Yield! Yield! How Generators Work in JavaScript

Generator Function Visualization

Generators are a powerful but often overlooked feature in JavaScript. They provide a unique way to define functions that can be paused and resumed, enabling lazy evaluation of values and the creation of custom iterators. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into the world of generator functions, exploring their anatomy, mechanics, and real-world applications.

Anatomy of a Generator Function

A generator function is defined using the function* syntax. It looks similar to a regular function but has a few key differences:

function* myGenerator() {
  // Generator body
  yield value1;
  // More code
  yield value2;
  // ...

The * after the function keyword indicates that this is a generator function. The yield keyword is used to pause the function‘s execution and emit a value to the caller. When the generator is resumed, execution continues from where it left off, until the next yield or the end of the function is reached.

The Generator Object

When a generator function is invoked, it doesn‘t actually run the code inside it. Instead, it returns a special object called a generator object. This object adheres to the iteration protocol and provides a next() method to control the generator‘s execution.

const gen = myGenerator();

The generator object maintains the state of the generator function, including its execution context and local variables. Each time next() is called, the generator resumes from where it last yielded, runs until the next yield statement or the end of the function, and returns an object of the form { value: ..., done: ... }.

  • value: The value yielded by the generator.
  • done: A boolean indicating whether the generator has finished execution.

Here‘s an example of iterating over a generator object:

function* countUp() {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  yield 3;

const gen = countUp();
console.log(gen.next().value); // 1
console.log(gen.next().value); // 2
console.log(gen.next().value); // 3
console.log(gen.next().done);  // true

Each call to next() resumes the generator, executes until the next yield, and returns the yielded value. Once there are no more yield statements, done becomes true, signaling the end of the iteration.

Lazy Evaluation and Infinite Sequences

One of the key benefits of generators is their ability to perform lazy evaluation. Unlike regular functions that compute and return all their values upfront, generators allow you to generate values on-demand, as they are needed. This makes them ideal for working with large datasets, infinite sequences, or scenarios where generating all values eagerly would be inefficient or impractical.

Consider the following example of generating the Fibonacci sequence using a generator:

function* fibonacci() {
  let [prev, curr] = [0, 1];
  while (true) {
    [prev, curr] = [curr, prev + curr];
    yield curr;

const fib = fibonacci();
console.log(fib.next().value); // 1
console.log(fib.next().value); // 2
console.log(fib.next().value); // 3
console.log(fib.next().value); // 5
console.log(fib.next().value); // 8
// ...

The fibonacci generator uses an infinite loop to continuously generate the next number in the Fibonacci sequence. Each yield statement emits the current number and pauses the generator. When next() is called again, the generator resumes from where it left off, computes the next number, and yields it.

This approach allows for generating an infinite sequence of Fibonacci numbers without storing them all in memory. The generator generates values lazily, producing only the numbers that are requested. This is particularly useful when dealing with large sequences or when you don‘t know in advance how many values you‘ll need.

Custom Iterators with Generators

Generators provide a clean and concise way to define custom iterators in JavaScript. An iterator is an object that defines a sequence of values and provides a next() method to access them one at a time. Many built-in data structures in JavaScript, such as arrays and strings, have default iterators that allow them to be iterated using for...of loops and other language constructs.

With generators, you can create your own custom iterators by implementing the iteration protocol. Here‘s an example of using a generator to create a custom range iterator:

function* range(start, end, step = 1) {
  for (let i = start; i <= end; i += step) {
    yield i;

for (const num of range(1, 10, 2)) {
// Output:
// 1
// 3
// 5
// 7
// 9

The range generator function takes a start value, an end value, and an optional step value. It generates a sequence of numbers from start to end, incrementing by step in each iteration. The yield statement is used to emit each number in the sequence.

By defining a generator that follows the iteration protocol, you can create custom iterators that can be used with for...of loops, spread syntax, and other iteration mechanisms in JavaScript. This allows for more expressive and flexible iteration patterns tailored to your specific needs.

Asynchronous Flow Control with Generators

Generators have a close relationship with promises and asynchronous programming in JavaScript. In fact, the async/await syntax, which simplifies working with asynchronous code, is built on top of generators.

Generators can be used to write asynchronous code that looks and feels synchronous, thanks to their ability to pause and resume execution. By yielding promises from a generator and using a special runner function to handle the asynchronous flow, you can write asynchronous code that is easier to read and reason about.

Here‘s an example of an asynchronous task runner using generators and promises:

function asyncTask(value) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(value), 1000));

function* taskRunner() {
  const result1 = yield asyncTask(‘Task 1‘);

  const result2 = yield asyncTask(‘Task 2‘);

  const result3 = yield asyncTask(‘Task 3‘);

function runTasks(generator) {
  const gen = generator();

  function run(result) {
    const { value, done } = gen.next(result);
    if (done) {
      return result;
    return Promise.resolve(value).then(run);

  return run();

// Output (after 1 second delay between each line):
// Task 1
// Task 2
// Task 3

In this example, the asyncTask function simulates an asynchronous operation by returning a promise that resolves after a 1-second delay. The taskRunner generator yields a series of asyncTask calls, each returning a promise.

The runTasks function takes a generator function and executes it step by step. It recursively calls next() on the generator object, waits for each yielded promise to resolve, and passes the resolved value back to the generator via the next() call. This process continues until the generator reaches its end.

By combining generators with promises, you can write asynchronous code that looks sequential and avoids callback hell. The generator function reads like synchronous code, while the runner function handles the asynchronous flow behind the scenes.

Real-World Applications and Adoption

Generators have various real-world applications and are widely used in JavaScript libraries and frameworks. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. State Management: Redux Saga, a popular middleware library for Redux, heavily relies on generators to handle asynchronous actions and side effects in a more readable and testable way.

  2. Data Fetching: Libraries like Apollo Client and Relay use generators to simplify data fetching and management in GraphQL applications.

  3. Asynchronous Iteration: The for-await-of loop, introduced in ES2018, allows for asynchronous iteration over async iterables, which can be implemented using generators.

  4. Testing: Generators are often used in testing frameworks to write more expressive and readable test cases, especially when dealing with asynchronous code.

Generators are well-supported in modern JavaScript environments. They are available in all major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) and Node.js versions. However, when targeting older environments, you may need to use transpilation tools like Babel to convert generator functions into compatible code.

Performance Considerations

While generators offer many benefits in terms of expressiveness and flexibility, there are some performance considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Memory Overhead: Generators keep track of their execution state, including local variables and the position of yield statements. This means that creating a large number of generator objects can consume more memory compared to regular functions.

  2. Iteration Overhead: Iterating over a generator involves the overhead of function calls and object creation for each step. This can be slower compared to iterating over a pre-computed array or using a traditional loop.

  3. Transpilation Overhead: When using generators in environments that don‘t natively support them, the transpiled code may be less performant compared to the native implementation.

However, it‘s important to note that the performance impact of generators is often negligible in most real-world scenarios. The benefits they provide in terms of code readability, maintainability, and expressiveness often outweigh the slight performance overhead.

Here‘s a simple benchmark comparing the performance of iterating over an array using a traditional for loop versus a generator:

const arr = Array.from({ length: 1000000 }, (_, i) => i);

function* generateSequence(arr) {
  for (const val of arr) {
    yield val;

console.time(‘Traditional loop‘);
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
  sum += arr[i];
console.timeEnd(‘Traditional loop‘);
// Output: Traditional loop: 11.345ms

let genSum = 0;
for (const val of generateSequence(arr)) {
  genSum += val;
// Output: Generator: 32.972ms

In this benchmark, iterating over the array using a traditional for loop is faster than using a generator. However, the performance difference becomes noticeable only when dealing with large datasets or in performance-critical sections of code.

Future of Generators in JavaScript

Generators have been a part of JavaScript since ES2015 (ES6) and have seen steady adoption and usage in the JavaScript ecosystem. There are several proposals and potential enhancements related to generators that are being discussed and considered for future versions of JavaScript:

  1. Generator Arrow Functions: There is a proposal to introduce a shorter syntax for defining generator functions using arrow functions, similar to how regular arrow functions work.

  2. Async Generators: Async generators, denoted by async function*, would allow for defining generators that can yield promises, making it easier to work with asynchronous iterables.

  3. Generator Delegation: There are proposals to extend the yield* syntax to support delegating to other types of iterables beyond just generator objects.

As the JavaScript language continues to evolve, generators are likely to see further improvements and new features that enhance their capabilities and make them even more powerful and expressive.


Generators are a versatile and powerful feature in JavaScript that offer a unique way to define and control the flow of execution. By allowing functions to be paused and resumed, generators enable lazy evaluation, infinite sequences, custom iterators, and expressive asynchronous programming patterns.

In this deep dive, we explored the anatomy of generator functions, the generator object, and the iteration protocol. We saw how generators can be used for generating sequences, implementing custom iterators, and handling asynchronous flow control. We also discussed real-world applications, performance considerations, and the future of generators in JavaScript.

Generators provide a way to write more expressive, readable, and maintainable code, especially when dealing with large datasets, complex iterations, and asynchronous operations. By understanding how generators work and leveraging their capabilities, you can write more efficient and effective JavaScript code.

So, the next time you encounter a problem that involves iterating over data, generating sequences, or handling asynchronous flow, remember the power of generators and yield to the possibilities they offer!

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