WiFi Hacking 101: Securing Networks with Aircrack-NG


In the age of ubiquitous computing, WiFi has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. It enables us to work, communicate, and entertain ourselves wirelessly from almost anywhere. However, this convenience comes at a cost. The broadcast nature of WiFi makes it inherently less secure than wired networks, exposing users to a variety of potential attacks.

According to a 2020 study by Kaspersky, 24% of WiFi hotspots globally have no encryption at all, while another 39% use outdated and easily crackable WEP encryption. This means that potentially sensitive data is being transmitted over the air without proper protection, leaving it open to interception by anyone within range.

Encryption Percentage of Networks
Open 24%
WEP 39%
WPA/WPA2 37%

Source: Kaspersky Security Bulletin ‘20

The risks of unsecured WiFi are numerous. An attacker could passively sniff network traffic to capture sensitive information like login credentials, financial data, and personal messages. They could set up a rogue access point to trick users into connecting and then intercept all their traffic. In some cases, they may even be able to inject malware or manipulate data in transit.

As developers and IT professionals, it‘s our responsibility to ensure the WiFi networks we create and maintain are properly secured against these threats. One powerful tool in the WiFi security arsenal is Aircrack-NG – a suite of utilities for auditing wireless networks. In this article, we‘ll take a deep dive into Aircrack-NG, exploring how it can be used to assess and strengthen WiFi security.

Understanding WiFi Vulnerabilities

Before we delve into Aircrack-NG, it‘s important to understand the underlying vulnerabilities in WiFi that make attacks possible. At a high level, there are several key factors that contribute to WiFi‘s security challenges:

  1. Broadcast Nature: Unlike wired networks where data is transmitted over dedicated, physical connections, WiFi broadcasts data over radio waves. This means that anyone within range can potentially intercept and read the traffic.

  2. Weak Encryption: Many WiFi networks, especially older or improperly configured ones, use weak or no encryption. Protocols like WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) have long been broken and can be cracked in minutes using freely available tools.

  3. Lack of Authentication: WiFi access points typically authenticate users based on a shared key (the WiFi password). However, once a user has this key, they have full access to the network. There‘s no way to differentiate between a legitimate user and an attacker who has obtained the key.

  4. Rogue Access Points: Attackers can set up their own malicious access points that appear to be legitimate. Users may connect to these rogue APs without realizing, allowing the attacker to intercept all their traffic.

  5. Misconfiguration: Many WiFi vulnerabilities stem from simple misconfigurations like default or weak passwords, open access points, and outdated firmware with known vulnerabilities.

From a developer‘s perspective, it‘s also important to recognize how coding practices can impact WiFi security. Insecure coding, such as hardcoding WiFi passwords into application source code or failing to properly encrypt sensitive data transmitted over WiFi, can negate even the strongest network-level security measures.

Introducing Aircrack-NG

Aircrack-NG is a complete suite of tools for auditing WiFi network security. It‘s free, open source, and available on multiple platforms including Linux, Windows, and macOS.

At a high level, Aircrack-NG allows you to:

  • Monitor WiFi traffic and capture data packets
  • Inject packets to generate specific network responses
  • Crack WEP and WPA/WPA2 pre-shared keys (PSKs)
  • Launch denial-of-service and evil twin attacks
  • Test WiFi cards and drivers for injection capabilities

Here are some of the key tools included in the Aircrack-NG suite:

  • Airmon-ng: Used to enable monitor mode on wireless interfaces, allowing the card to capture packets without associating with an access point.

  • Airodump-ng: Captures raw 802.11 frames and exports them to files for later analysis. It also displays key information about access points and connected clients.

  • Aircrack-ng: The main cracking tool, used to recover WEP and WPA/WPA2 keys from captured packet files.

  • Aireplay-ng: Generates traffic for various WiFi attacks, including deauthentication, fake authentication, and ARP replay injection.

  • Airbase-ng: Used to set up rogue access points for evil twin and man-in-the-middle attacks.

  • Airdecloak-ng: Removes WEP cloaking from captured packets to make them crackable.

  • Airdecap-ng: Decrypts WEP and WPA/WPA2 captured packets.

Combined, these tools provide a comprehensive platform for testing and hardening WiFi security. However, it‘s crucial to understand that these tools are extremely powerful and should only be used on networks you own or have explicit permission to test. Misuse of Aircrack-NG can easily cross legal and ethical boundaries.

Cracking WPA2 with Aircrack-NG

To illustrate the power of Aircrack-NG, let‘s walk through the process of cracking the pre-shared key (PSK) of a WPA2 network. WPA2 is currently the most widely used WiFi security protocol, but it‘s still vulnerable to dictionary attacks if users choose weak passwords.

Here‘s a step-by-step breakdown:

  1. Enable Monitor Mode: First, we need to put our wireless card into monitor mode using airmon-ng:

    airmon-ng start wlan0

    This creates a new monitor mode interface, usually called wlan0mon.

  2. Locate Target Network: Next, we use airodump-ng to scan for nearby networks and identify our target:

    airodump-ng wlan0mon

    This displays a list of access points, their BSSIDs (MAC addresses), channels, encryption types, and signal strengths.

  3. Capture Handshake: Once we‘ve identified the target network, we use airodump-ng again to capture the WPA2 handshake:

    airodump-ng -c 6 --bssid 9C:5C:8E:C9:AB:C0 -w capture/ wlan0mon 

    Here, -c 6 specifies the channel of the target network, --bssid is the MAC address of the access point, and -w capture/ tells Airodump-ng where to save the captured data.

    We need to wait for a device to connect or reconnect to the network to capture the handshake. To speed this up, we can optionally use aireplay-ng to send deauthentication packets, forcing connected clients to reconnect:

    aireplay-ng --deauth 2 -a 9C:5C:8E:C9:AB:C0 wlan0mon
  4. Crack the PSK: Once we‘ve captured a handshake, we can use aircrack-ng to attempt to crack the PSK using a wordlist:

    aircrack-ng capture-01.cap -w wordlist.txt

    Here, capture-01.cap is the file containing the captured handshake data, and wordlist.txt is a file containing a list of possible passwords.

    Aircrack-ng will hash each word in the list and compare it to the captured handshake data. If there‘s a match, it means we‘ve successfully recovered the PSK. The time this takes depends on the size of the wordlist and the strength of the actual password. A short, dictionary-based password could be cracked almost instantly, while a long, complex, random password might never be cracked at all.

This is just one example of what Aircrack-NG can do. Similar techniques can be used to crack WEP keys, launch evil twin attacks, and test for a variety of other WiFi vulnerabilities.

WiFi Security Best Practices

Understanding tools like Aircrack-NG is important not only for penetration testers and security researchers, but also for developers and network administrators looking to harden their WiFi setups. By understanding how these attacks work, we can implement more effective defenses.

Here are some key best practices for securing WiFi networks:

  1. Use WPA2 or WPA3: WEP is thoroughly broken and should never be used. WPA is also vulnerable. WPA2 is currently the most secure option, with WPA3 starting to see wider adoption.

  2. Choose Strong Passwords: The strength of your WiFi security is largely dependent on your PSK. Choose a long, random, unique password to resist dictionary attacks. A good password should be at least 16 characters and include a mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.

  3. Change Default SSIDs: Many access points come with default SSIDs that indicate the make and model of the router. Change this to something unique that doesn‘t give away any information about your network.

  4. Enable MAC Filtering: MAC filtering allows you to specify a list of devices that are allowed to connect to your network based on their MAC addresses. This isn‘t foolproof (MAC addresses can be spoofed), but it provides an extra layer of access control.

  5. Keep Firmware Updated: Router manufacturers often release updates to fix security vulnerabilities. Ensure your router‘s firmware is always up to date.

  6. Disable WPS: WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) is a feature designed to make it easy to connect devices to a secure network without entering the long WiFi password. However, it‘s been shown to be vulnerable to brute-force attacks. If your router supports WPS, it‘s best to disable it.

  7. Use Strong Encryption on All Devices: In addition to securing the WiFi network itself, it‘s important to ensure that all devices connecting to the network are also using strong encryption. This includes using HTTPS for web traffic, enabling encryption for email and messaging apps, and securing sensitive files with password protection or encryption.

  8. Implement Network Segmentation: For larger networks, consider implementing network segmentation. This involves creating separate virtual networks (VLANs) for different types of devices or users. For example, you might put all your IoT devices on a separate VLAN with limited access to the rest of the network. This can help contain the impact of a breach.

  9. Use a VPN: For added security, especially when connecting to public WiFi hotspots, use a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN encrypts all your internet traffic, making it much harder for attackers to intercept your data.

  10. Monitor for Rogue Access Points: Regularly scan for unauthorized access points that might be trying to mimic your legitimate network. These could be set up by attackers trying to steal user credentials or intercept network traffic.

The Role of Developers

As a developer, you have a crucial role to play in WiFi security. Even the most secure network can be compromised if the applications running on it are vulnerable. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Secure Coding Practices: Follow secure coding practices to prevent vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and buffer overflows. These can provide a foothold for attackers to gain unauthorized network access.

  2. Encrypt Sensitive Data: Any sensitive data transmitted over the network should be encrypted. This includes login credentials, financial information, personal data, and proprietary business data. Use strong, standard encryption algorithms and protocols.

  3. Use Secure Protocols: Whenever possible, use secure protocols like HTTPS, SSH, and SFTP instead of their insecure counterparts (HTTP, Telnet, FTP).

  4. Implement Strong Authentication: Use strong, multi-factor authentication methods for user logins and API access. Avoid using shared secrets or easily guessable credentials.

  5. Keep Dependencies Updated: Many software vulnerabilities are found in third-party libraries and frameworks. Keep all your dependencies updated to the latest secure versions.

  6. Implement Logging and Monitoring: Implement robust logging and monitoring to detect and respond to potential security incidents. This should include logging of network access attempts, authentication events, and unusual network activity.


WiFi has revolutionized the way we live and work, but it‘s also introduced significant security risks. As the world becomes increasingly wireless, it‘s more important than ever to understand and mitigate these risks.

Tools like Aircrack-NG are double-edged swords. In the hands of ethical security researchers and pentesters, they‘re invaluable for identifying and fixing WiFi vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors. However, they can also be used for nefarious purposes if misused.

As developers and IT professionals, we have a responsibility to understand both sides of this equation. By learning how WiFi attacks work, we can build more secure applications and networks. By implementing best practices like strong encryption, secure coding, and robust access control, we can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

WiFi security is not a one-time task, but an ongoing process. As new threats emerge and new vulnerabilities are discovered, we must continually adapt and strengthen our defenses. Tools like Aircrack-NG are an important part of this process, allowing us to proactively test and harden our networks.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a secure environment where users can connect and communicate wirelessly without fear of their data being compromised. By working together and staying vigilant, we can make this a reality.

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