Learn to Use APIs in React by Creating a Recipe App

Variety of spices and ingredients

As a full-stack developer, one of the most important skills you can learn is how to integrate APIs into your web applications. APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, allow your app to communicate with external services and retrieve data from various sources across the internet.

According to recent studies, the number of public web APIs has grown by an astounding 757% since 2014. In 2022, there were over 55,000 APIs listed on the ProgrammableWeb directory alone. This explosive growth highlights the critical role that APIs play in modern software development.

Year Number of Public APIs
2014 5,018
2018 19,229
2022 55,192

Source: ProgrammableWeb Research Center

On the front-end, React has emerged as one of the most popular libraries for building interactive user interfaces. Its component-based architecture and declarative syntax make it an excellent choice for creating dynamic, data-driven applications.

In this tutorial, we‘ll explore how to combine the power of React with external APIs by building a web application that retrieves and displays recipe data. By the end, you‘ll have a strong understanding of how to integrate APIs into your React projects and be well-equipped to tackle more advanced use cases.

What is an API?

Before we start coding, let‘s take a step back and define what an API is and how it works.

An API is a set of protocols and tools that specify how software components should interact with each other. In the context of web development, APIs typically provide a way for your application to communicate with an external service over HTTP.

APIs define a set of endpoints, which are URLs that your application can send requests to in order to retrieve or modify data. These endpoints usually accept specific HTTP methods, such as:

  • GET: Retrieves a resource
  • POST: Creates a new resource
  • PUT / PATCH: Updates an existing resource
  • DELETE: Deletes a resource

When you send a request to an API endpoint, you‘ll typically include any necessary parameters or authentication credentials in the URL query string, request headers, or request body. The API will then process your request and send back an HTTP response containing the requested data (usually in JSON format) along with a status code indicating whether the request was successful.

Choosing an API for Our Recipe App

For this tutorial, we‘ll be using the Spoonacular API to retrieve recipe data. Spoonacular provides a comprehensive database of over 365,000 recipes from various sources across the web.

To get started, head over to the Spoonacular website and sign up for a free account. Once you‘ve created an account, you‘ll be given an API key that you‘ll need to include in your requests to authenticate your application.

There are many other recipe APIs available, such as Edamam and Tasty. Feel free to explore other options and choose the one that best fits your needs. Just be sure to carefully review the API documentation to understand the available endpoints, request/response formats, and any usage limits or pricing tiers.

Setting Up the Project

With our API selected, let‘s set up a new React project for our recipe application. Open up your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to create the project. Then, run the following command:

npx create-react-app recipe-app
cd recipe-app

This will create a new React project in a folder called recipe-app and navigate you into that directory.

Next, we‘ll install Axios, a popular library for making HTTP requests in JavaScript. Axios provides a simple, promise-based interface for sending requests to API endpoints and handling responses.

npm install axios

Making API Requests

Now that our project is set up, let‘s start by making a simple API request to retrieve some recipe data. Open up the src/App.js file and import the Axios library at the top:

import axios from ‘axios‘;

Next, we‘ll set up some state variables to store the recipe data and any error messages that may occur:

const [recipes, setRecipes] = useState([]);
const [error, setError] = useState(null);

Now, let‘s define a function called fetchRecipes that will make a request to the Spoonacular API to retrieve a list of random recipes:

const fetchRecipes = async () => {
  try {
    const response = await axios.get(
        params: {
          number: 10,
          apiKey: ‘YOUR_API_KEY‘
  } catch (err) {
    setError(‘Failed to fetch recipes. Please try again.‘);

Be sure to replace YOUR_API_KEY with the actual API key you obtained from Spoonacular.

Let‘s break this down:

  • We‘re using the async/await syntax to make an asynchronous request to the /recipes/random endpoint of the Spoonacular API.
  • We pass an options object as the second argument to axios.get(), which includes the params property. This specifies any query parameters we want to include in the URL. Here, we‘re requesting 10 random recipes by setting number: 10.
  • If the request is successful, we extract the array of recipe objects from response.data.recipes and update our recipes state variable using the setRecipes function.
  • If an error occurs during the request, we catch it and update the error state variable with an appropriate error message.

Finally, let‘s call our fetchRecipes function when the component mounts by adding a useEffect hook:

useEffect(() => {
}, []);

Displaying the Recipe Data

Now that we‘ve successfully retrieved some recipe data from the API, let‘s display it in our component. Update the return statement of the App component to include the following:

return (

    {error && <p>{error}</p>}
      {recipes.map((recipe) => (
        <li key={recipe.id}>
          <p>Ready in {recipe.readyInMinutes} minutes</p>
          <img src={recipe.image} alt={recipe.title} />

This code does the following:

  • We display a heading for our list of random recipes.
  • If the error state variable is truthy (i.e., an error occurred during the API request), we display the error message.
  • We map over the recipes array and render an <li> element for each recipe. Each list item includes the recipe title, the time it takes to prepare the recipe (in minutes), and an image of the dish.

When you run the app, you should see a list of 10 random recipes displayed on the page!

Adding Search Functionality

Let‘s add a search bar that allows users to search for recipes by keyword. First, we‘ll add a new state variable to store the search query:

const [query, setQuery] = useState(‘‘);

Then, we‘ll add a form with an input field for the user to enter their search query:

<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
    onChange={(e) => setQuery(e.target.value)}
    placeholder="Search recipes..."
  <button type="submit">Search</button>

When the form is submitted, we‘ll call a handleSubmit function that sends a request to the Spoonacular API‘s complexSearch endpoint with the user‘s search query:

const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
  try {
    const response = await axios.get(
        params: {
          query: query,
          number: 10,
          apiKey: ‘YOUR_API_KEY‘
  } catch (err) {
    setError(‘No recipes found for that query. Please try again.‘);

This function is very similar to our fetchRecipes function, but instead of requesting random recipes, it sends the user‘s search query (query) as a parameter to the complexSearch endpoint.

Handling API Rate Limits

Most APIs have rate limits in place to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage across all users. The Spoonacular API allows for 150 requests per day on the free plan.

To avoid hitting these rate limits, it‘s important to be mindful of how often you‘re making requests to the API. Here are a few strategies you can use:

  • Cache API responses in memory or in local storage to avoid making redundant requests for the same data.
  • Debounce or throttle search input to avoid sending a new API request on every keystroke.
  • Use a client-side rate limiting library like axios-rate-limit to automatically limit the rate of requests.
  • Monitor your API usage and upgrade to a paid plan if you need to make more requests.

Additional Considerations

When building a production-ready application that relies on external APIs, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind:

Error Handling

In addition to handling errors that may occur during the API request itself, it‘s important to handle errors that may be returned by the API. Most APIs use HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request, and may also include additional error details in the response body.

Be sure to check the status code of the response and handle errors appropriately. For example:

try {
  const response = await axios.get(‘https://api.example.com/data‘);

  if (response.status === 200) {
  } else {
    setError(‘API returned an error. Please try again.‘);
} catch (err) {
  setError(‘Request failed. Please check your internet connection.‘);


When working with APIs, it‘s important to keep your API keys and other sensitive information secure. Never expose your API keys in client-side code or commit them to version control.

Instead, consider using environment variables or a server-side proxy to securely manage your API credentials. You can also use techniques like token-based authentication to ensure that only authorized users can access your application‘s data.


To ensure that your application performs well, it‘s important to optimize your API usage and minimize the amount of data transferred over the network. Some tips:

  • Use pagination or lazy loading to only request the data you need for the current view.
  • Compress response data using gzip or other compression algorithms.
  • Minimize the number of requests by batching related data into a single request.
  • Use caching headers to allow the browser to cache responses and avoid unnecessary requests.


Congratulations on making it to the end of this tutorial! You now have a solid understanding of how to use APIs in your React applications and build powerful, data-driven user interfaces.

Some key takeaways:

  • APIs allow your application to retrieve data from external services over HTTP
  • The Axios library provides a simple, promise-based interface for making API requests in JavaScript
  • React‘s component-based architecture and state management make it easy to display and update data retrieved from APIs
  • When working with APIs, it‘s important to handle errors, secure sensitive information, and optimize performance

I hope this tutorial has given you the knowledge and confidence to start integrating APIs into your own projects. Happy coding!

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