Learn to Develop an Android App – No Experience Required

Are you ready to tap into the massive potential of the Android app market? With over 2.5 billion active Android devices worldwide and users downloading over 100 billion apps per year, the opportunity for Android developers is immense. According to the latest data from Google: Android holds an 87% share of the global smartphone market…

Learn How to Develop Native Android Apps with Kotlin – A Comprehensive Course

Android is the dominant mobile operating system worldwide, powering over 2.5 billion devices across more than 190 countries. According to Statista, Android holds a staggering 72.2% market share in the mobile operating system space as of January 2021. With such a massive user base, the demand for skilled Android developers is higher than ever. As…

How to Synchronize Your Game App Across Multiple Devices

Developing a game that allows players to seamlessly play together across multiple devices is an exciting challenge. Whether it‘s a simple turn-based game or a real-time multiplayer experience, syncing the game state properly is crucial for a smooth gaming experience. In this article, we‘ll dive into the key aspects of synchronizing a game app across…

How to Simplify Your Android App‘s Architecture: a Detailed Guide With Code Samples

Architecting Android apps is hard. As your codebase grows, it can quickly turn into a tangled web of tightly-coupled components, making it difficult to maintain, test, and extend. But it doesn‘t have to be this way! By following architecture best practices and keeping things modular, you can tame even the most complex Android codebases. In…

Detecting ANRs in Your Android App: A Developer‘s Guide

If you‘ve spent much time developing Android apps, you‘re probably all too familiar with the dreaded "Application Not Responding" dialog. ANRs are one of the most disruptive and frustrating issues that can plague an app, leading to poor reviews, reduced engagement, and even app abandonment. As a professional Android developer, it‘s crucial to have a…

Android Studio 4.0 – the Most Exciting Updates Explained

In the midst of a global pandemic, Google released the stable version of Android Studio 4.0 on May 28, 2020. This major update to the official IDE for Android app development introduces a wealth of exciting new features and enhancements that make it easier than ever for developers to build high-quality apps. As an Android…

An Introduction to Android Menus

Menus are a crucial component of many Android apps, allowing users to perform actions, change settings, and navigate through the app‘s content. A well-designed menu system can greatly enhance the user experience by providing clear and efficient access to key functionality. In this in-depth article, we‘ll explore the different types of menus available in Android,…

Android Broadcast Receivers: A Beginner‘s Guide

As an Android developer, you‘ll often need your apps to respond to events originating from outside the app itself, such as changes to device connectivity, battery level, or timezone. Broadcast receivers provide a flexible mechanism for your app components to listen for and react to these system-wide events. In this beginner‘s guide, we‘ll cover everything…

How to Add Silky Smooth Swipe Animations to CardViews in Your Android App

Hey there! It‘s Jess, your friendly neighborhood Android dev. If you‘re looking to add some pizazz to your app‘s user experience, you‘ve come to the right place. Today, we‘re going to spice up our CardViews with some slick swipe animations. But wait, what‘s a CardView you ask? It‘s a snazzy UI element introduced back in…