Build Your First Python Project in This Free Course: a Text-Based Adventure Game

If you‘re new to programming and looking to learn Python, one of the most effective and engaging ways to start is by building a project. And a classic beginner‘s project in Python is creating a text-based adventure game.

In this comprehensive free course from freeCodeCamp and Tech With Tim, you‘ll learn Python from scratch by building an interactive command-line text adventure. Even with no prior coding experience, you‘ll come away with a strong foundation in essential Python concepts and techniques, and a complete game you can share and expand on. Let‘s explore what the course covers and why a text adventure is such a great educational project.

The History and Anatomy of Text-Based Adventure Games

Text-based adventures, also known as interactive fiction, are games where the player experiences the story and interacts with the game world entirely through text descriptions and typed commands. The computer describes your surroundings and the events unfolding, and you progress by entering short directives like "go north" or "take key."

These games were pioneered in the 1970s, with titles like Colossal Cave Adventure (1976), Zork (1977), and The Hitchhiker‘s Guide to the Galaxy (1984) helping establish the genre. Text adventures reigned as the dominant form of computer game well into the 1980s, until graphical technologies became more advanced and widely available.

Some key characteristics and components of a typical text adventure include:

  • Second-person narration that speaks directly to the player
  • A parser that interprets the player‘s text input and updates the game state accordingly
  • A world model that represents the game‘s locations, objects, characters, and how they interrelate
  • A branching narrative structure where player choices affect the story‘s course
  • Puzzles and challenges that the player must solve to advance, often involving thorough exploration and creative thinking

While graphical games have become the norm, a vibrant interactive fiction community still exists today, with new text adventures being created and played worldwide. The Interactive Fiction Database lists over 5000 publicly released works as of 2021.

Why Text Adventures Are Great First Coding Projects

Text adventures aren‘t just fun and nostalgic – they also make excellent starter coding projects, especially when learning a language like Python. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Complexity – A basic text adventure involves many core programming concepts like input/output, conditionals, loops, functions, and data structures. Building one exposes you to the fundamentals in an integrated, applied way.

  2. Scope – At the same time, a text game can be scoped to be achievable for a beginner. A simple adventure can be built in a few hundred lines of code, while still offering a complete and satisfying project.

  3. Creativity – The premise and storyline of a text game is completely up to you. Crafting the narrative and puzzles draws on creative writing skills in addition to technical ability.

  4. Expandability – The flexible nature of a text interface means it‘s easy to start small and incrementally expand your game with new features over time as your knowledge grows.

  5. Sharability – A command-line program is easy for others to run and experience, and simple to collaborate on with other developers via source control.

So by creating a text adventure, a beginning coder gets to develop a well-rounded skillset – problem-solving, planning, creative expression, and technical implementation – while producing a complete, functional game as a portfolio piece.

What You‘ll Learn in the Course

The freeCodeCamp course "Build a Text Adventure Game in Python" is a 1-hour video tutorial by Tim Ruscica of Tech With Tim. It‘s entirely project-based, aimed at complete beginners to Python, and run using the browser-based IDE, so no software setup is required.

Over 5 chapters, you‘ll build a full command-line text adventure where the player explores a spooky haunted house, collects items, and solves a mystery to escape. Each chapter introduces a key set of Python concepts in the context of developing the game:

  1. Intro and Setup (6:04)

    • Overview of text adventures
    • Setting up Python environment on
  2. Printing and Variables (10:57)

    • print() function for output
    • Storing state with variables
  3. User Input and Conditionals (16:51)

    • input() function to accept commands
    • if/else statements to react to input
    • Comparison and logical operators
  4. Functions and Loops (11:38)

    • Defining and calling functions
    • for and while loops
    • break and continue flow control
  5. Dictionaries and Conclusion (12:35)

    • Modeling game world with dictionaries
    • Continued development challenges

Here‘s a brief excerpt of the actual Python code written in the course to illustrate some of these concepts in action:

# Describe the starting room
def intro():
  print("You are in a dark room.")
  print("There is a door to your right and left.")
  print("Which one do you take?")

# Get the player‘s choice and respond
def choose_door():
  door = input("> ")
  if door == "left":
    print("There is a bear here.")
    # Other code for left door scenario...
  elif door == "right":
    print("You see a dimly lit room.")
    # Other code for right door scenario... 
    print("You stumble around the room until you starve.")

# Start the game 
while True:

This snippet shows the use of multiple functions to organize the game flow, input handling to get the player‘s choice, conditionals to respond accordingly, and a while loop to keep the game running until a certain end state. These are all fundamental coding patterns that have wide applicability beyond just games.

The course builds up the game step-by-step so you always understand how new concepts connect to the existing code. The text-based format also means you get to focus purely on the core logic without getting bogged down in graphics code or complex game engines.

Going Beyond the Course

While the course provides a solid foundation, the text adventure you create is really just a starting point. You‘re encouraged to take the concepts you‘ve learned and the basic structure you‘ve built and expand on it.

Some additional features you might add include:

  • More robust parser that can handle multi-word commands
  • Ability to interact with objects and characters in the game world
  • Inventory system to manage collected items
  • Puzzle dependencies where solving one challenge unlocks others
  • ASCII art or other visual enhancements to complement the text

The flexible, modular nature of a text game means there‘s a lot of room for extension and customization. Every new feature is a chance to learn and practice a different aspect of Python, whether it‘s string manipulation, data structures, file I/O, or object-oriented design.

Beyond expanding the game itself, the course also sets you up to take on other beginner Python projects. With a grasp of the core concepts, you‘re well-positioned to create things like simple web scrapers, file utilities, or data analysis scripts.

Having a completed text adventure under your belt gives you the practical experience and confidence to continue building your Python skillset independently. Some great resources for finding other beginner-friendly Python projects include:


As a full-stack developer who‘s taught and mentored many beginning coders, I know firsthand the importance of small, hands-on projects for solidifying new programming knowledge. When I was first learning to code, building simple games in BASIC and Pascal gave me a tangible way to apply what I was learning and see the results of my work in action.

Creating a text-based adventure is the perfect project for taking your first steps with Python. It touches on all the essential elements of programming in an engaging, interactive format. You get to use your creativity to craft the story while developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills as you implement the game logic.

The freeCodeCamp course "Build a Text Adventure Game in Python" is an excellent way to get started on your Python and programming journey. In just one hour, it takes you from zero knowledge to a fully working command-line game, providing a strong foundation for further learning and exploration.

So if you‘ve been wanting to learn Python but weren‘t sure where to start, I highly encourage you to try out this course. Building your own interactive fiction is both fun and educational, and it opens the door to countless other programming projects and possibilities. Get coding and happy adventuring!

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