A Brief Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning (RL) is an area of machine learning concerned with sequential decision making under uncertainty. RL studies how an agent can learn to achieve goals by interacting with an unknown environment, using feedback in the form of rewards or punishments. From robotics to game-playing to recommendation systems, RL has driven significant advances in AI capabilities in recent years.

At a high level, RL is based on the intuitive idea of trial-and-error learning. Much like how a child learns to walk or an animal learns to forage for food, an RL agent starts out knowing nothing about its environment and learns solely through experience. By cleverly balancing exploration (gathering new information) and exploitation (utilizing known information), the agent can gradually discover strategies that achieve high cumulative reward over the long run.

The Mathematical Framework of RL

More formally, the standard RL framework models the interaction between the agent and environment as a Markov decision process (MDP). An MDP is defined by a tuple (S, A, T, R, γ) where:

  • S is the set of states the environment can be in
  • A is the set of actions the agent can take
  • T(s‘|s,a) is the transition function modeling the dynamics of the environment
  • R(s,a) is the reward function specifying the feedback signal
  • γ ∈ [0,1] is the discount factor weighting the importance of immediate vs future rewards

At each timestep t, the agent observes the current state s_t, chooses an action a_t, receives a reward rt, and the environment transitions to the next state s{t+1} according to the transition function T. This interaction generates a trajectory τ = (s_0, a_0, r_0, s_1, a_1, r_1, …). The goal is to learn a policy π(a|s), a mapping from states to action probabilities, that maximizes the expected discounted return:

Gt = R{t+1} + γR{t+2} + γ^2R{t+3} + … = \sum{k=0}^∞ γ^k R{t+k+1}

The discount factor γ controls the trade-off between short-term and long-term rewards. A γ close to 0 makes the agent myopic while a γ close to 1 makes it far-sighted.

The value function V^π(s) represents the expected return starting from state s and following policy π:

V^π(s) = E[G_t | S_t = s]

Similarly, the action-value function Q^π(s,a) represents the expected return starting from s, taking action a, and thereafter following policy π:

Q^π(s,a) = E[G_t | S_t = s, A_t = a]

The value functions satisfy recursive relationships called Bellman equations:

V^π(s) = \suma π(a|s) \sum{s‘} T(s‘|s,a) [R(s,a) + γV^π(s‘)]

Q^π(s,a) = \sum{s‘} T(s‘|s,a) [R(s,a) + γ \sum{a‘} π(a‘|s‘) Q^π(s‘,a‘)]

The optimal value functions V^ and Q^ satisfy the Bellman optimality equations:

V^(s) = \maxa \sum{s‘} T(s‘|s,a) [R(s,a) + γV^(s‘)]

Q^(s,a) = \sum{s‘} T(s‘|s,a) [R(s,a) + γ \max{a‘} Q^ (s‘,a‘)]

Bellman equations

The Bellman equations relate the value of a state to the values of its successor states

If the MDP is fully known, classical planning algorithms like value iteration and policy iteration can be used to compute the optimal value function and policy. These dynamic programming methods iteratively enforce consistency with the Bellman optimality equations.

However, the key challenge in RL is that the agent doesn‘t have access to the full MDP. It must learn about the environment‘s dynamics and rewards solely through experience in the form of state-action-reward trajectories.

Model-Free RL: Temporal Difference Learning

Model-free RL methods learn value functions or policies directly from experience without explicitly estimating the transition and reward functions. These methods combine ideas from Monte Carlo estimation (estimating expectations by averaging sample returns) and dynamic programming (using current estimates as targets for future estimates).

The core idea is temporal difference (TD) learning, which learns by bootstrapping – updating estimates based on other learned estimates. For example, the popular Q-learning algorithm estimates the optimal action-value function Q^* using the update rule:

Q(S_t, A_t) ← Q(S_t, At) + α[R{t+1} + γ \maxa Q(S{t+1}, a) − Q(S_t, A_t)]

Here α ∈ (0,1] is the step size. The learner iteratively updates its estimate Q(S_t, At) towards the TD target R{t+1} + γ \maxa Q(S{t+1}, a), which can be viewed as a surrogate for the true Q^*(S_t, A_t). Under appropriate conditions, Q-learning is guaranteed to converge to the optimal action-value function.

The SARSA algorithm is an on-policy variant of TD learning. It estimates Qπ for the current behavior policy π using the update:

Q(S_t, A_t) ← Q(S_t, At) + α[R{t+1} + γQ(S{t+1}, A{t+1}) − Q(S_t, A_t)]

The key difference is that SARSA uses the action A_{t+1} chosen by π to compute its TD target, while Q-learning uses the greedy action \maxa Q(S{t+1},a).

Q-learning algorithm

The Q-learning algorithm for estimating optimal action-values

Generalization via Function Approximation

Practical RL problems often have very large or infinite state spaces, making it infeasible to estimate a value for each state individually. Function approximation is used to compactly represent value functions and generalize knowledge between similar states.

Linear function approximation assumes the form:

v_w(s) = w^T φ(s)
q_w(s,a) = w^T φ(s,a)

where φ is a feature map from state space to a d-dimensional feature vector and w ∈ ℝ^d is a learnable weight vector. TD learning with linear function approximation converges to a near-optimal solution under certain technical conditions.

Nonlinear function approximators like neural networks can represent more complex value functions but lack convergence guarantees. Deep RL methods have nevertheless achieved state-of-the-art performance on many challenging domains by using deep neural networks (DNNs) to represent policies and value functions.

For example, the Deep Q-Network (DQN) algorithm represents Q(s,a) using a DNN and trains it using Q-learning, with several tricks to stabilize the learning:

  • Experience replay: Store (s,a,r,s‘) transitions in a buffer and sample from it to break correlations
  • Target network: Use a separate network for TD targets and synchronize it periodically
  • Clipping rewards: Clip the error term in Q-learning to [-1, 1] to reduce variability
  • Frame skipping: Repeat selected action for K frames to reduce computational cost

DQN algorithm

The DQN algorithm extends Q-learning with a deep neural network and experience replay

Policy Gradient Methods

An alternative approach is to directly learn a parameterized policy π_θ(a|s) that maximizes the expected return J(θ):

J(θ) = E_{τ∼πθ} \left[ \sum{t=0}^T γ^t r_t \right]

The policy gradient theorem states that the gradient of J with respect to the policy parameters θ is:

\nablaθ J(θ) = E{τ∼πθ} \left[ \sum{t=0}^T \nabla_θ \log π_θ(a_t|s_t) Q^{π_θ}(s_t, a_t) \right]

Intuitively, this adjusts the policy parameters in the direction of higher Q-values, weighted by how often those actions are taken. The advantage function A^{π_θ}(s,a) = Q^{π_θ}(s,a) – V^{π_θ}(s) is often used in place of Q for lower variance.

The REINFORCE algorithm is a simple Monte Carlo policy gradient method:

  1. Sample a trajectory τ = {s_0, a_0, r_0, …, s_T} from π_θ
  2. For each step t in τ, estimate the return G_t
  3. Update θ ← θ + α \sum_{t=0}^T \nabla_θ \log π_θ(a_t|s_t) (G_t – b_t)

where b_t is a baseline used to reduce variance. Actor-critic methods instead learn an approximate value function (the critic) to estimate Q, yielding lower variance updates. Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is a state-of-the-art actor-critic method that has been widely successful in continuous control tasks.

PPO algorithm

The clipped surrogate objective used in PPO to improve stability

Challenges and Frontiers

While RL has made significant strides, many open challenges remain. Sample efficiency is a major bottleneck – complex tasks can require millions or billions of interactions to learn. Exploration in sparse reward environments is difficult, as is credit assignment over long time horizons. Reproducibility and stability remain significant issues, especially in deep RL. Safe exploration and robustness to distributional shift are key concerns for real-world deployment.

Transfer learning, meta-learning, and multi-task RL are promising approaches to improve sample efficiency by identifying reusable structure between tasks. Hierarchical RL tackles temporal abstraction by learning to operate at multiple time scales. Curiosity and intrinsic motivation drive exploration in sparse reward settings. Unsupervised RL aims to learn useful skills without any rewards at all.

There are also rich connections between RL and other fields that are ripe for further study. Theories of bounded rationality in economics and behavioral game theory provide useful models of limited computational agents. Inverse RL extracts reward functions from expert behavior, with applications from robotics to psychology. Multi-agent RL studies emergent behavior in groups of learning agents. Applied RL is a growing area encompassing real-world domains like personalized medicine, recommender systems, and NLP.

RL for recommendation

RL is increasingly applied to real-world problems like personalized recommendation

Applications and Impact

RL has already led to several high-profile successes in artificial intelligence:

  • TD-Gammon (1992) reached superhuman level play in backgammon
  • AlphaGo (2016) defeated a world champion Go player
  • AlphaZero (2017) learned to play chess, Go, and shogi at superhuman level
  • OpenAI Five (2019) defeated professional Dota 2 teams
  • DeepMind Control Suite (2018) and OpenAI Gym (2016) provide standardized RL benchmarks

In robotics, RL has enabled robots to learn complex manipulation skills such as grasping objects, door opening, and ball-in-cup. In natural language processing, RL improves dialogue systems, machine translation, and question answering. In healthcare, RL can optimize treatment policies and streamline clinical trials. In education, RL can power intelligent tutoring systems that adapt to each student. In finance, RL can execute optimal trade strategies and manage portfolios.

More speculatively, RL is seen as a plausible path to artificial general intelligence (AGI). By learning to achieve goals in a wide range of environments through trial and error, RL agents could eventually reach human-level performance on any learnable task. Of course, significant breakthroughs would be required in open-ended learning, knowledge transfer, common sense reasoning, and other key capabilities. Nevertheless, RL provides a well-grounded framework for studying adaptive intelligence that will likely continue to generate important progress in AI.

RL for healthcare

RL can discover optimal treatment policies tailored to each individual patient


Reinforcement learning is a powerful framework for learning to make good decisions under uncertainty. By continually gathering information and adapting its behavior to maximize long-term reward, an RL agent can achieve impressive performance on complex sequential tasks. While there are still many challenges to overcome, RL has already led to significant breakthroughs in AI and its impact will only grow as the technology matures.

At its core, RL is based on the same trial-and-error process that underlies much of human and animal learning. Through interaction and feedback, we all gradually learn to achieve our goals in an unpredictable world. By distilling these principles into concrete algorithms, RL gives us a systematic way to build ever more intelligent and autonomous systems. As we seek to create AIs that can learn and adapt like natural organisms, the paradigm of reinforcement learning will be a central pillar.

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