Kickstart Your Cloud Career with This Free AWS Cloud Practitioner Video Course

The demand for cloud computing skills is skyrocketing. According to IDC, spending on public cloud services is expected to double from $229 billion in 2019 to nearly $500 billion by 2023. For IT professionals, that spells massive opportunity. But how can you break into this hot field, especially if you have limited cloud experience?

Enter the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification. This entry-level cert is designed to validate your baseline knowledge of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud—no deep technical expertise required. It‘s the perfect launchpad for a lucrative cloud career.

In this ultimate guide, we‘ll explore what the CCP entails, why it‘s worth getting certified, and how to prep for the exam with a free 4-hour video course from the tech experts at freeCodeCamp. As a full-stack developer who‘s been in your shoes, my goal is to give you everything you need to conquer this cert and jump-start your journey to becoming a cloud guru.

Elevate Your Cloud IQ with the AWS CCP

Imagine you‘re a hiring manager looking at a stack of resumes for a junior cloud developer position. One candidate has a BS in Computer Science. Another has 5 years of general IT support experience. And the last has…an AWS certification. Who would you pick?

In the rapidly-evolving world of cloud, IT certifications carry major clout. They‘re a standardized way to prove you have the skills to do the job. And in AWS, the Certified Cloud Practitioner is the first rung on the certification ladder.

AWS certification roadmap

The CCP exam tests your knowledge of 4 key domains:

  1. Cloud Concepts (28% of exam) – Define the AWS cloud and its value proposition; identify aspects of AWS cloud economics; list the different cloud architecture design principles

  2. Security and Compliance (24% of exam) – Define the AWS shared responsibility model; define AWS cloud security and compliance concepts; identify AWS access management capabilities; identify resources for security support

  3. Technology (36% of exam) – Define methods of deploying and operating in the AWS cloud; define the AWS global infrastructure; identify core AWS services; identify resources for technology support

  4. Billing and Pricing (12% of exam) – Compare and contrast AWS pricing models; recognize the various account structures in relation to AWS billing and pricing; identify resources available for billing support

Unlike more advanced AWS certs, you don‘t need hands-on experience to pass the CCP. You just need to understand the basics of how the AWS cloud works, its core services and use cases, pricing and billing, security concepts, and how to find additional support and resources within AWS.

According to an AWS survey, the average salary for a CCP holder is $93,000 a year. Top job titles include Cloud Engineer, Cloud Developer, DevOps Engineer, Solutions Architect, and SysOps Administrator.

Of course, the CCP alone probably isn‘t enough to land you a six-figure cloud architect job. But it‘s the gateway to getting there. Let‘s look at some of the key benefits of this certification.

5 Reasons the AWS CCP Certification is Worth It

When I first started my cloud journey as a developer, I wasn‘t sure if I was ready to invest the time and money into a certification. But looking back, I‘m so glad I did. Here are 5 reasons I think the AWS CCP is 100% worth it for aspiring cloud professionals:

  1. Prove you‘re committed to the cloud. IT recruiters see a ton of resumes that all start to look the same after a while. The AWS CCP shows that you‘ve gone the extra mile to validate your cloud knowledge through a recognized, industry-standard certification, making you stand out from other candidates.

  2. It‘s not expensive. The CCP exam costs just $100 (and only $50 if you‘re a student). Compare that to $300 for the Azure Fundamentals cert or $200 for the Google Associate Cloud Engineer. While cost shouldn‘t be the only factor, the affordability of the CCP makes it a no-brainer if you‘re on a budget.

  3. You don‘t need to be an IT veteran. Unlike lots of IT certs that have steep prerequisites or require years of experience, you can earn the CCP with just 6 months of general AWS cloud exposure. That makes it perfect for IT newcomers, non-technical professionals looking to go cloud, or even seasoned techies wanting to formalize their AWS knowledge.

  4. Prep for more advanced AWS certs. The CCP is the first step toward unlocking much higher-paying AWS certifications like Solutions Architect Associate or DevOps Engineer Professional that can command $130-180K salaries. It builds your foundational knowledge of core AWS services, concepts, and terminology that you‘ll see again on those more advanced cert exams.

  5. Build confidence with AWS exams. I‘m not gonna lie – AWS certification exams are challenging. They‘re scenario-based, often intentionally vague, and require a broad understanding of AWS services and best practices to pass. Sitting for your first ever cert can be intimidating! The CCP is the perfect way to get comfortable with the format, style, and process of AWS exams before you attempt the more difficult ones.

CCP exam score report

In short, if you‘re serious about building a career in the AWS cloud, the CCP is the ideal place to start. It‘s affordable, doesn‘t require a ton of experience, and sets you up for future success on advanced AWS cert paths. So what‘s the best way to prepare for the exam?

Learn the CCP Essentials with This Free 4-Hour Video Course

There are lots of ways you could study for the AWS CCP exam – digging through AWS docs, taking pricey training courses, or cobbling together your own study plan. But I recently discovered a much better (and totally free) resource: the "AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Training 2019" video course from freeCodeCamp.

This awesome 4-hour video covers everything you need to know to pass the CCP exam from the comfort of your own computer. Your instructor is Andrew Brown, an AWS Community Hero and certified Solutions Architect Professional with over 100K students.

The course mirrors the 4 domains of the real CCP exam, so you know you‘re getting the most relevant, up-to-date info:

  1. Cloud Concepts – key terms and concepts, 6 advantages of cloud computing, types of cloud computing (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), cloud deployment models (public vs private vs hybrid)

  2. Security – shared responsibility model, IAM users and policies, MFA, AWS compliance programs, DDoS mitigation, penetration testing, encryption and KMS

  3. Technology – the AWS global infrastructure (regions, AZs, edge locations), core services like EC2, VPC, S3, EBS, ELB, RDS, and more

  4. Billing and Pricing – pricing models (on-demand, reserved, spot), TCO calculator, consolidated billing, AWS Budgets, Cost Explorer, tags, Resource Groups

In addition to clear, engaging video lessons, you get tons of opportunities for hands-on practice through step-by-step demos in the AWS console. Some of the highlights:

  • Launch a free-tier EC2 instance and connect to it via SSH
  • Create an S3 bucket and static website
  • Configure a custom VPC with public/private subnets
  • Set up a multi-AZ RDS database
  • Explore IAM users, groups, roles and policies
  • Create a billing budget and cost/usage reports

Combined with Andrew‘s lucid explanations, these follow-along labs are the best way to cement your understanding of core AWS services and really prepare for those tricky scenario-based exam questions.

Tips to Conquer Your AWS CCP Exam

Alright, you‘ve gone through the video training, spun up your own AWS free tier account, and put in the practice hours. You‘re ready to sit for this thing! To ensure exam day success, here are my top tips for acing the CCP:

  1. Know the test format. The CCP exam is 90 minutes long and includes 65 multiple-choice/multiple-response questions, often with diagrams or exhibits. Come prepared to interpret architecture scenarios and apply your knowledge of the AWS shared responsibility model, security, and core services.

  2. Take practice exams. You can access official CCP sample questions for free in the AWS Certification prep portal, or spring for timed practice exams on platforms like Udemy or Whizlabs for around $20. Aim to consistently score 80-85% before sitting for the real deal.

  3. Double-check your ID. Whether taking the exam at a test center or online, you‘ll need to present a valid, unexpired government photo ID that matches your exam registration name. Leave extra travel time so an expired license doesn‘t derail your exam!

  4. Do a brain dump. As soon as the exam starts, take a minute to write down key facts, figures, and acronyms on your virtual whiteboard. Things like the # of AZs in a region for EC2 Auto Scaling, SWF actors, valid S3 bucket names, and so on. It‘s a handy reference for tough questions.

  5. Use the mark for review button. You‘ve got about 1.5 minutes per question, so keep a steady pace. If you hit a stumper, make an educated guess, flag it for review, and move on. Better to finish the whole exam and come back to hard ones than get hung up and run out of time!

  6. Think like a Solutions Architect. Remember, the exam tests your ability to "define" and "identify" aspects of AWS, not do deep technical config. For tricky questions, focus on key services, security best practices, and how to best leverage the AWS cloud to meet business needs/reduce costs.

  7. Stay calm and carry on. Easier said than done, I know! But if you‘ve put in consistent study time, you‘re ready. Take a few deep breaths, trust your ability, and focus on answering what you do know vs. what you don‘t. You‘ve got this!

CCP exam question

Remember, a passing score is 700/1000, so you can miss quite a few questions and still come out on top. Manage your pace, keep a positive attitude, and victory will be yours.

Taking Your Cloud Career to the Next Level

So you‘ve conquered the AWS CCP exam. Congrats! Earning your first IT certification is a major accomplishment that should be celebrated. But in true AWS fashion, it‘s only the beginning. Here are some next steps to keep leveling up your cloud career:

Pursue an Associate Certification. With your foundational CCP knowledge, you‘re primed to dive into an Associate-level AWS cert next. The Solutions Architect Associate is the most popular, testing your hands-on ability to build and deploy apps on AWS. Earning an SAA can bump your salary to $130K+ and qualify you for in-demand cloud architect roles.

Keep building projects. Hands-on experience is just as critical as earning certifications. Spin up your own AWS free tier sandbox and practice hosting static websites in S3, deploying and auto-scaling EC2 instances behind an ELB, automating infrastructure with CloudFormation, and querying data in RDS. Document your projects in GitHub to wow hiring managers.

Specialize your skills. The deeper your AWS knowledge, the more valuable you are to employers. After 1-2 Associate certs, consider specializing in domains like DevOps, machine learning, or security. The new Security – Specialty cert is in high demand with an average salary of $153,000!

Never stop learning. Cloud technology is constantly evolving. Make continuous learning a priority whether it‘s through AWS blogs, whitepapers, hands-on labs, open source projects, or simply swapping tips with other cloud pros.

AWS certification learning path

No matter where you are on your cloud journey, remember that it‘s an ongoing climb. But with an AWS CCP certification under your belt, you‘re well-equipped to master the peaks of this thrilling, dynamic field.

Conclusion and Next Steps

If you‘re serious about building a successful, lucrative career in cloud computing, the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification is the perfect launchpad. It proves you have a solid grasp of core AWS concepts, services, and best practices without requiring years of experience or a deep technical background.

To efficiently prep for your CCP exam, I can‘t recommend freeCodeCamp‘s 4-hour video training course highly enough. You‘ll get engaging visual lessons and demos across all the key exam topics, saving you dozens of study hours and hundreds of dollars over traditional training methods.

With these tips and resources at your disposal, you‘ll be on your way to conquering the AWS CCP exam and unlocking a whole new world of cloud career opportunities faster than you can spin up an EC2 instance.

So don‘t wait – watch the video course, practice your skills, and register for that exam. Your future cloud guru self will thank you!

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