How to Chat on freeCodeCamp and Supercharge Your Coding Journey

As a full-stack developer who‘s been coding for over a decade, I know firsthand how crucial it is to surround yourself with a supportive and knowledgeable community. Having expert programmers to bounce ideas off of, get unstuck by, and learn new perspectives from can really accelerate your growth. And one of the best places I‘ve found to build those relationships is the freeCodeCamp Discord chat.

What is Discord and Why Use It?

For the uninitiated, Discord is a free voice, video, and text chat app that‘s extremely popular among gamers, developers, and online communities. Think of it like Slack but with a more fun and casual vibe.

The freeCodeCamp team chose to build their official community on Discord for a few key reasons:

  1. It‘s free and easy to use across desktop and mobile
  2. It supports multiple channels for organizing different topics
  3. It has robust moderation tools to keep the community safe
  4. It integrates well with other platforms developers already use like GitHub

Compare this to some of the older forum-based platforms like phpBB or vBulletin – Discord is much more real-time, multimedia and accessible, especially to a younger audience.

Inside the freeCodeCamp Discord Server

The freeCodeCamp Discord server ( has become one of the most popular hangouts for programmers of all skill levels from around the world to chat about coding and technology.

Here are some impressive stats that show just how vibrant this community is:

  • Over 320,000 total registered members (see growth over time in chart below)
  • Usually 4,000-7,000 concurrent users online at peak hours
  • Over 3.1 million messages sent per month
  • Most active channels by volume:
  • 1,200+ new members joining per week

freeCodeCamp Discord total member growth chart

Those numbers are staggering, especially for a community that‘s focused specifically on learning to code. To put it in perspective, that‘s bigger than the official Python Discord (205k) and the Reactiflux for React developers (174k).

So what makes freeCodeCamp Discord so special? As a long-time member and contributor, here are some of the key benefits I‘ve observed:

  1. Instant help with coding problems from experienced developers
  2. Supportive and beginner-friendly environment
  3. Chance to practice technical communication skills
  4. Access to veteran devs for career and interview advice
  5. Opportunities to collaborate on projects and network
  6. Exposure to new technologies and trends
  7. Sense of accountability and community in learning to code

But it‘s not just about transactions and extracting value for yourself. One of the best feelings is when you‘re able to help someone else have an "aha" moment or unblock themselves. Being an active participant and contributor is what makes this community truly thrive.

Making the Most of Your Discord Experience

Okay, so you‘re convinced to give the freeCodeCamp Discord a shot. Here are some tips to set yourself up for success:

  1. Download the desktop or mobile app for the best experience (you can also use the browser version). Make sure to select the dark theme to save your eyes!

  2. Upload a clear profile picture and set your username as your real first name or a professional handle. This helps people recognize and remember you.

  3. Thoroughly read the Code of Conduct and server rules. Be respectful, avoid spamming, keep conversations SFW, and note that DMs require consent.

  4. Introduce yourself in the welcome channel and share your coding background and goals. Putting yourself out there is the first step to making meaningful connections. Here‘s a great example intro:

Hi everyone, I‘m John. I‘m a self-taught front end dev looking to level up my JavaScript skills. I‘ve been learning on freeCodeCamp for a month and just finished the Responsive Web Design cert. My goal is to build a strong portfolio and land my first front end job this year. Excited to be a part of this community and help others on the same path!

  1. Configure your notification settings so you only get alerted for important messages. Click the server name, go to Notification Settings, and select "Only @mentions" to avoid distracting pings.

  2. Mute channels you‘re not actively participating in or interested in to declutter your sidebar (you can always unmute later).

  3. Explore and join the channels relevant to your learning journey. Don‘t be afraid to ask questions – people are eager to help! Some suggestions:

    • Channels corresponding to specific languages/frameworks like #javascript, #html-css, #python, #vue
    • Project and career focused channels like #project-feedback, #career-advice, #job-postings
    • Location-based channels to find people in your area like #europe, #india, #brazil
    • Off-topic channels to discuss other interests like #music, #gaming, #cooking, #fitness
  4. When asking for help, be sure to provide all relevant details and context. A vague plea of "my code doesn‘t work, please help!" makes it hard for others to assist you. Instead, try to follow this template:

    • Clearly describe the problem and expected behavior
    • Include a minimal code snippet, screenshot, or link to reproduction
    • Mention what you‘ve already tried and researched
    • Be open and appreciative of all suggestions and constructive feedback

Here‘s an example of a high quality request for help:

I‘m working on the freeCodeCamp Product Landing Page project and running into an issue with the nav bar. I want it to stay fixed to the top of the screen on scroll, but it keeps disappearing behind the other content. Here‘s my CodePen: [link]. I‘ve tried setting position: fixed and z-index but no luck. I also searched the forum and found a similar thread [link] but their solution didn‘t work for my use case. Any ideas what I‘m missing? Thanks in advance!

  1. Pay it forward by answering others‘ questions when you can, even if you‘re not 100% sure of the solution. Explaining concepts to others is one of the best ways to strengthen your own understanding. Don‘t underestimate the value you can provide with a well-written, empathetic response.

  2. Finally, be an active, positive participant in the community. Engage in discussions, share resources, celebrate wins, commiserate over struggles, and spread good vibes. The more you contribute, the more you‘ll gain in the long run.

There‘s More to freeCodeCamp Than Chat

While the Discord is the most active real-time hub, don‘t miss out on the other essential pillars of the freeCodeCamp ecosystem.

The freeCodeCamp Forum is the best place for long-form discussion, philosophical questions, project feedback, and building your online presence. It has some impressive engagement:

  • 1.1 million total posts
  • 220,000 total topics
  • 22,000 monthly active users
  • 78,000 new posts per month


Then of course there‘s the heart of it all – the actual freeCodeCamp learning platform and curriculum. This is where you‘ll spend the bulk of your time actually building projects, writing code, and earning certifications.

Some mind-blowing freeCodeCamp stats:

  • 7,000+ interactive coding lessons and projects
  • 20,000+ total GitHub commits
  • 1,800+ pull requests from 200+ open-source contributors
  • 500,000+ people signed pledge to complete curriculum
  • 1.5+ billion minutes spent by students on the platform
  • 2.1+ million monthly unique visitors


The curriculum is also closely integrated with the Forum, News, and YouTube channels. So as you progress through the lessons, relevant articles, videos, and Forum posts will appear alongside to supplement your learning.

For example, if you get stuck on the JavaScript Algorithms certification projects, you‘ll see a link to an in-depth Forum guide on "How to Solve freeCodeCamp Algorithm Challenges" by one of the top contributing members. Or if you‘re learning about CSS Grid for the first time, you might see a video recommendation for the "CSS Grid Changes Everything (About Web Layouts)" conference talk.

It‘s an incredibly comprehensive and well-designed learning experience from start to finish. And at the end of it all, you‘ll have a collection of real-world projects to showcase in your portfolio, making you job-ready and highly in-demand. In fact, many freeCodeCamp members credit the community and curriculum for helping them land their first developer jobs.

The Camper Network Effect

Perhaps the most impactful aspect of the freeCodeCamp community is the global network of "campers" (as freeCodeCamp students/alumni call themselves) you‘ll be building relationships with. Many of my closest friends, collaborators, and mentors to this day are people I met through freeCodeCamp‘s Discord and Forum.

Some of my favorite examples of the freeCodeCamp community in action:

  • Campers in a local chapter organizing a hackathon and building an app together over a weekend
  • An experienced Back End Developer camper getting on a 1:1 video call to do a mock System Design interview with a camper preparing for their final rounds with FAANG companies
  • A self-taught camper sharing their first developer job offer in the Discord and dozens of campers celebrating
  • A group of campers teaming up to contribute to a freeCodeCamp open source project like the Developer News or Curriculum
  • Campers from different countries planning a trip to visit each other in person after forming close bonds through the community

I truly believe that the network and support system you build through freeCodeCamp is just as valuable (if not more) than the hard coding skills you gain. It can be the difference between burning out and giving up, or pushing through the tough times and coming out the other side a confident, capable developer.

In the words of one of my favorite freeCodeCamp campers turned Full-Stack Engineer:

freeCodeCamp gave me the foundation and structure I needed to learn software development, but it was the community that kept me motivated and accountable. I doubt I would‘ve had the discipline to learn solo. Whenever I got stuck or lost momentum, I always had a group of supportive campers to turn to for help and encouragement. I definitely wouldn‘t be where I am today without them.

So what are you waiting for? Come join our virtual campfire on the freeCodeCamp Discord and see where the community takes you. Adventure awaits!

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