Will it blend? Or how to run Google Chrome in AWS Lambda

As a full-stack developer, I‘m always looking for ways to leverage serverless computing to build and ship products faster. Running tasks in the cloud frees you from worrying about provisioning infrastructure, scaling to handle traffic spikes, and paying for idle resources. You can focus purely on your application code while the cloud provider handles the…

What We Learned by Serving Machine Learning Models Using AWS Lambda

Machine learning (ML) models are being integrated into more and more applications, from fraud detection and recommender systems to chatbots and predictive maintenance solutions. However, deploying trained ML models to production environments where they can efficiently and reliably serve inference requests at scale remains a challenge. AWS Lambda is a popular serverless compute service that…

What We Learned by Serving Machine Learning Models at Scale Using Amazon SageMaker

Machine learning (ML) is being increasingly adopted across industries, but developing and deploying ML models into production remains a complex endeavor. It requires expertise in both data science and software engineering to build scalable and reliable systems for serving model predictions. Amazon SageMaker is a fully-managed ML platform that aims to bridge this gap and…

What I Learned Studying for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam

As a full-stack developer with over a decade of experience, I‘ve had the opportunity to work with a variety of cloud platforms and services. However, I recently decided to formalize and validate my knowledge by pursuing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification. In this article, I‘ll share my experience preparing for and passing the exam,…

How to Validate Pull Requests in AWS and Make Code Reviews Easier

As a full-stack developer, I‘ve lost count of how many hours I‘ve spent reviewing pull requests that weren‘t even close to being ready for review. PRs that failed to compile, had failing tests, or contained obvious syntax errors. PRs that required tedious back-and-forth with the author just to get them into a reviewable state. If…

Cron Job AWS Lambda Functions Tutorial – How to Schedule Tasks

Cron jobs are a staple in the world of computing and system administration. They allow you to schedule scripts and programs to automatically run at designated times – incredibly useful for automating repetitive tasks like backups, system maintenance, data processing, and more. Traditionally, cron jobs run directly on a server or virtual machine. But what…

User Management with AWS Cognito — (1/3) Initial Setup

As a full-stack developer, one of the most critical but challenging parts of building a new application is setting up user management. You need to handle user registration, authentication, password resets, and so much more. Security is paramount, but creating a streamlined onboarding experience is also essential for user adoption. In the past, you had…

AWS Serverless – How to Use AWS Rekognition to Identify Celebrities in Images

Artificial intelligence has made incredible leaps in recent years, with computer vision being one of the most exciting areas of progress. The ability for software to "see" and understand the content of images and video has immense potential. One powerful computer vision service is AWS Rekognition from Amazon Web Services. With Rekognition, you can detect…