An In-Depth Introduction to NGINX for Developers

NGINX has become one of the most popular web servers and reverse proxy servers, powering over 400 million websites worldwide, including many of the highest-traffic sites. For developers, NGINX offers a robust, flexible platform for serving web applications and APIs with excellent performance, scalability, and security features.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into what makes NGINX so powerful and how you can leverage it for your own projects. Whether you‘re a beginner or an experienced developer, you‘ll gain the knowledge you need to put NGINX to work.

NGINX vs Other Web Servers

NGINX‘s event-driven, asynchronous architecture sets it apart from traditional servers like Apache that create a new thread for each request. This allows NGINX to serve a massive amount of traffic with minimal resource consumption.

Consider these performance benchmarks comparing NGINX to Apache:

Concurrent Connections Requests per Second
1,000 NGINX: 39,090
Apache: 6,546
10,000 NGINX: 69,322
Apache: 11,455
100,000 NGINX: 71,913
Apache: crashed


As you can see, NGINX maintains high throughput even under heavy load, while Apache‘s performance degrades or crashes. This makes NGINX especially well-suited for high-traffic sites and applications.

Igor Sysoev, the creator of NGINX, sums up the key architectural difference:

"Apache is like Microsoft Word, it has a million options but you only need six. NGINX does those six things, and it does five of them 50 times faster than Apache."

Installing and Configuring NGINX

Getting started with NGINX is straightforward. You can install a pre-built package using a package manager like apt or yum:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nginx

For more control, you can compile NGINX from source, enabling only the modules you need:

./configure \
  --with-http_ssl_module \
  --with-http_v2_module \
  --with-http_realip_module \
  --with-http_gunzip_module \

sudo make install  

The main NGINX configuration file is nginx.conf, which uses a hierarchical structure with contexts like http, server, and location:

http {
    server {
        listen 80;

        location / {
            root /var/www/;
            index index.html;

    server {
        listen 443 ssl;

        ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/example.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/certs/example.key;

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

This example defines two virtual servers, one serving static files over HTTP and the other proxying requests to a backend over HTTPS.

NGINX Use Cases and Best Practices

NGINX is incredibly versatile and can wear many hats in your application architecture:

  • Reverse proxy and load balancer: NGINX excels at handling incoming traffic and distributing requests to backend servers efficiently.

  • Static file server: Serving static assets like HTML, CSS, and images directly from NGINX can significantly offload app servers.

  • SSL/TLS termination: Terminating encryption at the NGINX layer frees backend servers from the overhead of SSL handshakes.

  • HTTP/2 and Server Push: NGINX fully supports HTTP/2, enabling features like request multiplexing and server push for better performance.

  • gRPC proxy: With the grpc_proxy module, NGINX can handle gRPC traffic and load balance across gRPC backends.

  • Kubernetes Ingress: The NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes makes it easy to expose services to the internet and handle advanced traffic routing.

To get the most out of NGINX for these use cases, it‘s important to tune your configuration. Some key best practices:

  • Adjust worker processes: Set worker_processes to the number of CPU cores for maximum utilization without over-saturation.
worker_processes auto;
  • Enable caching: Use NGINX‘s built-in caching features to store frequently-accessed content in memory or on disk.
proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx levels=1:2 keys_zone=my_cache:10m max_size=10g inactive=60m use_temp_path=off;

server {
    location / {
        proxy_cache my_cache;
        proxy_pass http://backend;
  • Optimize SSL settings: Ensure you‘re using a strong SSL cipher suite and enabling features like OCSP stapling.
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
ssl_stapling on;
ssl_stapling_verify on;
  • Enable compression: Compress responses with gzip to reduce bandwidth usage and accelerate transfers.
gzip on;
gzip_types text/plain application/xml;
gzip_proxied any;

Cliff Wells, an NGINX and systems architect, emphasizes the importance of iterating on your configuration:

"The key is to start with a basic config and then measure, iterate, and improve. NGINX is so flexible that you can always refine and optimize as needed for your specific workloads."

NGINX in Modern Application Stacks

NGINX aligns closely with modern, cloud-native application architectures and deployment patterns.

For containerized applications, NGINX can act as a frontend proxy and Kubernetes ingress controller, abstracting away the complexity of routing traffic to individual services. The NGINX Ingress Controller supports TLS/SSL termination, URI rewriting, session persistence, and more.

When deploying microservices, NGINX can provide a single, stable entry point for all client requests, with fine-grained traffic management and observability. Features like active health checks and slow-start for backend servers make NGINX a robust choice for microservices ecosystems.

And for serverless applications, NGINX can handle API management, authentication, rate limiting, and request transformation before invoking functions. The NGINX Unit dynamic application server can even host serverless functions directly.

Sarah Wells, technical director for operations and reliability at the Financial Times, describes their journey to microservices with NGINX:

"NGINX has enabled us to build out a microservices architecture with the confidence that it can reliably handle traffic shaping and routing for all the services that make up It‘s a critical part of how we are able to independently deploy over 400 microservices while maintaining a stable, performant site for our users."


NGINX is a high-performance, feature-rich web server and reverse proxy that every developer should have in their toolkit. Its event-driven architecture and modular design make it adaptable for a wide range of applications and workloads.

In this guide, we‘ve explored the core concepts of NGINX, including:

  • How NGINX achieves high concurrency and throughput
  • Installing and configuring NGINX for basic web serving and reverse proxying
  • Common NGINX use cases and best practices for caching, SSL, compression, and more
  • How NGINX fits into modern application architectures like containers, microservices, and serverless

With this foundation, you‘re equipped to start using NGINX effectively in your own projects. As you iterate on your configuration and scale your applications, NGINX will be a powerful ally, ensuring performance, reliability, and security.

As you continue on your NGINX journey, dive deeper into topics like load balancing algorithms, content caching, gRPC proxying, and the NGINX JavaScript module. Stay on top of new releases and features—the NGINX team is constantly innovating and expanding what‘s possible.

With NGINX at your side, you‘ll be able to build applications that are fast, resilient, and ready to handle the most demanding traffic conditions. So go forth and deploy with confidence!

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