The Ultimate Guide to Self-Hosting Your Hugo Website

Static site generators have exploded in popularity as an alternative to monolithic content management systems. Hugo, a fast and flexible static site generator written in Go, is particularly well-suited for self-hosted deployments.

In this in-depth guide, we‘ll walk through the process of deploying a production-ready Hugo site on your own infrastructure. We‘ll cover the benefits and considerations of self-hosting, provisioning servers, automated deployments, securing your site, performance optimizations, and more.

Why Self-Host Hugo?

There are many compelling reasons to self-host your Hugo website:

  1. Full control – Self-hosting gives you complete ownership and control over your web stack, content, and data. You‘re not dependent on a third-party service.

  2. Flexibility – With your own servers, you have free reign to customize your deployment, integrate other services, and scale as needed.

  3. Performance – Deploying Hugo on fast, dedicated servers close to your audience can yield excellent load times. Benchmark data shows Hugo generates pages in under 1 millisecond.

  4. Security – A self-hosted setup has a smaller attack surface compared to a shared hosting platform. You can harden your servers and strictly limit access.

  5. Cost-effective – For high-traffic sites, self-hosting can be cheaper than managed hosting platforms or site builders. A single VPS can serve a huge amount of Hugo traffic.

Of course, self-hosting requires more technical skills and effort compared to managed solutions. You‘re responsible for provisioning servers, configuring the stack, and ongoing maintenance.

But for developers and teams who want maximum control and flexibility, self-hosting is often the best choice. Let‘s see how it‘s done!

Provisioning a Server

The foundation of your self-hosted environment is one or more reliable servers. For most sites, a virtual private server (VPS) is the way to go.

I recommend choosing a mainstream Linux distribution like Ubuntu, Debian, or CentOS. For this guide, we‘ll use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

In terms of specs, a modest server with 1 CPU core, 1GB RAM and 25GB storage is a solid starting point. The beauty of a static site is you can serve a huge amount of traffic with minimal resources.

There are many excellent VPS providers to choose from:

  • DigitalOcean
  • Linode
  • Vultr
  • AWS Lightsail
  • Hetzner
  • OVHcloud

For this example, let‘s provision a $5/month "droplet" from DigitalOcean with the following specs:

  • 1 CPU
  • 1 GB Memory
  • 25 GB SSD Disk
  • 1000 GB Transfer

Once your server is spun up, use SSH to connect:

ssh root@your_server_ip

Installing Dependencies

Our Hugo stack will run on the Caddy web server. Let‘s get Caddy installed first.

On Ubuntu 20.04, run the following commands:

sudo apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https
curl -1sLf ‘‘ | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/caddy-stable.asc
curl -1sLf ‘‘ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install caddy

This will install the latest version of Caddy (2.4.6 as of Aug 2021) along with its dependencies.

We‘ll also need Git to pull down your Hugo repository:

sudo apt install -y git

Finally, grab the latest version of Hugo itself. Download the .deb package:


Then install it:

sudo dpkg -i hugo_extended_0.87.0_Linux-64bit.deb

Verify the installation:

hugo version
hugo v0.87.0-1761F89 linux/amd64 BuildDate=2021-07-30T10:13:35Z VendorInfo=gohugoio

Great, we have our key components ready. Time to deploy the actual site!

Deploying Your Hugo Site

Assume your Hugo site‘s source code lives in a Git repository hosted on a mainstream provider like GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket.

Clone the repository to your server:

git clone

Move into the directory:

cd yoursite

Update the baseURL parameter in your config.toml file to match your domain name:

baseURL = "" 

Now generate the static files:

hugo --minify

The --minify flag tells Hugo to minify the HTML output for the best performance.

This command will generate the public directory containing your production-ready website files.

Let‘s get Caddy configured to serve those files. Create a Caddyfile at /etc/caddy/Caddyfile with the following: {
  root * /path/to/yoursite/public

Replace /path/to/yoursite/public with the actual filesystem path to your public directory.

Tell Caddy to pick up the new configuration:

sudo caddy reload

At this point, you should be able to visit and see your Hugo site in action!

But don‘t celebrate yet – we still need to setup HTTPS.

Automatic HTTPS with Caddy

In 2021, every website needs to be served over secure HTTPS. Caddy makes this a breeze with automatic SSL certificate provisioning powered by Let‘s Encrypt.

Open up your Caddyfile again. Add the tls directive and your email: {
  root * /path/to/yoursite/public   

  tls [email protected]

The tls line enables automatic HTTPS. Caddy will obtain and renew SSL certificates for you with zero config or maintenance.

Reload Caddy one more time:

sudo caddy reload

And just like that, your site is being served securely over HTTPS! Visit to verify.

Automate Deployments with Git Hooks

At this point, you can deploy changes to your Hugo site by SSHing into your server, pulling the latest code, and rebuilding the site.

But let‘s be honest, no one wants to do that. We can automate the entire deployment process with a simple Git hook script.

From your local machine, add your server as a Git remote:

git remote add prod ssh://root@your_server_ip/root/yoursite

Now when you push to the prod remote, it will trigger a script to deploy the site.

On your server, navigate to /root/yoursite/hooks and create a post-receive file with the following:

git --work-tree=/root/yoursite --git-dir=/root/yoursite/.git checkout -f
cd /root/yoursite/
hugo --minify
systemctl reload caddy

Make the script executable:

chmod +x post-receive  

Here‘s what this script does:

  1. Checks out the latest code into the work tree
  2. Runs hugo to generate the new version of the site
  3. Reloads Caddy to pick up any changes

Save the file. From your local machine, push your latest commits:

git push prod master

And voila, your changes are live!

Now every time you push new code, your hook script will build and deploy the site automatically. GitOps FTW!

Hardening Security

Since your Hugo site is now public-facing, you need to think carefully about security. An exposed web server is an attractive target for attackers.

Here are some best practices for securing your self-hosted site:

  1. Create a non-root user – Using the root user for your web server and deployments is risky. Create a new user with limited permissions specifically for running Caddy and Hugo.

  2. SSH key authentication – Disable SSH password login and use SSH keys only. Keys are much more secure than passwords.

  3. Firewall rules – Configure a firewall to allow only necessary inbound ports. At a minimum, you‘ll need SSH (port 22), HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443).

  4. Secure your domain – Use a reputable domain registrar and keep your contact info private. Consider using DNSSEC for added security.

  5. Keep software updated – Vulnerabilities are discovered in Linux and web servers all the time. Schedule automatic updates or be diligent about applying security patches promptly.

  6. File permissions – Ensure your Hugo files and directories are not world-writable. Set strict permissions as needed.

  7. Monitor for threats – Use tools like Fail2ban to monitor logs and detect suspicious activity. Set up notifications so you‘re quickly alerted of potential threats.

  8. Backups – You should be backing up your data anyways, but backups become even more critical when your site could be a target. See the next section for tips.

Security is an ongoing process, not a one-time task. As you make changes to your site and server environment, always be thinking about the security implications.

Implement Reliable Backups

It‘s critical to have reliable, automatic backups of your website data. You never know when disaster (or an attacker) might strike.

For a simple Hugo site, you mainly need to back up:

  1. Your site‘s source code (the Markdown files, templates, config, etc)
  2. Your server configuration files

Backing up the server itself (the OS and software) is less crucial since you can always redeploy it from scratch fairly easily. It‘s your data that is precious.

Here‘s a simple backup strategy using rsync:

  1. Provision a backup server or VPS (can be low-spec)
  2. Generate an SSH key pair for your backup script to connect
  3. Create a script on your main web server to rsync your data to your backup server
  4. Schedule the script to run daily with cron

Here‘s an example backup script:

rsync -avz -e "ssh -i /path/to/backups_key" /var/www/yoursite/ yourusername@backupserver_ip:/path/to/backup/

This will securely sync your site files to your backup server over SSH.

For more advanced needs, consider a tool like Borg or restic that supports incremental, deduplicated, encrypted backups.

Also, don‘t forget to periodically test your backups! A backup system is useless if you can‘t actually restore from it.

Monitor Performance and Uptime

A major reason to self-host is for maximum performance. But you need visibility into how your site is actually performing in the wild.

At a minimum, you should setup basic monitoring for:

  • Uptime – Is your site online and responding?
  • Response times – How quickly are pages loading for visitors?
  • Server metrics – CPU usage, memory usage, disk space

There are tons of monitoring SaaS tools available (Pingdom, Datadog, New Relic), but you can also roll your own with open source software. A popular stack is:

  • Prometheus – collect and store time series metrics
  • Grafana – query and visualize metrics in dashboards
  • Alertmanager – trigger alerts based on Prometheus metrics

This lets you build sophisticated dashboards to keep an eye on your site‘s health and performance. You can also setup alerts to notify you if key metrics exceed thresholds.

Some specific metrics to watch related to Hugo:

  • Hugo build time (captured during your deployment process)
  • Caddy response times
  • Number of 4xx/5xx errors
  • Origin server and CDN bandwidth usage

Monitoring is key for detecting problems and ensuring a reliable experience for your visitors.

Scaling Considerations

We‘ve focused on deploying a Hugo site to a single origin server. But if your site grows to a significant size, you‘ll need to think about scalability and redundancy.

Some tips for scaling your Hugo deployment:

  1. Horizontal scaling – Add more servers behind a load balancer to increase your capacity and introduce redundancy. Static files are ideal for scaling out.

  2. CDN – A CDN will cache your Hugo content globally, taking the load off your origin servers. Look for a CDN with tons of PoPs to serve visitors from a nearby location.

  3. Serverless – Host your pre-generated Hugo files in S3, Google Cloud Storage or another object storage service. Deliver them serverlessly via CloudFront or another platform. Fewer servers to manage!

  4. Kubernetes – If you graduate to a complex microservices architecture, consider moving your Hugo deployment to Kubernetes. Helm charts like hugo-k8s simplify running Hugo in a cluster.

Exactly how you scale will depend on your specific needs, budget, and technical capabilities. The key is designing for scale from day one by keeping your architecture simple and stateless.

Wrapping Up

Whew, we‘ve covered a lot! Hopefully you now have a solid foundation for self-hosting your own Hugo websites.

Self-hosting gives you maximum control and flexibility, but it does come with extra complexity and maintenance. Weigh the tradeoffs carefully.

If you do forge ahead with self-hosting, adopt a security and reliability mindset from the beginning. Automate as much as you can, and implement robust deployment and monitoring systems.

The tips and best practices in this guide should get you started on the right path. From here, keep learning, iterating, and optimizing your Hugo stack. There‘s always room for improvement.

Happy self-hosting! May your sites be fast, secure, and reliable.

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