Hackathon Report: What can you code in 30 hours? Quite a lot!

Hackathons have exploded in popularity in recent years as a way for developers to challenge themselves, learn new skills, and network with like-minded innovators. According to hackathon.com, there were over 5,000 hackathons organized globally in 2019 alone. As a full-stack developer always looking to stay on the cutting edge, I knew I had to experience this rite of passage.

So, when I saw that freeCodeCamp was organizing a 30-hour hackathon with the theme "Technology for Good", I jumped at the chance to participate. The challenge was to build a software solution that addressed a social or environmental issue, all within the span of a single weekend.

The Hackathon Kick-off

Walking into the buzzing co-working space that would be our home for the next 30 hours, I could feel the electricity in the air. Hundreds of programmers, designers, and ideators were gathered, all eager to put their skills to the test and create something impactful.

After inspirational opening remarks from the organizers and some speed networking, it was time for team formation. I partnered up with three other talented developers:

  • Sarah, a machine learning specialist
  • Kai, a front-end craftsman
  • Liam, a blockchain enthusiast

Together, our skill sets formed the perfect stack to take on the hackathon challenge.

Ideation and Planning

With the clock already counting down, we knew we had to choose an idea quickly and run with it. We brainstormed various social good angles, considering problems in sustainability, education, health, and civic engagement. Ultimately, we landed on an idea that combined elements of crowdsourcing and government accountability:

CityWatcher: A mobile app that allows citizens to easily report public infrastructure issues and hold local municipalities responsible for upkeep.

Users would simply snap a photo of issues like potholes, broken street lights, or illegal dumping. Our app would then use AI image classification to automatically categorize the issue and submit it to the appropriate city department, all recorded on an immutable blockchain ledger.

With our concept crystallized, we defined a narrow scope and prioritized only the core functionality needed for a working prototype. Sarah would lead the development of the image classifier using PyTorch. Kai would design the UI and build out the React Native frontend. Liam would implement the Ethereum smart contracts. And I would be responsible for integrating with city APIs and deploying our backend infrastructure.

The Coding Sprint

As the hackathon officially began, the energy in the room was palpable. The gentle tapping of keyboards quickly crescendoed into a vigorous symphony of furious coding.

We broke the project down into discrete milestones, ensuring each component could be built and tested independently before integration. I spun up an Express.js server and started scaffolding out our API endpoints, pausing occasionally to help debug issues that cropped up on the frontend or blockchain layer.

Efficient communication was paramount – we used GitHub for source control and Slack to share progress updates, blockers, and breakthroughs. Rubber duck debugging became a frequent ritual, as we talked through perplexing bugs or architectural quandaries.

The first major milestone came 12 hours in, as we linked up the image classifier with the mobile UI for the first time. Seeing the AI successfully label a photo of a pothole was a magical moment that rekindled our momentum.

By hour 20, the adrenaline was really kicking in and we hit that flow state where everything seemed to click into place. We refactored code for efficiency, squashed some elusive bugs, and even managed to sneak in some polish and UX enhancements.

Before we knew it, the final countdown was upon us. With just minutes to spare, we merged in the remaining features, ran our test suite, and held our breath as we hit the deploy button. Our scrappy prototype was live on the web for all to see.

The Big Reveal

As the hackathon wrapped up, each team had the opportunity to present a demo of their project to the audience and panel of judges. Watching the incredible range and creativity of projects was truly inspiring. From AI-powered chatbots to fight loneliness, to blockchain solutions for supply chain transparency, to AR apps promoting eco-friendly behaviors – the innovations on display blew me away.

It was energizing to see how much could be accomplished in a single weekend when you assemble a motivated team, embrace constraints, and just build. In fact, hackathon projects have been the launchpad for many successful startups over the years. GroupMe, a popular group messaging app, famously began as a hackathon MVP. And the original prototype of Facebook‘s "Like" button was also born at a company hackathon.

When it was our turn to present CityWatcher, I was struck by how polished and functional our app looked, despite the short runway. The AI classified images correctly, the blockchain transactions validated seamlessly, and the UI was intuitive and clean.

The judges praised our full-stack approach and the technical execution of combining cutting-edge technologies for social impact. We ended up winning the "Best Use of Blockchain" category, a great honor to cap off the whirlwind experience.

Lessons in Hyperspeed Development

Reflecting on those 30 hours, I‘m amazed at how much I learned and accomplished in such a short time. Beyond the technical skills I gained in machine learning and blockchain, the experience imparted many lessons that carry over into my daily development work:

Perfect is the enemy of good
When time is short, it‘s critical to focus on an MVP and avoid getting bogged down in perfectionistic tweaks. Shipping beats perfection.

Constraints fuel creativity
The human brain seems to kick into overdrive when given tight boundaries. Embrace limitations and use them to spur innovative solutions.

Effective communication is essential
Especially in a hackathon setting, being able to clearly articulate ideas, negotiate compromises, and rally the team is just as important as coding prowess.

Take care of your mind and body
Coding for 30 hours straight is grueling. To sustain peak performance, it‘s important to stay hydrated, eat nutritious snacks, take microbreaks, and even sneak in power naps if needed.

Learn by doing
There‘s no substitute for hands-on experience. Hackathons provide a sandbox to experiment with new technologies and level up skills in a high-stakes environment.


Looking back, I‘m so glad I decided to take the plunge and participate in my first hackathon. It stretched me beyond my comfort zone and reignited my love for the craft of problem-solving through code. I walked away with an expanded skillset, an impressive project for my portfolio, and a network of inspiring developers who share my passion for using technology for good.

If you‘re a programmer looking to accelerate your growth, test your limits, and make friends in the tech community, I can‘t recommend the hackathon experience highly enough. It‘s amazing what you can build in 30 hours with a talented team, a strong coffee, and a vision. Through the crucible of intense collaboration and focused creativity, you‘ll surprise yourself with what you‘re capable of.

So what are you waiting for? Find an upcoming hackathon that piques your interest and dive in headfirst. I guarantee you‘ll emerge a stronger developer with a newfound appreciation for the power of collective ingenuity. Happy hacking!

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