A Developer‘s Guide to Website Speed Optimization

As a developer, one of your key responsibilities is ensuring the websites and applications you build are fast and performant. In a world where users expect pages to load in 2 seconds or less, neglecting performance can have serious implications for your product and business.

Consider these stats:

  • 1 second delay in page load time can result in a 7% reduction in conversions (source: Aberdeen Group)
  • 40% of users will abandon a website that takes longer than 3 seconds to load (source: Gomez)
  • 52% of online shoppers state quick page loading is important to their site loyalty (source: Akamai)
  • A 100ms decrease in load time correlated to a 1% increase in revenue for an online retailer (source: Amazon)

Web performance also impacts SEO, as Google has made pagespeed a ranking factor, and of course the overall user experience. Clearly pagespeed should be treated as a core feature, not an afterthought.

But optimizing for speed is a complex, multifaceted challenge, especially for modern web experiences that are increasingly dynamic and media-rich. To help break this down, we‘ll walk through a performance optimizations at every layer of the stack – from your front-end markup and assets to your server configuration and back-end application code.

Whether you‘re building a content site, SaaS product, or e-commerce store, this guide will equip you with the tools and knowledge to make your site blazing fast. Let‘s get started!

Measuring Website Performance

Before you start optimizing, it‘s critical to first assess your current website performance. You need to quantify key metrics to set a baseline and benchmark future improvements against.

Key performance metrics include:

  • Time to First Byte (TTFB) – measures responsiveness and how quickly the server sends back the first byte of data
  • First Contentful Paint (FCP) – marks the first time any content (text, image, canvas, etc.) is painted on the screen
  • Speed Index – measures how quickly page contents are visually displayed during loading
  • Time to Interactive – time until the page is fully interactive and responds to user input
  • Total Blocking Time – sum of time between FCP and TTI where the main thread was blocked for 50ms or longer

Lighthouse is an open-source auditing tool from Google that runs a barrage of tests on any web page to assess pagespeed, accessibility, best practices, SEO, and more. It provides an overall performance score from 1-100.

Here‘s how to generate a Lighthouse report:

  1. Open Chrome DevTools
  2. Go to the Lighthouse tab
  3. Select "Mobile" for the device
  4. Select "Performance" and any other audits you want to run
  5. Click "Generate Report"

Lighthouse audit settings

For more flexibility to test on real devices and connection speeds, tools like WebPageTest let you run speed tests from multiple locations globally on real devices. It provides rich data like filmstrip and video captures, waterfalls, and much more.

Some key tips when measuring performance:

  • Test on a variety of devices and network connections (ex. Slow 3G, 4G) to get a realistic sampling of real world conditions
  • Take the median of at least 3 test runs for more accurate results
  • Use tools like Calibre and SpeedCurve for synthetic monitoring and to track performance over time

Once you have a baseline established, set a performance budget with concrete goals like "Reduce page weight to 1MB" or "First Contentful Paint in <1.5s". Now you‘re ready to start optimizing.

Front-End Optimizations

The fastest request is one that‘s never made. Each HTTP request carries overhead in the form of data transfer and round trip latency. Minimizing these requests is one of the highest-value front-end optimizations you can make.

Start by inventorying all the requests being made on a given page – the Network tab in Chrome DevTools is a great place to start. Look for opportunities to reduce requests:

  • Combine CSS into as few files as possible
  • Combine JavaScript into a single minified bundle
  • Use image sprites to turn multiple images into a single asset
  • Lazy load below-the-fold images and other media with JavaScript
  • Eliminate unnecessary third-party scripts like social sharing widgets
  • Inline small bits of CSS/JS to save a request (but be careful not to bloat the HTML)

Next look for opportunities to reduce the size of requested assets:

  • Minify CSS, JS, and HTML to remove unnecessary characters like whitespace and comments
  • Compress images with a tool like ImageOptim – aim to get JPEGs <100KB and PNGs <50KB without sacrificing too much quality
  • Use appropriate image sizing – don‘t serve a 2500x2500px image in a 250x250px img element
  • Lazy load images and other media that are below the fold
  • Use modern image formats like WebP that offer better compression
  • Subset web fonts to only the characters you need, or use system fonts
  • Eliminate unused CSS with a tool like Purge CSS to reduce bloated stylesheets
  • Remove large third-party libraries and replace with leaner alternatives

To see the impact of these changes, compare the "before" and "after" size of your assets. Tools like webpack-bundle-analyzer are great for visualizing JavaScript bundles.

Webpack bundle analyzer

You can also audit CSS and JS coverage in DevTools to find unused code.

Beyond reducing assets, you need to look at the order in which you‘re serving them. Any render-blocking scripts or styles will delay the time until the browser can paint content on the screen.

Some tips:

  • Defer any non-critical JS using the defer attribute so HTML parsing isn‘t blocked
  • Minify and inline critical CSS and defer non-critical CSS
  • Use async attribute for scripts that can load asynchronously
  • Preload key requests like fonts, heroes, etc. using <link rel="preload">

Finally, you‘ll want to optimize delivery of assets using a content delivery network (CDN). A CDN distributes your static files across a network of edge servers so users can download them more quickly from a nearby location.

In your HTML, simply replace local asset paths with the CDN URL:

<img src="https://mycdn.com/logo.png" alt="Logo">

Back-End Optimizations

While the front-end tends to be the focus when talking about web performance, back-end factors like server response times, application architecture, and database queries also play a major role.

Perhaps the best place to start is caching. By caching responses to common requests, you avoid unnecessary processing and can deliver frequently accessed data much faster.

Here are a few ways you can implement caching in your application:

  • Page caching: Cache the entire rendered HTML document for a route. Ideal for pages that don‘t change often.
  • Fragment caching: Cache portions of a page, like a sidebar or header, that are shared across routes.
  • Data caching: Cache the results of expensive database queries or API calls so subsequent requests can use that data without refetching.
  • HTTP caching: Set caching headers to allow the browser or CDN to cache responses. Great for static assets.

Popular tools for caching include Redis, an in-memory data store, and Varnish, a caching HTTP reverse proxy. By reducing the load on your servers, you‘ll dramatically improve TTFB and make your application more resilient to traffic spikes.

You‘ll also want to look at your web server and how it‘s configured. Nginx is known for its high performance in serving static files. Confirm your server is using HTTP/2 which allows multiple requests to be sent in parallel and enables header compression.

Configure gzip compression on the server so text-based assets are compressed before they‘re transferred to the browser. The same goes for newer compression algorithms like Brotli. Use a tool like GiftOfSpeed to check compression.

GiftOfSpeed compression checker

Finally, peek under the hood of your application code. Poorly optimized database queries, N+1 query problems, and bloated libraries can all tank your performance.

Some tips for keeping your application code fast:

  • Use a performance monitoring tool like New Relic or Scout to identify bottlenecks and slow queries
  • Eager load data where appropriate to reduce queries
  • Add database indexes on columns frequently used for lookups
  • Paginate large datasets and don‘t load more data than you need
  • Upgrade dependencies and remove unused libraries
  • Reduce memory leaks by properly destroying objects

While back-end optimizations are often harder to implement than front-end ones, they can offer significant gains in terms of server overhead and response times.

Testing & Monitoring Performance

Web performance optimization is never really "done". As you add new features and your application scales, you need to continuously monitor speeds and catch regressions before they impact users.

I recommend setting up both synthetic monitoring to proactively test pages at intervals and real user monitoring to capture true performance data from actual users. Services like Pingdom, SpeedCurve, and New Relic allow you to do both.

It‘s also a good idea to A/B test performance optimizations to measure the impact on user experience and conversion metrics. You can set up an experiment in a tool like Optimizely to serve a faster version of a page to one cohort and measure how it impacts bounce rate, engagement, revenue, etc.

Once you‘ve identified a meaningful optimization, make sure you‘ve communicated it to stakeholders and celebrated the win with your team. Keeping a high profile on web performance will help make it a priority in your engineering culture.

Closing Thoughts

While the web keeps getting heavier and more complex, our users‘ expectations for speed are higher than ever. It‘s on us as developers to use the tools and techniques at our disposal to keep experiences fast.

Hopefully, this guide has given you a solid foundation on the levers you can pull to improve pagespeed – from front-end optimizations to server configuration to back-end tuning.

Treat performance as a core part of the development process, test early and often, and make it a team priority. Your users will thank you!

To dive deeper into specific topics and stay up-to-date on the latest in web performance, here are some additional resources worth checking out:

  • web.dev/fast by Google
  • perf.rocks by Addy Osmani and Katie Hempenius
  • High Performance Browser Networking by Ilya Grigorik
  • Designing for Performance by Lara Callender Hogan
  • /r/webdev and /r/webperf on Reddit

How have you optimized your application‘s performance? Share your tips and experiences in the comments!