers. Personally, I find the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, but it‘s worth experimenting to see what works best for your workflow.

Configuring iTerm2 to Work with tmux

If you do decide to use tmux locally, you can make the experience more seamless by configuring iTerm2 to work better with tmux. Here are a few tips:

Create a Dedicated tmux Profile

To avoid conflicts with your normal iTerm2 usage, I recommend creating a dedicated profile for tmux. This allows you to customize the settings and keybindings without affecting your default profile. Here‘s how:

  1. Open iTerm2 Preferences
  2. Go to the "Profiles" tab
  3. Click the "+" button to create a new profile
  4. Give it a name like "tmux"
  5. Customize the settings as desired (e.g. font, color scheme, etc.)

Override Key Mappings

One of the friction points of using tmux is that it uses different keybindings than iTerm2. To make the transition easier, you can override iTerm2‘s keybindings to send the appropriate tmux commands. Here‘s an example of how to configure ⌘D to create a new vertical tmux split:

  1. In iTerm2 Preferences, go to "Keys"
  2. Click the "+" button to add a new keybinding
  3. Set the "Keyboard Shortcut" to ⌘D
  4. Set the "Action" to "Send Hex Code"
  5. Enter the following hex code: 0x02 0x22 // Sends Ctrl-B "

Now when you press ⌘D in your tmux profile, it will send the tmux command to create a new vertical split. You can add additional keybindings for other actions like navigating between splits, resizing splits, and so on.

Here are a few other useful keybindings I use:

  • ⌘↑ / ⌘↓ / ⌘← / ⌘→ to resize panes
  • ⌘[ and ⌘] to switch between panes
  • ⌘T to create a new window
  • ⌘W to close the current pane
  • ⌘B to break the current pane out into a new window

Feel free to customize the keybindings to match your preferences and workflow.

A Look at My tmux Setup

To give you a concrete example, here‘s an overview of my personal tmux setup and workflow:

tmux Configuration

I keep my tmux configuration in a .tmux.conf file in my home directory. Here are a few highlights:

  • Set the prefix key to Ctrl-A
  • Vi-style keybindings in copy mode
  • Custom keybindings for splitting panes, resizing, etc.
  • Customize the status bar with helpful information
  • Enable mouse mode for resizing/selecting panes

You can see my full config here:

iTerm2 Integration

In iTerm2, I have a dedicated "tmux" profile with the following customizations:

  • Override ⌘ key to send hex codes for common tmux actions
  • Increase font size for readability
  • Use the "Solarized Dark" color preset
  • Unlimited scrollback

When I start iTerm2, it automatically attaches to my tmux session (or creates a new one if needed). This allows me to jump right into my previous context without having to manually attach.

Window Management

Within tmux, I make heavy use of scripted layouts to quickly set up my environment for different projects. For example, I have a script that creates a 2×2 grid with vim in the top-left, a server pane in the top-right, a DB console in the bottom-left, and a general shell in the bottom-right. With a single command I can set up my entire environment, and with another I can tear it down.

I also take advantage of tmux‘s session management to multitask between different projects. Each project gets its own session, and I can easily jump between them as needed using the built-in tmux commands.

Native tmux Integration in iTerm2

It‘s worth noting that iTerm2 offers a native tmux integration that aims to provide the best of both worlds. With this integration, you can use all of iTerm2‘s features (e.g. panes, autocomplete, mouseless copy, etc.) while still using tmux under the hood for session management.

While this approach has some advantages, such as not having to learn tmux‘s keybindings and commands, it has some limitations compared to using "full" tmux:

  • Limited customization of the tmux session and environment
  • Relies on iTerm2-specific features, making it harder to use the same setup on other systems
  • Potential for conflicts/bugs since it‘s a non-standard setup

Ultimately, the choice between iTerm2‘s native integration and a custom tmux setup comes down to your specific needs and preferences. Personally, I prefer the flexibility and portability of a custom tmux setup, but the native integration is worth exploring if you want a more guided experience.

Tips for Using tmux Effectively

Here are a few tips I‘ve learned from using tmux extensively over the years:

  1. Learn the keybindings: tmux is most effective when you can navigate and manipulate your environment without having to constantly look up commands. Spend some time upfront learning the keybindings and training your muscle memory.

  2. Use scripted layouts: Setting up your development environment from scratch every time is tedious. Use tmux‘s scripting capabilities to automate the process and save yourself time in the long run.

  3. Customize your tmux.conf file: tmux is highly configurable, so take advantage of that to make it work the way you want. Experiment with different options and settings to find what works best for you.

  4. Use sessions for project management: Create separate tmux sessions for each of your projects to keep things organized and make it easy to switch between them.

  5. Pair tmux with other tools: tmux plays nicely with other common developer tools like vim, git, and so on. Look for ways to integrate them into your workflow to streamline your process.

Additional Resources

If you want to dive deeper into tmux and iTerm2, here are a few helpful resources:


Using tmux and iTerm2 together can supercharge your terminal workflow and make you a more effective developer. While there is a learning curve, the long-term benefits of a customized and automated environment are well worth the investment.

The key is to find a setup that works well for you and your specific needs. Experiment with different configurations and keybindings until you find something that feels intuitive and saves you time. Remember, the goal is to optimize your process to be as efficient as possible.

You can see my personal tmux and iTerm2 configs at for a concrete example of how to set things up. Feel free to use them as a starting point and adapt them to your liking.

If you have any other tips or tricks for using tmux and iTerm2, I‘d love to hear them! Share your experiences in the comments below.

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