Learn Node.js and Express with This Free 8-hour Back End Development Course

If you‘re a web developer looking to expand your skillset and dive into back end development, learning Node.js and Express is an excellent place to start. Node.js is a popular JavaScript runtime that allows you to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser, while Express is a lightweight web application framework that runs on Node.js. Together, they form a powerful toolset for building the back end of web applications and APIs.

Fortunately, you don‘t need to spend money on expensive courses or bootcamps to gain these valuable skills. freeCodeCamp, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people learn to code for free, offers a comprehensive 8-hour video course on Node.js and Express. This in-depth course is available on YouTube and taught by the experienced developer and educator John Smilga.

Why Learn Node.js and Express?

Before we dive into the details of the course, let‘s discuss why Node.js and Express are worth learning for web developers.

Popularity and Usage

Node.js has seen tremendous growth in popularity and usage over the past decade. According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020, Node.js was the 6th most popular programming language, with 51.9% of professional developers reporting that they use it (Source).

The Node.js User Survey 2020 also showed impressive adoption, with 43% of respondents using Node.js for back end development and 85% overall satisfaction with Node.js (Source).

Express, being one of the most popular web frameworks for Node.js, enjoys similar widespread usage. As per the State of JavaScript 2020 survey, Express was the most popular back end framework, with 76% of respondents using it (Source).

These statistics demonstrate that learning Node.js and Express aligns with current industry trends and can open up ample job opportunities.

Performance and Scalability

One of the key benefits of using Node.js is its high performance and scalability. Node.js is built on Chrome‘s V8 JavaScript engine, which compiles JavaScript directly to native machine code, resulting in fast execution. It also uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which allows it to handle a large number of concurrent connections efficiently.

In benchmarks comparing the performance of Node.js to other popular back end technologies like PHP and Python, Node.js consistently comes out on top. For example, in a benchmark test conducted by Toptal, Node.js was able to handle approximately 20 times more requests per second compared to PHP and Python (Source).

Real-world case studies also showcase Node.js‘ scalability. LinkedIn, for instance, was able to reduce their servers from 30 to 3 and handle 20x more traffic after migrating their mobile app back end from Ruby on Rails to Node.js (Source).

JavaScript Everywhere

Another advantage of learning Node.js is the ability to use JavaScript for both front end and back end development. This "JavaScript Everywhere" paradigm allows developers to leverage their existing JavaScript skills on the server side, reducing the learning curve and enabling code sharing and reuse between the client and server.

Having a unified language across the stack also facilitates better communication and collaboration within development teams. As John Smilga states in the course, "Being able to use the same language (JavaScript) on the front end and back end is a game-changer."

Rich Ecosystem and Community

Node.js boasts a vast ecosystem of libraries and tools, largely thanks to npm (Node Package Manager). As of April 2021, npm hosts over 1.5 million packages, making it the largest software registry in the world (Source).

This rich ecosystem means that developers can find pre-built solutions for common tasks and quickly integrate them into their projects, speeding up development. The Node.js community is also known for its active and supportive nature, with a wealth of online resources, forums, and conferences dedicated to knowledge sharing and collaboration.

Course Overview

Now that we‘ve established the value of learning Node.js and Express, let‘s take a closer look at what freeCodeCamp‘s course covers.

Course Structure

The course is divided into several modules, each focusing on different aspects of Node.js and Express development. Here‘s a breakdown of the course structure with approximate timestamps:

  1. Introduction and Setup (0:00 – 0:30)
  2. Node.js Fundamentals (0:30 – 2:00)
    • Node.js core concepts
    • Asynchronous programming
    • Node.js module system
  3. Express Basics (2:00 – 3:30)
    • Setting up an Express app
    • Handling routes and serving static files
    • Middleware in Express
  4. API Development with Express (3:30 – 6:00)
    • RESTful API principles
    • Handling GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests
    • Working with route parameters and query strings
    • Sending JSON responses
  5. MERN Stack Project (6:00 – 8:00)
    • Building a full-stack app with MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js
    • Connecting front end and back end
    • Deploying the application

Key Concepts and Topics

Throughout the course, John covers a wide range of Node.js and Express concepts in depth. Some of the key topics include:

  1. Node.js Event Loop: John explains how Node.js handles asynchronous operations using an event loop, which allows it to process multiple requests concurrently without blocking execution.

  2. Middleware in Express: Middleware functions are a fundamental concept in Express. They allow you to intercept and process requests before they reach the final request handler. John demonstrates how to use existing middleware and write custom middleware functions.

  3. REST APIs: A significant portion of the course focuses on building RESTful APIs with Express. John explains the principles of REST architecture and shows how to implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using Express routes and MongoDB.

  4. MERN Stack: The course culminates in a real-world project using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). John walks through the process of building a full-stack application from scratch, integrating the front end and back end, and deploying it to a cloud platform.

Here‘s an example of how John explains the concept of middleware in Express:

// Middleware function
const logger = (req, res, next) => {
  console.log(`${req.method} ${req.url}`);

// Using the middleware

Real-World Projects

Learning theory is important, but the real test of understanding is applying that knowledge to build real projects. That‘s why a significant portion of the course is dedicated to building practical applications.

  1. Task Manager API: In this project, you‘ll build a RESTful API for managing tasks. The API will allow users to create, read, update, and delete tasks. You‘ll learn how to handle routes, validate request data, and interact with a MongoDB database.

  2. Jobs API: This project involves building an API for a job board application. You‘ll implement features like user authentication, job posting, and job search. This project covers more advanced topics like JWT authentication and data aggregation with MongoDB.

  3. MERN Stack E-commerce App: The capstone project of the course is a full-stack e-commerce application built with the MERN stack. You‘ll build a back end API with Node.js and Express, connect it to a MongoDB database, and integrate it with a React front end. The application will include features like product listing, shopping cart, and user authentication.

These real-world projects not only reinforce the concepts learned but also give you hands-on experience with the challenges and considerations involved in building production-ready applications.

Overcoming Challenges and Continuing Your Learning Journey

Learning Node.js and Express, like any new technology, comes with its own set of challenges. Some common hurdles developers face when starting out include:

  1. Understanding asynchronous programming and callbacks
  2. Debugging Node.js applications
  3. Structuring and organizing Express applications
  4. Handling errors and exceptions
  5. Managing package dependencies with npm

To overcome these challenges, it‘s essential to practice regularly, break down complex problems into smaller parts, and seek help when stuck. The Node.js and Express community is full of helpful resources, including:

After completing the freeCodeCamp course, there are many ways to continue your Node.js and Express learning journey. Some next steps include:

  1. Building more projects to solidify your understanding and explore new features and libraries
  2. Contributing to open source Node.js projects on GitHub
  3. Exploring other Node.js frameworks and tools like Koa, Nest.js, and PM2
  4. Learning complementary technologies like databases (MongoDB, PostgreSQL), front end frameworks (React, Angular), and DevOps tools (Docker, Kubernetes)
  5. Attending Node.js conferences and meetups to learn from and network with other developers


Node.js and Express are powerful tools for building the back end of web applications and APIs. They offer benefits like high performance, scalability, and the ability to use JavaScript on both the front end and back end.

freeCodeCamp‘s comprehensive 8-hour course taught by John Smilga is an excellent starting point for anyone looking to learn these technologies. The course covers a wide range of topics, from Node.js fundamentals to building real-world projects with the MERN stack.

By taking this course and continuing to practice and learn, you‘ll be well on your way to becoming a proficient Node.js and Express developer. The skills you gain will be invaluable in today‘s job market and enable you to build powerful, efficient back end applications.

Remember, learning to code is a journey, and everyone faces challenges along the way. Stay curious, persistent, and don‘t hesitate to reach out to the community for help. Happy coding!

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