Why I Turned Down a Six-Figure Salary in Big Tech to Stay at a Five-Person Startup

Three months ago, I found myself at a pivotal crossroads in my career as a software engineer. After spending the last two years honing my skills at a small but ambitious startup, I unexpectedly received a compelling job offer from one of the biggest and most renowned tech companies in the world. The role came…

Why Feeling Uncomfortable is the Key to Success

As developers, we‘re in a field that requires constant growth. Technology moves fast and if we don‘t move with it, we get left behind. The most successful programmers are those who are constantly pushing themselves to learn new things, even when it‘s uncomfortable. They understand that discomfort is not something to avoid, but to seek…

When Should We Ignore Criticism? A Developer‘s Perspective

As a full-stack developer and professional coder, putting your work out there means opening yourself up to a constant stream of feedback and criticism. While constructive criticism is essential for growth and improvement, not all criticism is created equal. Learning to distinguish between helpful feedback and unproductive noise is a crucial skill for maintaining motivation,…

I Got My First Developer Job – Here‘s What I‘ve Learned So Far

Landing your first job as a developer is an exhilarating milestone. After dedicating countless hours to learning how to code, refining your skills, and applying to jobs, getting hired feels like an immense accomplishment. And it is! But in many ways, starting your first developer role is the beginning of a new learning journey. Over…

What I Learned from Building My First Solo Project

As an aspiring software developer, one of the most important milestones is building your first solo project from start to finish. It‘s an opportunity to apply everything you‘ve learned so far, stretch your skills, and create something tangible to showcase in your portfolio. Earlier this year, I finally took the plunge and built my first…

A brief dive into 2 times I clearly had no clue what I was doing as a developer

Early in our careers as developers, we all have those moments that make us cringe when we look back on them. Those times we fell flat on our faces because of some silly mistake or lack of knowledge. I‘ve certainly had my fair share of screw-ups. Times where I stared at an angry error message…