The Bootstrap Handbook – Everything You Need to Know

Bootstrap is one of the most popular and widely used front-end frameworks for building responsive, mobile-first websites. Whether you‘re a web designer, developer, or anyone who wants to quickly prototype ideas or build entire websites, learning Bootstrap will be immensely valuable. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll teach you everything you need to know to master Bootstrap 4 and efficiently build beautiful, fully responsive websites.

Introduction to Bootstrap

At its core, Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end library that provides pre-built components and powerful tools for creating responsive websites and web applications. It contains HTML, CSS, and JavaScript-based templates and components for common UI elements like typography, forms, buttons, navigation, dropdowns, alerts, modals, tabs, accordions, and more.

Some key reasons to use Bootstrap for your web development projects include:

  • Saves you time and effort by providing ready-to-use components and layouts
  • Responsive grid system makes it easy to build mobile-friendly websites
  • Extensive list of components helps create rich, interactive UIs
  • Large community and ecosystem of resources and tools
  • Customizable to fit your needs and design requirements

Bootstrap lets you focus more on building your website or application, and less on struggling with the fundamental, common components. Its responsive grid and pre-built components already take into account various screen sizes and resolutions, making the mobile-first approach a breeze.

History of Bootstrap

Bootstrap was originally created in 2011 by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton, who were both developers at Twitter at the time. They initially named it Twitter Blueprint, and developed it as a framework to encourage consistency across internal tools. A few months later, it was renamed to Bootstrap and released as an open source project.

Some key milestones in the history of Bootstrap:

  • Aug 2011 – Bootstrap 1 released as open source project
  • Jan 2012 – Bootstrap 2 released, introducing a 12-column responsive grid system, inbuilt icons, and JavaScript plugins
  • Aug 2013 – Bootstrap 3 released, with a mobile first approach, redesigned components, and new UI elements
  • Aug 2015 – Bootstrap 4 development begins
  • Jan 2018 – Bootstrap 4 stable release

The latest major version, Bootstrap 4, brought many new features and improvements including a new grid system, flexbox support, a new card component, and more. It also removed some old components, dropped IE8 support, and switched to a flexbox-based layout to make responsive design even easier.

What‘s New in Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap 4 introduced many significant changes and improvements over the previous version. Here are some key updates in Bootstrap 4:

  • New flexbox grid system for easier responsiveness
  • Switched from LESS to Sass for better customization
  • Improved and redesigned components
  • Added new components like cards and flex utilities
  • Dropped IE9 support and moved to rem units
  • Rewritten JavaScript plugins in ES6
  • Improved documentation and examples

The new flexbox-powered grid system is perhaps the biggest change. It makes it easier to build complex responsive layouts. Flexbox support means you can easily change the order, alignment, and sizing of your columns.

Bootstrap 4 also encourages a component-based UI architecture, through the use of its revamped components like cards, navbars, modals, and more. The card component, for example, replaces old components like wells, panels, and thumbnails, serving as a flexible container for any type of content.

The Bootstrap Grid System

Consistently one of its most beloved features, the Bootstrap grid lets you build responsive, mobile-first projects with ease. It‘s built with flexbox, making it easier than ever to align and size your project‘s columns.

Some key concepts to understand about the Bootstrap grid:

  • Rows act as containers for columns
  • Content goes inside columns
  • Columns are created by specifying the number of 12 available tier slots
  • Tiers allow you to specify column sizes based on the viewport width (xs, sm, md, lg, xl)
  • Rows and columns have padding known as "gutters" to provide spacing
  • Rows must be placed inside a containing .container or .container-fluid for alignment and padding

Bootstrap comes with a set of powerful flexbox utility classes for fine-tuning your column alignment, ordering, and sizing. For example, you can switch from a vertical to horizontal column layout on specific screen sizes, or change their order and alignment.

Here‘s a basic example of the grid system in action:

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm"> One of three columns </div>
    <div class="col-sm"> One of three columns </div>
    <div class="col-sm"> One of three columns </div>

This would create a row with 3 equal-width columns on small, medium, large, and extra large screens, but will stack them vertically on xs screens (less than 576px wide).

Responsive Design with Bootstrap

Bootstrap‘s grid system and components make it a powerful tool for responsive web design, which is an essential skill for front-end developers today. Almost everything about Bootstrap helps to build sites that adapt and render well on any screen size or device.

Some key Bootstrap features for responsive design:

  • Mobile-first styles throughout the library
  • Responsive grid tiers (xs, sm, md, lg, xl) for fine-grained control
  • Fluid container for full width or container with breakpoints for fixed width
  • Components with baked-in responsive styles
  • Responsive typography and images
  • Responsive utility classes for showing/hiding content

Bootstrap encourages you to think mobile-first, by writing your styles to target the smallest devices first, and then using media queries to style larger devices. The responsive grid lets you specify how your columns will look on each tier.

Here‘s an example of a responsive layout using different column classes:

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-8 col-xl-9"> Main content </div>
    <div class="col-12 col-md-4 col-xl-3"> Sidebar </div>

On extra small screens, the main content and sidebar will stack vertically and both occupy the full width. On medium screens and up, the main content occupies 8/12 width and sidebar 4/12 width of the row. On extra large screens, the main content extends to 9/12 width and sidebar reduces to 3/12 width.

Bootstrap Components

Bootstrap offers an extensive set of pre-built, functional components that allow you to build interactive, consistent UIs without having to write all the code from scratch.

Some of the most popular and commonly used Bootstrap components include:

  • Buttons – various styles, sizes, states, etc.
  • Button groups – group a series of buttons together
  • Forms – pre-built form layouts and custom form elements
  • Navbar – responsive navigation header with built-in support for collapse plugin
  • Nav – navigation components for tabs, pills, justified links
  • Card – flexible content container with header, footer, image, overlay, etc.
  • Jumbotron – lightweight flexible component for showcasing content
  • Carousel – a slideshow component for images or text
  • Modal – add dialogs to your site for lightboxes, user notifications, etc.

Using Bootstrap components is usually as easy as using the proper class names and markup structure. They help to accelerate your development by providing solid, tested code you can drop into your projects. Rather than worrying about the details of styling a fancy navbar or complex form, you can focus on your project‘s unique requirements.

Here‘s a quick example of creating a simple card component:

<div class="card">
  <img class="card-img-top" src="..." alt="Card image cap">
  <div class="card-body">
    <h5 class="card-title">Card title</h5>
    <p class="card-text">Some quick example text to build on the card title.</p>
    <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Go somewhere</a>

Customizing Bootstrap

While Bootstrap comes with great pre-built styles and components, you will likely want to customize things to match your site‘s unique design and requirements. Bootstrap is built with Sass, a powerful CSS preprocessor that makes customization easy and efficient.

Sass works by compiling .scss files into regular CSS. It provides features like variables, nesting, mixins, functions, and more to add flexibility and organized structure to your CSS code.

To customize Bootstrap, you can override the default styles, modify variables, or extend components with your own code. Some common customizations:

-Changing colors and fonts
-Adjusting sizings and spacing
-Modifying component properties
-Adding your own custom styles or utility classes

Bootstrap 4 makes heavy use of Sass variables to define colors, fonts, breakpoints, and much more. By changing the values of these variables, you can generate your own themed version of Bootstrap while taking advantage of the pre-built components and layouts.

Setting Up Bootstrap Projects

There are a few different ways to set up a Bootstrap project, depending on your specific needs and workflow. Here are the three most common approaches:

  1. Using BootstrapCDN
    The easiest and quickest way to include Bootstrap in your project is to use the Bootstrap CDN by adding the stylesheet to your . You may also need to add the JavaScript plugins.

  2. Downloading Bootstrap
    If you want to host the Bootstrap files yourself, you can download the compiled and minified CSS and JavaScript files (or source files) from the Bootstrap website or Github repo. Then just link to the files in your project.

  3. Package manager
    If you already use a package manager like npm, yarn or RubyGems, you can install Bootstrap source files as a dependency for your project. This is a good option for integrating into an existing workflow based around those tools.

Regardless of your setup approach, you‘ll want to make sure you have a solid development environment and tooling in place to make your work efficient and productive. Some key tools for working with Bootstrap:

  • Code editor with good Sass/CSS and HTML support
  • Browser developer tools
  • Git for version control
  • Autoprefixer to add vendor prefixes
  • Sass compiler (if working with source files)
  • Linter to catch and correct mistakes in code

Putting it All Together: Building an Example Page

Now that we‘ve covered the fundamentals, let‘s put our Bootstrap knowledge to use by building out an example landing page. We‘ll combine the Bootstrap grid and components to create a responsive, professional looking design.

Here‘s a simplified outline of the page structure:

<!-- Navbar -->
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light">

<!-- Jumbotron -->
<div class="jumbotron">

<!-- Grid row -->
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-12 col-md-4"> Left column content </div>
  <div class="col-12 col-md-8"> Right column content </div>

<!-- Featured content -->
<div class="row">
  <div class="col-6 col-lg-3"> Card 1 </div>
  <div class="col-6 col-lg-3"> Card 2 </div>
  <div class="col-6 col-lg-3"> Card 3 </div>
  <div class="col-6 col-lg-3"> Card 4 </div>

<!-- Footer -->
<footer class="footer">

We start with a responsive navbar using the .navbar classes. Inside, we can add branding, navigation links, dropdowns, forms, etc. The .navbar-expand-lg class ensures it collapses on smaller screens.

Next, we can use a jumbotron to showcase key content or a call to action. Following that, we‘ll have a grid row with two columns – a sidebar that stacks below on small screens, and a main content area.

Then we‘ll feature some content in a row of 4 cards that flexibly collapse into 2 columns on smaller screens and 1 column on the smallest.

Finally, we‘ll wrap things up with a nice footer containing links and secondary content.

Each component and column makes use of Bootstrap‘s pre-built styles and responsive classes to adapt the layout on different screen sizes. Customized CSS can then be layered on top to provide the unique design touch needed for this site.

Advanced Bootstrap Concepts

Once you‘ve got a handle on the fundamentals of Bootstrap‘s grid system, components, and workflow, you can leverage some of its more advanced capabilities to further enhance your projects.

  • Using the Bootstrap CLI tool can boost your development speed by quickly spinning up projects with essential builds and configurations.
  • Integrating Bootstrap with front-end tools and frameworks like Angular and React can provide an efficient foundation for building out interactive UIs.
  • Creating your own custom builds of Bootstrap using Grunt or Webpack allows you to pick and choose the parts you need for ultimate customization and performance optimization.
  • Learning Bootstrap‘s JavaScript plugins allow you to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to your UI components.
  • Creating custom themes and selling them on Bootstrap theme marketplaces can be a great way to hone your Bootstrap skills and even generate some income.

Bootstrap Resources

Fortunately, getting started with Bootstrap and taking your skills to the next level has never been easier thanks to the wealth of available learning resources and tools. Here are some of the best:

  • Official Bootstrap documentation
  • Bootstrap blog
  • Video courses on sites like Udemy and Pluralsight
  • Books like Sams Teach Yourself Bootstrap in 24 Hours
  • Coding bootcamps and workshops
  • Bootstrapious and other Bootstrap tutorial sites
  • Bootstrap Expo site for inspiration
  • Open source Bootstrap projects on Github
  • Theme marketplaces like WrapBootstrap

Whether you‘re looking for a quick tutorial to pick up the basics, or want to dive deeper into advanced concepts and customization, you‘ll find no shortage of helpful information to guide you on your Bootstrap journey.


Bootstrap is a powerful, feature-packed front-end framework that can dramatically improve your ability to build responsive, mobile-first websites quickly. With its well-designed grid system, pre-built components, and extensive ecosystem of tools and resources, Bootstrap lets you focus on what matters most – building out the unique parts of your project.

In this guide, I‘ve walked through everything from the fundamentals of the grid and components to advanced concepts like customization, third-party integration, and themes.

I hope you can put this knowledge to use in your own projects and experience the productivity boost of the Bootstrap framework and ecosystem. Feel free to refer back to this guide whenever you need a refresher on a particular topic or technique.

Remember, learning Bootstrap is just one part of the bigger journey of mastering front-end web development. Continue to practice your skills by building new websites and web apps, and push yourself to explore complementary tools and techniques. Happy coding!

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