How to Shuffle an Array of Items Using JavaScript or TypeScript

Shuffling an array of elements is a common task in programming. Whether you‘re building a music playlist app, a card game, or a data analysis tool, you‘ll likely need to randomize the order of items in an array at some point.

In this in-depth guide, we‘ll explore several techniques for shuffling arrays using JavaScript or TypeScript. We‘ll dive into the theory behind these techniques, analyze their efficiency, and see how to implement them with code examples. By the end, you‘ll have a solid understanding of array shuffling that you can apply in your own projects.

What Does Shuffling an Array Mean?

First, let‘s clarify what we mean by "shuffling" an array. When you shuffle an array, you rearrange its elements into a random order. Each element should have an equal probability of ending up in any position in the shuffled array. It‘s like thoroughly mixing up a deck of cards, so the original order is lost and a new unpredictable order emerges.

Mathematically, shuffling an array of n elements means generating a random permutation of the numbers from 0 to n-1. A permutation is an arrangement of items where order matters. With n items, there are n! (n factorial) possible permutations.

For example, with an array of 3 elements [A, B, C], there are 3! = 6 possible permutations:

  • [A, B, C]
  • [A, C, B]
  • [B, A, C]
  • [B, C, A]
  • [C, A, B]
  • [C, B, A]

A good shuffling algorithm should be equally likely to generate any of these permutations.

The Fisher-Yates Shuffle Algorithm

One of the most popular and efficient methods for shuffling an array is the Fisher-Yates shuffle, also known as the Knuth shuffle. It was first described by Ronald Fisher and Frank Yates in 1938, and later popularized by Donald Knuth in his book "The Art of Computer Programming".

Here‘s how the algorithm works:

  1. Start with an array of n elements.
  2. Pick a random index i between 0 and n-1.
  3. Swap the element at index i with the last unshuffled element in the array (initially the element at index n-1).
  4. Decrement n by 1 to indicate the last element is now considered shuffled.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until all elements have been shuffled (i.e., until n reaches 0).

Intuitively, at each step, the algorithm randomly selects an element from the unshuffled portion of the array and moves it to the end of the shuffled portion.

Here‘s the JavaScript implementation:

function shuffle(array) {
  for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
    [array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
  return array;

And here‘s the equivalent TypeScript code:

function shuffle<T>(array: T[]): T[] {
  for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
    [array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
  return array;

The Fisher-Yates shuffle has a time complexity of O(n), meaning the time it takes is proportional to the number of elements being shuffled. It shuffles the array in place, so it has a space complexity of O(1) – no extra space is needed.

Mathematically, the Fisher-Yates shuffle can be proven to generate each permutation with equal probability 1/n!. The proof relies on showing that at each step i, the element at index i has an equal 1/(n-i) chance of ending up in any of the remaining n-i positions. Multiplying these probabilities for all n steps gives 1/n!.

Using sort() with a Random Comparison Function

JavaScript‘s built-in sort() method allows you to pass in a comparison function that determines the sorting order. By providing a comparison function that returns a random value, we can hack sort() into giving us a shuffled array.

Here‘s how it looks in JavaScript:

function shuffle(array) {
  return array.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);

And in TypeScript:

function shuffle<T>(array: T[]): T[] {
  return array.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);

The comparison function () => Math.random() - 0.5 randomly returns a positive number, negative number, or zero, which makes sort() reorder elements in an unpredictable way.

While this approach is very concise, it‘s not as reliable as the Fisher-Yates shuffle. The quality of the shuffle depends on the underlying sorting algorithm, which may vary between JavaScript engines. Some sorting algorithms may not shuffle the array thoroughly if the comparison function doesn‘t enforce a strict ordering.

Also, the time complexity of this approach is O(n log n) on average, because that‘s the typical complexity of sorting algorithms like quicksort or merge sort that JavaScript engines commonly use. So for large arrays, it can be slower than the O(n) Fisher-Yates shuffle.

Shuffling with Mapped Random Values

Another way to shuffle an array is to map each element to an object containing a random value, sort based on those random values, and then map back to the original elements.

In JavaScript:

function shuffle(array) {
  return array
    .map(value => ({ value, sort: Math.random() }))
    .sort((a, b) => a.sort - b.sort)
    .map(({ value }) => value);

And in TypeScript:

function shuffle<T>(array: T[]): T[] {
  return array
    .map(value => ({ value, sort: Math.random() }))
    .sort((a, b) => a.sort - b.sort)
    .map(({ value }) => value);

This approach first creates an array of objects where each object contains the original element and a random number. It then sorts this array based on those random numbers. Finally, it maps the sorted array back to the original elements.

Like the previous sort()-based approach, this one has a time complexity of O(n log n) due to the sorting step. It also requires extra space to store the mapped array, so its space complexity is O(n), whereas the Fisher-Yates shuffle is O(1).

A Recursive Shuffle Function

As an academic exercise, let‘s implement array shuffling using recursion. We‘ll recursively split the array into shuffled left and right halves until we reach the base case of an empty or single-element array.

Here‘s the recursive shuffle in JavaScript:

function shuffle(array) {
  if (array.length <= 1) {
    return array;

  const mid = Math.floor(array.length / 2);
  const left = array.slice(0, mid);
  const right = array.slice(mid);

  return merge(shuffle(left), shuffle(right));

function merge(left, right) {
  const merged = [];

  while (left.length && right.length) {
    merged.push(Math.random() < 0.5 ? left.shift() : right.shift());

  return [...merged, ...left, ...right];

And in TypeScript:

function shuffle<T>(array: T[]): T[] {
  if (array.length <= 1) {
    return array;

  const mid = Math.floor(array.length / 2);
  const left = array.slice(0, mid);
  const right = array.slice(mid);

  return merge(shuffle(left), shuffle(right));

function merge<T>(left: T[], right: T[]): T[] {
  const merged: T[] = [];

  while (left.length && right.length) {
    merged.push(Math.random() < 0.5 ? left.shift()! : right.shift()!);

  return [...merged, ...left, ...right];

This approach has a time complexity of O(n log n) because it recursively divides the array in half log n times and performs a merging operation of n elements at each level. The space complexity is O(n) in the worst case due to the recursion stack and the temporary arrays created during merging.

While this recursive implementation is interesting from a theoretical perspective, the iterative Fisher-Yates shuffle is generally preferable in practice due to its simplicity and optimal O(n) time and O(1) space complexity.

Shuffling Arrays of Any Type with TypeScript

One advantage of using TypeScript is that we can define generic functions that work with arrays of any type. By using a type parameter T, we can create a shuffle function that accepts an array of elements of type T and returns an array of the same type.

Here‘s a generic shuffle function using the Fisher-Yates algorithm:

function shuffle<T>(array: T[]): T[] {
  for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
    [array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
  return array;

Now we can shuffle arrays of strings, numbers, objects, or any other type:

const strings = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date", "fig"];
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const objects = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }];


This type-safe shuffling ensures that the shuffled array retains its original element type.

When to Use Different Shuffling Techniques

In most cases, the Fisher-Yates shuffle is the best choice due to its efficiency and unbiased shuffling. It‘s particularly well-suited for large arrays because of its O(n) time complexity.

The sort()-based approaches can be handy for quick one-off shuffles of small arrays when you prioritize brevity over performance. However, be cautious about relying on them for critical applications or large datasets.

The recursive shuffle is more of an educational example to illustrate the concept of recursive array processing. In production code, stick with the iterative Fisher-Yates shuffle for better performance and readability.

Shuffling and Asynchronous Code

When working with asynchronous code, you may sometimes need to shuffle an array of promises or shuffle an array and then perform asynchronous operations on each element.

To shuffle an array of promises, you can first shuffle the array using one of the techniques we‘ve discussed and then use Promise.all() to wait for all the shuffled promises to resolve.

async function shufflePromises(promises) {
  const shuffled = shuffle(promises);
  return await Promise.all(shuffled);

If you need to perform an asynchronous operation on each element of a shuffled array, you can use map() to transform the elements into promises and then use Promise.all() to wait for them to resolve.

async function shuffleAndProcess(array) {
  const shuffled = shuffle(array);
  const promises = element => {
    // Perform asynchronous operation on element
    await asyncOperation(element);
    return result;
  return await Promise.all(promises);

Applications of Array Shuffling

Shuffling arrays has numerous practical applications across various domains. Here are a few examples:

  1. Randomizing data for machine learning: When training machine learning models, it‘s often beneficial to shuffle the training data to avoid biases and ensure the model generalizes well.

  2. Generating random samples or subsets: If you need to select a random subset of elements from an array, you can shuffle the array and then take the first n elements.

  3. Creating random playlists: Music apps can use array shuffling to generate random playlists from a user‘s song library.

  4. Implementing games: Many games, such as card games or board games, involve shuffling a deck of cards or a set of tiles to ensure fair and unpredictable gameplay.

  5. A/B testing: When conducting A/B tests or experiments, you may need to randomly assign users to different test groups. Shuffling the array of users before assigning them to groups helps ensure an unbiased distribution.


Shuffling arrays is a fundamental task that every developer should know how to do efficiently and correctly. The Fisher-Yates shuffle is the gold standard due to its simplicity, efficiency, and unbiased shuffling. By understanding the underlying principles and trade-offs of different shuffling techniques, you can choose the most appropriate method for your specific use case.

Whether you‘re working with JavaScript or TypeScript, the concepts and code samples provided in this article will help you confidently shuffle arrays in your own projects. So go ahead and put your newfound knowledge into practice – shuffle away!

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