Unleash Your Terminal‘s Potential: How to Style It Like freeCodeCamp or Any Way You Want

As a full-stack developer, you likely spend a significant amount of time working with your terminal. While the default appearance of most terminals is functional, it can be a bit bland and uninspiring. Did you know that you can customize your terminal to look like freeCodeCamp‘s terminal or any other style you prefer? In this article, we‘ll explore the world of terminal customization and show you how to unleash your terminal‘s true potential.

Why Customize Your Terminal?

Before we dive into the how-to portion of this guide, let‘s discuss why you might want to customize your terminal in the first place. Here are a few compelling reasons:

  1. Improved readability: By choosing a color scheme and font that are easy on the eyes, you can reduce eye strain and make your terminal more comfortable to work with for extended periods.

  2. Increased productivity: A well-organized and visually appealing terminal can help you navigate your work more efficiently, leading to increased productivity.

  3. Personal expression: Your terminal is a reflection of your personality and style. Customizing it allows you to express yourself and make your workspace feel more like home.

Popular Terminal Styling Libraries and Frameworks

There are several popular libraries and frameworks available for styling your terminal. Some of the most widely used ones include:

  1. Oh My Zsh: A framework for managing your Zsh configuration, including themes and plugins.
  2. Prezto: A lightweight alternative to Oh My Zsh, offering a curated set of plugins and themes.
  3. PowerLevel9k: A highly customizable theme for Zsh that allows you to display various information in your prompt.
  4. Hyper: A cross-platform terminal emulator that supports extensive customization through themes and plugins.

In this guide, we‘ll focus on using PowerLevel9k to style your terminal like freeCodeCamp‘s.

Step-by-Step Guide: Installing and Setting Up PowerLevel9k

To get started with PowerLevel9k, follow these steps:

  1. Install Zsh on your system, if you haven‘t already. sudo apt install zsh on Ubuntu or brew install zsh on macOS.

  2. Install Oh My Zsh by running the following command in your terminal:

    sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
  3. Install PowerLevel9k by cloning the repository into your Oh My Zsh themes directory:

    git clone https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel9k
  4. Open your .zshrc file in a text editor and set ZSH_THEME="powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k".

  5. Restart your terminal or run source ~/.zshrc to apply the changes.

Choosing the Right Font with Nerd Fonts

To fully leverage the power of PowerLevel9k, you‘ll need a font that supports the wide range of icons and symbols used in the theme. This is where Nerd Fonts comes in. Nerd Fonts is a collection of popular fonts that have been patched to include a vast array of glyphs and icons.

To install a Nerd Font:

  1. Visit the Nerd Fonts website and choose a font that appeals to you. We recommend starting with a classic programming font like Hack or Source Code Pro.

  2. Download the font and install it on your system like you would any other font.

  3. Configure your terminal emulator to use the newly installed Nerd Font.

Customizing Color Schemes and Prompt Layouts

Now that you have PowerLevel9k and a Nerd Font set up, it‘s time to customize your terminal‘s appearance. PowerLevel9k offers an extensive set of options for configuring your prompt‘s color scheme and layout.

To customize your prompt, open your .zshrc file and add or modify the following lines:


These settings will create a prompt similar to freeCodeCamp‘s, displaying the current context (username and hostname), directory, and Git status on the left, with the status and time on the right.

To customize your color scheme, you can use the POWERLEVEL9K_COLOR_SCHEME variable. PowerLevel9k comes with several built-in color schemes, such as default, dark, and light. You can also create your own custom color scheme by defining variables like POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_BACKGROUND and POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_FOREGROUND.

Additional Terminal Styling Tips and Tricks

In addition to customizing your prompt and color scheme, there are several other ways you can enhance your terminal‘s appearance and functionality:

  1. Use aliases to create shortcuts for frequently used commands, like alias gs=‘git status‘.
  2. Install plugins for your shell to add new features and integrations, such as syntax highlighting or autosuggestions.
  3. Experiment with different background colors and transparency settings in your terminal emulator to create a unique look.

Remember, the goal of terminal customization is to create a workspace that is both visually appealing and functional. Don‘t be afraid to experiment and find a style that works best for you.

Showcase of Styled Terminals

To help inspire your own terminal customization journey, here are a few examples of beautifully styled terminals:

  1. freeCodeCamp‘s terminal: A sleek and informative prompt with a dark color scheme.
  2. Agnoster theme: A popular theme featuring a minimalist prompt with a colorful directory path.
  3. Spaceship prompt: A highly customizable and modular prompt with support for showing various development-related information.

The Importance of Readability and Usability

While it‘s tempting to go overboard with customization, it‘s crucial to prioritize readability and usability in your terminal design. Avoid using overly bright colors or busy layouts that can strain your eyes or make it difficult to find important information at a glance.

Aim for a balance between style and functionality, and don‘t be afraid to make adjustments as you go. Your terminal should be a tool that enhances your workflow, not one that hinders it.

Resources for Further Learning and Experimentation

If you‘re interested in learning more about terminal customization or exploring additional styling options, here are some valuable resources:

  1. Oh My Zsh Themes: A collection of themes compatible with Oh My Zsh.
  2. Zsh Themes: A curated list of themes for Zsh, including screenshots and installation instructions.
  3. Terminal Splash: A website showcasing terminal color schemes and configurations.
  4. Nerd Fonts: A comprehensive collection of patched fonts for use with PowerLevel9k and other terminal themes.

By exploring these resources and experimenting with different configurations, you‘ll be well on your way to creating a terminal that is both visually stunning and tailored to your unique needs as a developer.


Customizing your terminal is a fun and rewarding way to make your development environment feel more like home. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a terminal that looks like freeCodeCamp‘s or any other style you prefer.

Remember to prioritize readability and usability in your design, and don‘t be afraid to experiment with different options until you find a configuration that works best for you. Happy customizing!

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