The Definitive Guide to Using Font Awesome Icons in React with react-icons

Icons are a key ingredient of modern web apps, providing both visual flair and important usability enhancements. When it comes to adding icons to a React project, the combination of the Font Awesome icon library and react-icons package is a powerful and popular choice. In this in-depth guide, we‘ll walk through everything you need to know to make the most of this icon combo in your React development.

Why Font Awesome and react-icons?

With over 1,500 free icons (and 7,500+ in the Pro version), Font Awesome is one of the most comprehensive and widely-used icon libraries available. Its icons are designed as scalable vector graphics, ensuring crisp rendering at any size. Font Awesome covers a huge range of categories and use cases, from directional arrows to file types to social media logos.

Meanwhile, react-icons is a convenient NPM package that includes Font Awesome and dozens of other popular icon libraries, preprocessed into React components. This makes it incredibly easy to import and use icons directly in your React code. react-icons is hugely popular, with over 1.7 million weekly downloads on NPM.

By combining Font Awesome‘s comprehensive icon selection with react-icons‘ ease of use, you can add icons to your React UI in a matter of minutes. Let‘s see how!

Installing react-icons

First, you‘ll need to install react-icons in your React project. You can do this using either NPM or Yarn:

npm install react-icons

# Yarn
yarn add react-icons

This will install the latest version of react-icons into your project‘s dependencies.

Importing Font Awesome Icons

With react-icons installed, you can now import individual Font Awesome icons into your React components. The import syntax follows this pattern:

import { FaIconName } from ‘react-icons/fa‘;

Here, FaIconName is the specific icon you want to use, with "Fa" indicating it‘s from Font Awesome. For example:

import { FaGithub } from ‘react-icons/fa‘;
import { FaRegStar } from ‘react-icons/fa‘; 
import { FaBars } from ‘react-icons/fa‘;

These lines would import the GitHub brand logo, a regular star icon, and a "bars" icon (often used for navigation menus), respectively.

Using Font Awesome Icons in JSX

After importing an icon, you can use it in your JSX just like any other React component:

const MyComponent = () => {
  return (
        <FaStar /> Welcome to my app! <FaStar />  
        <FaBars /> Menu
      <a href="">
        <FaGithub /> View on GitHub  

In this snippet, we‘re using Font Awesome icons in an <h1> title, a <button>, and a GitHub link. The icons will render inline with the surrounding text and elements.

Styling Font Awesome Icons

Since the Font Awesome icons imported via react-icons are React components, you can style them using standard React techniques like inline styles, CSS classes, and CSS-in-JS libraries.

For example, to set an icon‘s color and size with inline styles:

<FaStar style={{ color: ‘gold‘, fontSize: ‘1.5em‘ }} />

Or to apply an icon size via a CSS class:

<FaGithub className="large-icon" />

// In your CSS:
.large-icon {
  font-size: 3em;

You can also use more advanced styling techniques like styled-components or emotion to create reusable icon components with custom styling.

Real-World Icon Usage

Let‘s look at some examples of how you might use Font Awesome icons in common UI elements.

Icon Buttons

Icon buttons are a popular UI pattern that combines an icon with a clickable button. Here‘s how you could create an icon button component with react-icons and Font Awesome:

import React from ‘react‘;
import styled from ‘styled-components‘;
import { FaPlus } from ‘react-icons/fa‘;

const IconButton = styled.button`
  display: inline-flex;
  align-items: center;
  background: #007bff;
  color: white;
  border: none;
  border-radius: 4px;
  padding: 0.5em 1em;
  cursor: pointer;

  &:hover {
    background: #0056b3;

  svg {
    margin-right: 0.5em;

const AddButton = () => {
  return (
      <FaPlus /> Add Item

This <IconButton> component uses styled-components to create a reusable button with an icon. The <FaPlus> icon is rendered inline with the "Add Item" text, with some margin for spacing.

Form Inputs

You can also use Font Awesome icons inside form inputs to provide visual clarity. Here‘s an example of a search input with a magnifying glass icon:

import { FaSearch } from ‘react-icons/fa‘;

const SearchInput = () => {
  return (
    <div style={{ position: ‘relative‘ }}>
        style={{ paddingLeft: ‘2em‘ }}
          position: ‘absolute‘,
          top: ‘50%‘,
          left: ‘0.5em‘,
          transform: ‘translateY(-50%)‘,
          color: ‘gray‘,

Here, we position the <FaSearch> icon inside the <input> using absolute positioning. This creates the appearance of the icon being part of the input, while still allowing the user to type in the input normally.

Card Components

Icons can also enhance card-style components by providing visual indicators of key information or actions. Here‘s a simple example of a card component with a "like" action using the <FaHeart> icon:

import { FaHeart } from ‘react-icons/fa‘;

const Card = ({ title, description, liked, onLike }) => {
  return (
    <div style={{ border: ‘1px solid #ccc‘, borderRadius: ‘4px‘, padding: ‘1em‘ }}>
      <button onClick={onLike}>
        <FaHeart style={{ color: liked ? ‘red‘ : ‘gray‘ }} /> {liked ? ‘Liked!‘ : ‘Like‘}

This <Card> component renders a heart icon that fills in red when the card is "liked". Clicking the like button toggles the liked state, which is a handy way to provide visual feedback to user interactions.

Performance Considerations

When using icons in a React app, it‘s important to consider performance implications. While icons are generally small in file size, using a large number of them can still negatively impact your app‘s bundle size and loading speed.

Thankfully, react-icons makes it easy to optimize icon usage for performance:

  • Only import the icons you need, rather than the entire Font Awesome library. This is the default behavior with react-icons – icons are only added to your bundle if you explicitly import them.

  • Consider using a tool like Babel Plugin Transform React Inline Elements to transform your icon elements into inline SVGs at compile time. This can reduce the number of DOM nodes and improve rendering speed.

  • If you‘re using a large number of icons, consider splitting them into separate lazy-loaded components to avoid increasing your main bundle size.

By being mindful of how you import and render icons, you can enjoy the benefits of a rich icon library without sacrificing app performance.


When using icons in your UI, it‘s crucial to ensure they are accessible to all users, including those using assistive technologies like screen readers. Here are some tips for accessible icon usage:

  • Always provide a text alternative for icons. If an icon is used as a standalone control (like a button), provide a descriptive aria-label. If an icon is decorative or redundant with adjacent text, use aria-hidden="true" to hide it from assistive technologies.

    // Standalone icon button
    <button aria-label="Add item">
      <FaPlus />
    // Icon with visible text
      <FaPlus aria-hidden="true" /> Add Item
  • Ensure icon controls have sufficient color contrast against their background. The WCAG 2.1 guidelines recommend a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 for non-text elements.

  • Provide a large enough clickable area for icon buttons and controls. A minimum of 44×44 pixels is recommended to ensure easy targetting, especially on mobile devices.

By following these accessibility guidelines, you can ensure your icon-enhanced UI is usable and understandable for all users.

Font Awesome and Other Icon Library Options

While we‘ve focused on Font Awesome in this guide, react-icons provides access to many other popular icon libraries, each with their own visual style and icon selection. Some notable options include:

  • Material Design icons (import { MdIconName } from ‘react-icons/md‘): Google‘s official open-source icon set, designed for use with their Material Design system.

  • Ionicons (import { IoIconName } from ‘react-icons/io‘): A beautifully crafted set of open-source MIT-licensed icons, created by the Ionic Framework team.

  • Feather (import { FeIconName } from ‘react-icons/fe‘): A set of simply beautiful open-source icons, designed for simplicity and flexibility.

  • Simple Icons (import { SiIconName } from ‘react-icons/si‘): Over 1,900 free SVG icons of popular brands, maintained by the community.

You can mix and match icons from different libraries as needed, or stick with a single library for visual consistency. react-icons also supports several other libraries, including Ant Design, Bootstrap, and Heroicons – check the react-icons docs for a full list.

Choosing an icon library ultimately depends on your project‘s design language and icon requirements. Font Awesome is a great general-purpose option thanks to its breadth and popularity, but don‘t be afraid to explore other options!

Font Awesome Pro and Licensing

Font Awesome offers a Pro version with over 7,500 icons and additional styles (like duotone icons). While the basic Font Awesome icon set is free to use, the Pro icons require a paid license.

When using Font Awesome, it‘s important to respect their licensing terms. The free icons are licensed under the Font Awesome Free License, which generally allows free use with attribution. If you use the Pro icons, you must have an active Font Awesome Pro license and adhere to its terms.

Luckily, when using Font Awesome via react-icons, you don‘t need to worry about licensing for the free icons – react-icons takes care of the attribution requirement. However, if you use Pro icons, you‘ll still need a Pro license from Font Awesome.

A New Icon in Town: Font Awesome 6

In late 2021, Font Awesome released version 6 of their iconic icon library. This major update brought some exciting changes:

  • New Icon Categories: FA6 introduced several new styles, including thin and sharp icons. These new styles provide even more visual flexibility.

  • More Icons: FA6 also added hundreds of new icons, bringing the total count to over 1,600 in the free set and over 7,800 in the Pro version.

  • New Icon Naming: Some icon names were updated in FA6 to be more consistent and intuitive. For example, fa-bar-chart is now fa-chart-bar.

  • Vue 3 Compatibility: The official Font Awesome Vue component was updated to support Vue 3, making it easier to use Font Awesome in Vue apps.

Luckily, react-icons quickly updated to support Font Awesome 6, so you can use the new icons and styles just by updating your react-icons version. However, be sure to update any icon names that changed in your code.


In this comprehensive guide, we‘ve covered everything you need to know to effectively use Font Awesome icons in your React projects via the react-icons package. From installation to importing and styling icons to performance and accessibility considerations, you now have the knowledge to wield icons with confidence.

As Edward Tufte said, "Graphical excellence is that which gives to the viewer the greatest number of ideas in the shortest time with the least ink in the smallest space." By leveraging the power of Font Awesome and react-icons, you can create graphically excellent React UIs that communicate key ideas and actions at a glance.

So go forth and make your apps more iconic! Whether you‘re building a complex dashboard or a simple form, a well-placed icon can make all the difference in your UI‘s clarity and usability. And with react-icons and Font Awesome in your toolkit, adding icons to React has never been easier.

Happy icon-ing!

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