A Roadmap to Becoming a Web Developer in 2017

The field of web development is constantly evolving at a rapid pace. What was considered cutting-edge a few years ago may now be obsolete. As we head into 2017, it‘s a good time to examine the state of web development and what aspiring web developers should learn to stay competitive in the job market.

Whether your goal is to work as a front-end, back-end or full-stack web developer, having a clear roadmap of the skills and technologies you need to learn is crucial. This comprehensive guide will help plot your learning journey to becoming a fully qualified web developer in 2017.

Specialist vs Generalist – Which Path to Choose?

One of the first key decisions you‘ll need to make is whether you want to specialize in front-end, back-end or aim to be a full-stack developer. There are pros and cons to each path.

Front-end specialists have an in-depth understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and UI/UX principles. They‘re in high demand, especially with the rise of mobile web and single page apps. The downside is a narrower focus may limit career growth and salary potential.

Back-end specialists excel at server-side programming and working with databases, APIs and system architecture. With the growth of cloud computing, microservices and serverless, back-end skills are highly valued. However, you may spend less time coding cool interfaces and more time on "plumbing".

Full-stack developers are the "jacks of all trades". They can handle all aspects of a web application, from the user interface to the database and everything in between. While you may not have the same depth of knowledge as a specialist, being able to see the big picture and connect the dots is a highly marketable skill. The obvious con is that you have a much wider surface area of skills to learn and maintain.

According to Stack Overflow‘s 2020 Developer Survey, 55% of respondents identified as full-stack developers, followed by back-end (22%) and front-end (19%). Ultimately, the path you choose should align with your interests and career goals. Many developers also transition between specialities as their careers progress.

Web Development Skills Trends

What web development skills are most in-demand in the industry? Let‘s look at some data.

Stack Overflow‘s 2020 survey also asked developers what tools and technologies they use. Here are the most popular responses:

Technology % of Respondents Using It
JavaScript 67.7%
HTML/CSS 63.1%
SQL 54.7%
Python 44.1%
Java 40.2%
Bash/Shell 39.8%
Node.js 35.1%
C# 31.3%
PHP 25.8%
TypeScript 25.4%
C++ 23.9%
C 21.8%
Ruby 7.1%

As you can see, JavaScript, HTML/CSS and SQL are the most widely used. Python has risen in popularity, while Ruby is dropping off. TypeScript is also gaining traction as devs seek a more structured variant of JS.

In terms of frameworks, the 2020 State of JS survey shows React in the lead, followed by Angular, Vue and Express:

Front end frameworks

Back-end frameworks like Express, Spring, Laravel and Ruby on Rails are battling it out:

Back end frameworks

What does this all mean for aspiring web developers? While it‘s good to stay on top of the latest trends, don‘t get swept up in chasing the flavour of the month. Focus on building a solid foundation in the core web technologies first – HTML, CSS, JS, at least one back-end language, version control, testing, web security. Then layer on knowledge of the leading frameworks and tools.

As Laurence Bradford, Founder of Learn to Code With Me puts it:

"When it comes to learning to code, it‘s important not to get caught up in the hype of the latest and greatest framework or programming language. Spend your time mastering the foundations – this will serve you no matter what new trend comes along."

Web Developer Salary and Job Outlook

Web development offers excellent career prospects and earning potential. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of web developers is projected to grow 8% from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations.

The median annual wage for web developers was $73,760 in May 2019. The lowest 10% earned less than $39,550, and the highest 10% earned more than $142,080.

Here is a breakdown of median web developer salaries by industry:

Industry Annual mean wage
Publishing industries $124,870
Computer systems design $82,670
Management, scientific, technical consulting $81,590
Advertising, PR, related services $80,700
Other information services $79,630

Source: BLS

In the Stack Overflow 2020 survey, full-stack and back-end developers reported the highest median salaries globally:

Developer salaries by role

Of course, salaries vary widely based on location, years of experience, company size and specialization. But overall, web development is a high-paying, in-demand field with a lot of room for growth.

Alternative Education Paths

A computer science degree is no longer the only path to becoming a web developer. In recent years, coding bootcamps have emerged as a popular alternative. These intensive programs aim to get students job-ready in 3-6 months through a mix of hands-on projects and career coaching.

According to RTI International‘s 2019 Coding Bootcamp Market Size Study, there were 23,043 graduates of 110 US bootcamp providers in 2019, a 4.38% growth rate from 2018. The typical bootcamp costs $13,584 and lasts 16.5 weeks. Compare that to a 4-year CS degree with an average cost of $163,140!

Some of the most well-known bootcamps include:

  • Hack Reactor
  • App Academy
  • Programming School
  • Fullstack Academy
  • General Assembly
  • Lighthouse Labs
  • Turing School

Self-directed online learning is another increasingly popular option. Platforms like freeCodeCamp, The Odin Project and Launch School offer well-structured, open-source web dev curricula at low or no cost. These are a great choice if you‘re highly disciplined and learn well independently.

Treehouse CEO Ryan Carson shares his view on alternative education:

"The reality is, you no longer need a 4-year CS degree to get an entry-level job as a web developer. Coding bootcamps, online courses, and other non-traditional education options can get you the skills you need in a fraction of the time and cost. Employers are catching on too – they just want candidates who can prove they have the skills to do the job, regardless of how they acquired them."

Crafting a Stand-Out Portfolio

In the world of web development, your portfolio is your most powerful asset. It‘s the first thing employers look at to gauge your skills and see what you can actually build.

A great web developer portfolio should include:

  • 4-6 of your best projects that showcase a variety of skills
  • Clean, readable code with comments
  • Responsive design that works well on mobile
  • Clear documentation on how to run each project
  • Live demos and links to source code on GitHub
  • Explanation of your role and the technologies used for each project
  • Optional: Case studies, blog posts showing your development process

Remember, quality trumps quantity. It‘s better to have a few polished projects than a dozen half-baked ones. Keep your portfolio updated as you grow your skills.

Here are some inspiring web developer portfolios to learn from:

Productivity Tips for Learning to Code

Learning web development can feel overwhelming at times. There‘s so much to learn and the field keeps changing. Here are some productivity tips to help you stay sane and efficient:

  1. Focus on one thing at a time. Don‘t try to learn 5 different languages at once. Pick one area to focus on each month or quarter. Go deep enough to build something with it before moving on.

  2. Set SMART goals. Make your learning goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. Instead of "Learn JavaScript", aim for "Build a weather app using a JS framework by end of month".

  3. Make a schedule and stick to it. Block out dedicated time for learning each day, even if it‘s just 30 minutes. Consistency beats sporadic bursts of effort.

  4. Take breaks. Your brain needs rest to absorb new information. Take regular 10 minute breaks to recharge.

  5. Practice, practice, practice. The best way to cement your knowledge is to use it. Challenge yourself with coding exercises, build small projects, contribute to open source.

  6. Learn by teaching. Share what you‘re learning through blog posts, tutorials or mentoring others. Teaching forces you to understand concepts at a deeper level.

  7. Join a community. Connect with other devs through local meetups, online forums, Twitter, Dev.to, etc. Having a support system makes the learning journey more fun.

The Importance of Soft Skills

It‘s a myth that web developers just sit in a dark room coding all day. In reality, web development is a highly collaborative field. You‘ll work with designers, product managers, clients, and other stakeholders. Soft skills are often just as important as technical chops.

Some key soft skills for web developers include:

  • Communication: Ability to explain technical concepts to non-technical colleagues. Writing clear documentation, emails, and reports.
  • Teamwork: Working effectively with others, taking and giving constructive feedback, being open to ideas.
  • Problem-solving: Breaking down complex problems, debugging, thinking creatively to find solutions.
  • Time management: Estimating task completion, prioritizing competing demands, meeting deadlines.
  • Adaptability: Staying curious, learning new skills quickly, adapting to a fast-changing field.

Spend some time deliberately practicing these soft skills, just as you would with coding. Take a writing class, lead a team project, give a lunch & learn session.

The Future of Web Development

The web development field is evolving at lightning speed. Here are some key trends to watch:

  • No-code tools like Webflow aim to make building web apps as easy as using Squarespace or Wix. While these won‘t replace developers entirely, they‘ll likely handle more of the simpler use cases.

  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) bring native app-like functionality and speed to the mobile web. This includes offline access, push notifications, home screen install. PWAs are built with traditional web tech but "progressively enhanced" for capable devices.

  • AI in web development is still nascent but has potential to automate repetitive tasks like QA testing, performance optimization, even parts of the UI design process. GitHub Copilot is an early example of an "AI pair programmer".

  • Serverless architecture aims to fully abstract away infrastructure management. Developers can focus purely on writing reusable functions while the provider handles deployment, scaling, billing.

  • Web Assembly (WASM) lets devs write code in languages like C/C++/Rust that run in the browser at near-native speed. This opens the door to more powerful, performant web apps. UE4 and Unity have already adopted WASM for browser-based games.

Some of these trends may fizzle out, while others will become industry standards. Developers who stay curious and keep learning will be well-positioned for the changes ahead.


Web development in 2017 is a fascinating, fast-paced field to be a part of. There‘s never been a better time to learn these in-demand skills and unlock a fulfilling career path.

Use the roadmaps and resources in this guide to chart your own learning journey. Choose whether to specialize in front-end, back-end or full-stack development. Focus on building a solid foundation and showcasing your skills through standout projects.

Stay on top of the latest trends but don‘t get swept up in the hype. Work on your soft skills as well as your tech chops. And most importantly – keep coding, keep building, keep shipping.

As Red Hat co-founder Bob Young said:

"The only real limitation on your ability to achieve your goals in the world of web development is your willingness to put in the hard work to acquire the needed skills."

You‘ve got this. Now go out there and build something awesome!

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