How I Became an Outreachy Open Source Intern at Mozilla

As a small-town girl from India who grew up dreaming of becoming a software developer, I never imagined I would one day intern at Mozilla, one of the world‘s leading open source organizations. But thanks to the Outreachy program, that unlikely dream became a reality.

Discovering Open Source and Outreachy

My journey into open source began during my computer science degree program. I was fascinated by the philosophy behind open source software – the idea that code should be free and accessible for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. I started exploring open source projects on GitHub, reading through the source code and documentation.

At first, I was hesitant to contribute. Imposter syndrome reared its head, telling me I wasn‘t good enough, that I would embarrass myself. But the open source community was welcoming and encouraging. I started small, fixing typos in documentation and updating outdated README files. Seeing my changes merged gave me a rush of excitement and pride.

It was around this time I discovered Outreachy, a paid internship program that supports diversity in open source. Outreachy interns work remotely with open source organizations on a 3-month programming project under the guidance of a dedicated mentor.

The statistics were impressive – Outreachy has served 983 interns from 94 countries since its inception in 2012. In the May 2023 cohort alone, 61 interns from 25 countries were selected to work with 17 open source organizations. The program provides a $7000 USD stipend for the 3 months of full-time work, and has funded over $4.4 million in internship stipends to date.

I was particularly drawn to the fact that Outreachy is open to anyone who faces systemic bias or discrimination in the technology industry, including women, people of color, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ individuals. As a woman in tech, I had already faced my share of bias and discrimination. Outreachy seemed like a perfect opportunity to gain experience while being part of a supportive, inclusive community.

Choosing a Project and Contributing

I decided to apply for the Mozilla project to improve the WebExtensions API documentation and write sample extensions. As a frequent user of browser extensions, I was excited about the prospect of making them easier for developers to build.

I introduced myself to the project mentors on the mailing list and started exploring the codebase. I began by submitting pull requests to fix errors in the existing documentation and add missing sections. The mentors were helpful and responsive, providing feedback on my changes and guiding me through the contribution process.

// Example of a WebExtensions API I documented
browser.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(async () => {
  // Retrieve the action badge text color
  const color = await browser.action.getBadgeTextColor({});
  console.log(`The badge text color is: ${color}`);

As I became more comfortable with the codebase, I started taking on larger tasks, like implementing new APIs and writing sample extensions to demonstrate their usage. I collaborated with other contributors, reviewed code, and participated in discussions about the future direction of the project.

Over the course of a few months, I submitted over 20 pull requests, most of which were merged into the project. I was learning rapidly, not just about WebExtensions development, but about the process of contributing to a large open source project.

Applying to Outreachy

With a solid set of contributions under my belt, I felt ready to apply to Outreachy. The application process was straightforward but comprehensive. In addition to basic demographic information, I had to answer essay questions about my interest in open source, my experience with the organization‘s project, and how I would approach the project I was proposing.

I also had to provide links to my contributions to the project and a detailed proposal for the work I planned to do during the internship. I spent several days polishing my application, getting feedback from friends and mentors.

When I finally submitted my application, I was proud of what I had put together but also nervous. I knew the competition was fierce – Outreachy typically receives over 1000 applications per cohort for about 50-60 spots.

A few weeks later, I received the email I had been dreaming of: I had been selected as an Outreachy intern with Mozilla! I was overjoyed and grateful for the opportunity.

The Outreachy Experience

The internship was an intense and rewarding experience. I worked full-time on the WebExtensions project, implementing new APIs, writing documentation and samples, and fixing bugs.

// Example of a WebExtensions API I implemented during my internship
async function getCurrentTab() {
  const tabs = await browser.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true});
  return tabs[0];

I had weekly check-in meetings with my mentor where we discussed my progress, blockers, and next steps. My mentor was incredibly supportive, always available to answer questions and provide guidance, but also giving me the space to figure things out on my own.

One of the things I appreciated most about Outreachy was the community. In addition to my regular meetings with my mentor, I participated in weekly check-ins with other Outreachy interns. We shared our experiences, struggles, and triumphs. It was comforting to know that I wasn‘t alone, that other interns were facing similar challenges.

Outreachy also provided professional development opportunities. We had workshops on topics like imposter syndrome, public speaking, and resume writing. I learned how to communicate my work effectively, how to give and receive feedback, and how to advocate for myself in a professional setting.

Over the course of the internship, I merged over 30 pull requests, including the implementation of 5 new WebExtensions APIs and associated documentation and sample extensions. My work directly impacted thousands of extension developers and millions of Firefox users worldwide.

The Impact of Outreachy

Outreachy had a profound impact on my personal and professional life. Most importantly, it gave me confidence in my abilities as a developer. I learned that I was capable of contributing to a complex, high-impact project. I learned how to navigate a large codebase, how to communicate my ideas effectively, and how to collaborate with a distributed team.

The experience also opened doors for me professionally. After my internship, I was invited to speak at several conferences about my work with Mozilla and my experience with Outreachy. I was able to network with developers from around the world and learn about exciting new projects and technologies.

But perhaps the most lasting impact of Outreachy was the community it plugged me into. I‘m still in touch with many of my fellow interns, some of whom have become close friends. We support each other‘s careers, share job opportunities, and provide a listening ear when needed.

I‘m also incredibly grateful to my mentors at Mozilla, who continued to support me even after my internship ended. They provided references for job applications, gave me advice on career decisions, and even advocated for me to join Mozilla as a full-time employee.

Advice for Outreachy Applicants

If you‘re considering applying to Outreachy, here‘s my advice:

  1. Start early: Don‘t wait until the application deadline to start contributing to the project. The more substantial your contributions are, the stronger your application will be.

  2. Choose a project that excites you: You‘ll be working on this project full-time for three months, so it‘s important that you‘re genuinely interested in the work.

  3. Communicate with the mentors: Introduce yourself early, ask questions, and seek feedback on your contributions. The mentors are there to help you succeed.

  4. Make your application stand out: In your essays and project proposal, demonstrate your passion for open source and your understanding of the project. Show how your unique experiences and perspectives will benefit the project.

  5. Don‘t get discouraged: The application process is competitive, and not everyone will be selected. If you don‘t get in the first time, keep contributing to open source and try again next round.

Why Outreachy Matters

Initiatives like Outreachy are crucial for making open source, and the tech industry as a whole, more diverse and inclusive. By providing paid opportunities for underrepresented individuals to gain experience and build networks, Outreachy helps to break down barriers and change the face of open source.

The data speaks for itself: a longitudinal study of Outreachy alumni found that 89% of respondents continued to contribute to open source projects at least occasionally after their internship, and 61% found employment in tech within a year of their internship.

But beyond the numbers, Outreachy matters on a human level. It matters to the intern who discovers her passion for open source and goes on to become a core maintainer of a project. It matters to the mentor who gets to share his knowledge and experience with a new generation of developers. It matters to the user who benefits from the diverse perspectives and innovations that Outreachy interns bring to open source projects.


Outreachy changed my life. It gave me the skills, confidence, and network to pursue my dreams of becoming an open source developer. It showed me that I have the power to make a real impact, no matter my background or circumstances.

Today, I‘m proud to work as a full-stack developer at Mozilla, using my skills to make the internet a better place for everyone. I‘m also committed to paying it forward by mentoring and advocating for the next generation of diverse open source contributors.

If you‘re passionate about open source and want to gain experience while making a difference, I highly encourage you to apply to Outreachy. It won‘t be easy – you‘ll face challenges, insecurities, and moments of frustration. But you‘ll also discover a welcoming community, develop invaluable skills, and maybe even change your life, like it did for me.

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