How I Became a Full Stack Developer Without a Degree or Tech Experience

Six months ago, I landed my first job as a full stack developer. I had no computer science degree, no previous professional coding experience, and had only been teaching myself software development for a little over a year.

Many people are surprised when I tell them this. They often assume that to get a job as a developer, you need a related degree or years of experience. But more and more people are breaking into tech from non-traditional backgrounds. In fact, Stack Overflow‘s 2020 Developer Survey found that nearly 20% of professional developers do not have a bachelor‘s degree in computer science or a related field[^1].

I‘m here to share my journey and show that with the right approach, anyone can transition into a rewarding software development career, no matter their educational or professional background. It won‘t be easy – it requires a lot of time, dedication, and hard work. But if a former political science major with no tech experience can do it, you can too!

The Unconventional Path to Coding

My background is about as unrelated to computer science as you can get. I graduated college with a degree in political science and spent a few unfulfilling years working in sales and marketing. I had no coding experience beyond basic HTML and CSS I had played around with as a teen.

In my mid-20s, I reached a point where I was tired of my current career path but unsure what I wanted to do next. I had always been interested in technology and all my favorite companies were tech companies, so I started thinking about how I could transition into the field.

After lots of research, I decided that software development was the path for me. It incorporated a lot of things I enjoyed – problem solving, creativity, continuous learning – and seemed to have great long-term career prospects. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that employment of software developers will grow 22% from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations[^2].

But there was one small problem – I had no idea how to code! I looked into going back to school for a computer science degree, but the thought of investing all that time and money was daunting, especially while working full-time.

Then I discovered the world of online learning and realized that teaching myself was a viable option. Equipped with just a laptop and an internet connection, I embarked on my journey to become a full stack developer.

My Self-Taught Coding Journey

I started simple, with free intro courses on Codecademy and freeCodeCamp. These gave me a good grasp of programming fundamentals like variables, data types, functions, and control flow. I learned how to structure web pages with HTML and style them with CSS.

One of the best pieces of advice I got early on was to learn by doing. Reading articles and watching tutorial videos is helpful, but the real learning comes from actually writing code. So as I progressed through these beginner courses, I made sure to complete all the interactive challenges and exercises.

After getting comfortable with the basics, I moved on to JavaScript, the language that would become the foundation of my full stack abilities. I completed freeCodeCamp‘s JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification, which covers key concepts like objects, arrays, loops, and object-oriented programming.

To reinforce these new skills, I started building small projects like a calculator app and a quote generator. Having to apply concepts I had learned to real-world problems helped solidify my understanding. It also taught me the importance of debugging and reading documentation.

As my proficiency grew, I began learning additional technologies to round out my full stack toolkit. I took Colt Steele‘s Web Developer Bootcamp course on Udemy, which introduced me to Node.js, Express, and MongoDB for back-end development. I learned Git for version control and used it to host my projects on GitHub.

While working through these courses and projects, I made a commitment to code every day, even if just for 30 minutes. I found that consistency was key to making steady progress. On days when motivation was low, I reminded myself of my end goal and pushed through the frustration.

To track my progress, I kept a log of concepts learned and projects completed. This helped me stay organized and motivated as I could see how far I had come. Looking back at this log, I realized I had written my first line of JavaScript on June 1st, 2020. By May 1st, 2021, I had built 20+ projects using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node, Express, and MongoDB.

Preparing for the Job Search

After about a year of consistent learning and building, I started to feel confident in my skills. I knew I still had a lot to learn, but I could build full stack applications from start to finish. It was time to start thinking about the job search.

The first step was creating a portfolio to showcase my projects. I built a clean, responsive portfolio site using HTML, CSS, and a bit of JavaScript. I highlighted 5 of my best full stack projects, including:

  • A task management app using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node)
  • A real-time chat app with
  • An e-commerce platform with Stripe payment integration
  • A social media dashboard built with React and Firebase
  • A RESTful API built with Node, Express, and PostgreSQL

For each project, I wrote brief case studies describing the purpose, technologies used, and challenges overcome. I also made sure my GitHub was up to date with clean, well-documented code.

Next was optimizing my resume and online presence. I tailored my resume to highlight my relevant skills and projects. I also created a LinkedIn profile and started engaging with content in the web development space. I knew that networking and making connections could be key to landing opportunities.

Finally, I started preparing for interviews by practicing common questions and coding challenges. I used platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank to hone my problem-solving skills. I also rehearsed behavioral questions and studied up on computer science fundamentals that I may have missed as a self-taught developer.

The Job Hunt

With my portfolio and prep work complete, it was time to dive into the job hunt. I began by searching for entry-level and junior full stack developer roles on job boards like Indeed, LinkedIn, and AngelList.

I also reached out to my network, letting friends and past colleagues know I was looking for developer roles. I attended local meet-ups and online conferences to connect with others in the industry.

For each application, I made sure to write a personalized cover letter highlighting my unique path into development and passion for programming. I emphasized my hands-on experience and linked to specific projects relevant to the role.

At first, the rejections came rolling in. Despite my best efforts to demonstrate my skills and potential, many companies were hesitant to take a chance on a candidate without a traditional degree or experience.

But I didn‘t let this discourage me. I continued to apply and improve my portfolio. After a few weeks, I started landing interviews. This was my chance to prove that I could do the job, regardless of my background.

I was asked a variety of questions, from explaining my approach to a past project to solving coding challenges on a whiteboard. I made sure to walk through my thought process out loud and admit when I was unsure of something.

After each interview, I sent a thoughtful follow-up email thanking the interviewer for their time and reiterating my interest in the role. I also used each interview as a learning experience, reflecting on what I could improve for next time.

Finally, after two months of searching and interviewing, I received an offer for a junior full stack developer role at a mid-sized tech company. I was ecstatic – all my hard work had paid off!

Succeeding as a Developer

I‘ve been working as a full stack developer for six months now, and it‘s been an incredible experience. Every day, I get to collaborate with a talented team to build applications that solve real business problems.

One of the things I love most about development is that the learning never stops. In my short time on the job, I‘ve already gotten to work with new-to-me technologies like Docker, AWS, and GraphQL. I‘ve also improved my skills in areas like testing, debugging, and system design.

Imposter syndrome is real, and there are certainly moments when I feel behind my colleagues who have traditional computer science educations. But I try to remember that everyone has knowledge gaps, and the most important thing is a willingness to learn and ask questions.

I‘ve found that my experience as a self-taught developer has actually given me some unique advantages. I‘m not afraid to dive into new technologies or tackle unfamiliar problems. Learning to code on my own taught me how to be resourceful and find answers independently.

Self-teaching also requires a lot of internal motivation and discipline, two skills that have served me well in my role. When I‘m stuck on a challenging bug or feature, I‘m able to stay focused and push through the frustration to find a solution.

Looking to the future, I‘m excited to continue growing as a developer. One of my goals is to start contributing to open source projects as a way to learn from other talented programmers and give back to the community that helped me get started.

I‘m also interested in exploring new areas of development, like machine learning and blockchain technology. That‘s the great thing about this field – there‘s always something new to learn and experiment with.

To others considering a transition into software development, I‘ll reiterate that it‘s absolutely possible to succeed without a computer science degree or prior tech experience. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work, but the rewards are more than worth it.

My biggest piece of advice is to focus on building projects. Having a strong portfolio of work to show employers is crucial, especially if you don‘t have traditional credentials. Don‘t get caught up in trying to learn every single technology or framework out there. Pick a stack and get really good at it by building increasingly complex applications.

I also recommend getting involved in the community early on. Join forums like and Reddit‘s /r/learnprogramming to ask questions and learn from others. Attend meetups and conferences (even virtual ones) to network and stay up-to-date on industry trends.

Remember that everyone‘s path into development is different. Don‘t compare yourself to others or get discouraged by rejections. Keep honing your skills, showcasing your work, and applying to jobs. With persistence and a growth mindset, you can achieve your goal of becoming a professional developer.

For me, taking the leap into software development was the best career decision I‘ve ever made. I wake up excited to tackle new challenges and continue learning each day. If you‘re thinking about making the switch, I encourage you to go for it. The tech industry needs more diverse voices and perspectives, and there‘s never been a better time to break in. Happy coding!

[^1]: Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020.
[^2]: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Software Developers.

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